Make your garden beautiful – 10 practical ideas for your own landscaping

Your home may be your castle, but instead of surrounding it with a moat, you can make your garden beautiful. Discover our useful tips to add warmth, color and texture to the place you love. From flowering shrubs to planting annuals to protecting your garden from pests, there are many beautiful and wonderful ways to make your home inviting and attractive.

How can I make a small garden beautiful?

Among the bestLandscaping ideasincludes using planters and baskets to create more height and spaces where you can sit, relax and enjoy drinks and company. Each of these garden design suggestions is both attractive and functional.

So let your imagination spark. Then use our best landscaping ideas to create stunning small gardens that you can treasure for years to come. Regardless of whether it is a small courtyard or a larger garden area, you will find useful tips here.

First and foremost, try greeting your guests with flowers. The flowers always make your home look more inviting. You can beautifully arrange your outdoor space by first decorating the entrance with various annuals and perennials. This will keep your home colorful and pleasant looking all year round. Petunias, snapdragons, African blue lilies and roses are great additions to get you started on the scene.

If you only have a small distance between your house and the street, build a low fence in front of the yard. This little trick gives the illusion that your home is further away from the road than it actually is. This is also great for planting flowers and vines. Maybe there's something in the idea for a white palisade fence after all.

Plant creeping plants such as vines

Another way to make the most of your garden landscape is to plant beautiful, sprawling vines. There's nothing more gorgeous or romantic than deep green vines twining around fences and pillars, especially if you've selected a delicate, flowering varietal. Clematis or clematis is one of the showiest vines available and would look great if you want to beautifully landscape your garden. The variety offers flowers in blue, purple, red, pink or white. However, we recommend growing this versatile vine along a fence, on a trellis, or in a container. Otherwise, you can let these roam and climb over your shrubs and perennials for a laissez-faire garden style.

You can plant clematis in fall and spring because these are good times with cooler weather. How do you grow clematis? This plant thrives primarily in fertile, loose and well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. It likes cool roots, so plant the clematis where the leaves get sun but the roots remain shaded. How do you fertilize the clematis?

Feed your plants monthly in spring and summer with an organic fertilizer for roses or tomatoes. When should you prune the clematis? Some species bloom on new shoots and some on old trees. When purchasing, ask what type you have and when you should prune it. Local garden centers usually have a large selection in the spring.

Make your garage entrance chic

Do you live in a house with a garage? Then you can also decorate your driveway if you want to spice up the garden area. By carefully modeling the landscape and choosing the right plants and materials, you can hide an unattractive driveway. With just a few steps, you can transform this unassuming part of your home into a gardener's paradise. Start by creating a slightly raised island of grass in the middle of the drive.

This means that a garden slope can also be beautifully designed. Then add a low boxwood hedge towards the back of the island. You can embellish these with roses, annuals and perennials that rise above the front of the hedge. Combine a variety of colors, textures and heights for a great look. Try roses for slope, dog ears for texture, and French rose for color.

Arrange your outdoor area stress-free

When we talk about a restless, resilient plant, we think of the Asian hook lilies. They resist drought, require no fertilizer, and thrive during the hot, humid summer with lily-like flowers that pleasantly perfume the air. Because they grow into huge bulbs over time, they are virtually indestructible. If you need a low-maintenance, hard-hitting flower, this type of lily is for you. They come in a range of rainbow colors and will ensure your garden is decorated in your favorite vibrant colours.

These plants like sun and don't care much about the type of soil they grow in. We actually wish there were more systems that were so easy to maintain. So why will you love the Asiatic lily? Fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers in many colors appear in spring, summer or autumn. How can you grow this plant variety? Most prefer at least five hours of sun a day. They are not picky about the soil. However, most are best suited to growing areas such as coasts and the tropical south. However, you can plant some a little further north.

Keep rodents or deer away

To prevent your flowers from being devoured by deer or other rodents, one of the most unpleasant of all gardening accidents, choose flowers that are considered delightful by humans and repulsive by animals. This is actually not as hard as you might imagine.

We recommend that you choose perennials such as tuberous milkweed, milk thistle, buddleia or even purple cornflower. The pests won't touch them, and at the end of the day you'll still have a flower bed full of beautiful leaves and flowers. You can find any of these varieties at garden centers, but be sure to plant them in well-drained soil.

Create a vertical mini garden

You probably also want to arrange multi-dimensional small garden areas. Why should you even bother with one?one-dimensional landscape designsatisfy? Easily add beautiful, eye-catching layers to your backyard with vertically raised planters and hanging baskets. This strategy creates a spacious, visual effect with minimal effort. Adding such elements and hanging flower pots creates a sea of ​​beautiful colors from high to low.

The visual effect gives the impression that waves of flowers are rising and falling in your garden. If you want to create an immersive escape, this is a foolproof way to get started. As an added bonus, plants love the good drainage and aeration that planters should provide. However, each basket should contain a maximum of three types of plants, such as something hanging over the edges. Such are the begonias and the colorful sage. A denser plant, rather than something that piles up and fills, is also suitable. Coleus and a large, showy center variety, such as purple club lily, are good options.

Plant flowering shrubs

If you ask anyone the easiest way to transform the look of your living space, they will definitely tell you: with flowers. Blooming flowers, shrubs and trees make an incredible impact in a yard and you can add color in just a single step. For a bigger effect, we recommend the Chinese viburnum, which we think is one of the showiest shrubs of spring. Clusters of white flowers, 15 to 20 cm in diameter, decorate the branches in late spring.

It is a pleasure to the eye to look at them. The plant grows large and you can watch it grow from 3 to 6 meters tall and wide. By the way, although the plant looks like a hydrangea, it is actually a different type of plant. The best place to plant is to choose a prominent location where there is room for growth. Position these in partial shade and in fertile, well-drained soil. If necessary, prune shortly after flowering in spring.

Hide external structures in the garden area

Sheds, garages and outdoor workspaces aren't always the most attractive accents to your carefully designed garden landscape. Simultaneously hide these structures and make the most of these spaces by using them as a backdrop for a beautiful display of plants and flowers. Add brackets and a wooden plank to create a shelf on the outside of a structure above the entryway or windows.

For example, place lightweight fiberglass planters with flowers on top to hide the structure and add a natural feel to the entryway. Potted ferns make great additions to the base of the structure and add an earthy accent to the threshold. Additionally, placing plants closer to the walls of the building will also appear as a seamless addition to the green space.

Plan an outdoor focal point

Simultaneously create a garden paradise, retreat and oasis in your garden by creating criss-crossing paths, meandering streams, inspiring views and hidden spaces. Design small havens where people can meet for a drink, and try to mix formal with informal to stimulate visual excitement. With every bend in the path you can design the vignette in the garden beautifully and cheaply.

You can also get creative and save the largest focal point, such as a plant wall, fountain, statue or bench, for the furthest spot in your garden instead of placing it right next to the house. How to create your own secret garden just steps from your front door.

Enjoy colors all year round

The moment flowers bloom with their vibrant blooms is one of the most exciting times for gardeners, or anyone who has a garden or passes by one. One great thing about gardening is that we can be treated to colorful flowers, leaves or berries no matter the season.

We cultivate plants that thrive during the summer or mild winter and look great all year round. They make fantastic additions to our flower beds, and we love the accent they provide to our porches, our mailboxes, our flower beds, and our backyards. For this reason, look for the following plants each season:

Seasonal flowers

Spring: Azaleas, narcissus, forsythia, mandevilla, dogwood, wisteria, irises, peony.
Summer: hydrangeas, daylilies, gardenias, Asian hook lilies, lantanas, crepe myrtles, jewelweed, zinnias.
Fall: Pansies, aster, sugar maple, fall-blooming camellia, holly, fall crocus, chrysanthemums.
Winter: coral pod, blue spruce, amaryllis, lenten rose, rosemary, magnolia, ornamental quince, crocus.