The color blue occurs quite rarely in natural form in flowers. That is also the reason why it is so sought after and in demand. There are a number of perennial species that meet this criterion. So if you are looking for blue-flowering perennials, you will quickly find them and can decorate your garden in a special way. Depending on the variety, they can bloom in spring, autumn or summer. To give you an overview, we have put together some blue-flowering perennials for the garden and planters in the form of a list and explain the respective requirements in terms of location and care. This will definitely make your choice easier.
Blue-flowering perennials – or are they purple?
If you visit more oftenFlowers with blue petalsIf you're looking for flowers, you've probably noticed that some flower colors are described as blue, even though they're actually more purple. There is a specific reason for this: blue flowering plants are more likely to be found in mountainous landscapes. This is because the cool climate allows the blue dye, so to speak. If the same plant were in a warmer place, this same blue pigment would change color due to the higher temperature. Heat increases the red content. So don't be surprised if the type of perennial you choose in stores or later in your garden is not as bright blue as in photos on the Internet. The color fades and changes to purple, purple or blue-violet. Nevertheless, they are considered blue-flowering perennials.
We have put together a selection of beautiful perennials with blue flowers for you below. There are both the classics like the sage or the bellflower, as well as species that you may not have heard of. Some are bluer than others, but that doesn't detract from their splendor. Depending on the species, blue-flowering perennials also have different flowering times and heights, so you can have severalCombine specimens in your gardento enjoy blue flowers all season long.
Ornamental sage(Salvia)
There are numerous varieties of sage today thanks to breeding. This means that the ornamental sage can vary greatly in its growth height and also in its flowering period (between May and October). Depending on what you prefer for your garden, it is best to find out about suitable blue-flowering perennials in stores or at the tree nursery. Overall, the plants are drought tolerant and love the sun. Also make sure the soil is permeable to avoid waterlogging.
Late autumn sage(Salvia azurea var. grandiflora)
We would still like to introduce you to a specific type of sage because of its beautiful blue color. As the name suggests, flowering takes place in autumn, but can also begin as early as August. In addition, the plant smells wonderful and attracts plenty of bees. The height is approx. one meter. Ideal for the middle areas or back edges of the bed where you want to use blue-flowering perennials.
The colors blue and violet are typical of the cranesbill and appear as flowers between May and October, depending on the variety, which makes it a true continuous bloomer. Choose onesunny to partially shaded locationwith nutrient-rich soil in which the 35 cm high, purple and blue flowering perennial can develop freely.
Lavender(Washing her)
This classic, which you can find in many sunny and especiallyMediterranean gardensfinds. The typically MediterraneanPlant needs a location, which corresponds to that of their homeland. That means not only a lot of sun but also a lot of sundry and well-drained soil. It is also important to prune correctly, either immediately after flowering, which occurs between July and September, or in spring with new growth. There are lavender varieties that appear more like blue-flowering perennials than others in terms of color.
Monkshood(Aconite carmichaelii)
One of the classic blue perennials is without a doubt monkshood. No wonder, because he is truly remarkable in many ways. Since it blooms at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, i.e. in September and October, it represents the perfect contrast to the other types of flowers that also bloom at this time, but in typical warm autumn colors. Monkshood thrives in shade and partial shade, where it needs normally moist soil. It only needs to be fertilized once a year. If you want tall blue-flowering perennials, monkshood with its 110 to 150 meter high stems may be just the thing for you.
Caution: Monkshood is poisonous!
Caucasusforget-me-nots(Brunnera macrophylla)
This pretty plant impresses even when it is not in bloom. Because the large, heart-shaped and green-white leaves are a real eye-catcher at any time. During flowering in April or May, tiny, delicate flowers in a light blue color decorate the surrounding area, creating a contrast to the lush foliage. They are low-growing and hardy, blue-flowering perennials with a maximum height of 30 to 40 cm.
Spring Memorial(Omphalodes verna)
These delicate perennials like shady to semi-shady locations. It then blooms between March and May in a pretty shade of blue. The memorial plant is very popular as a ground cover because it grows to a height of only 15 cm. Perfect for anyone looking for blue flowering perennials for rock gardens or to fill gaps.
Low bellflower(Campanula cochlearifolia)
The pretty, blue flowers are bells that appear between June and July and hang singly on thin stems. The 10 cmtall perennialsare the perfect ground cover for sunny to partially shaded locations and normal to dry soils. Watering is moderate.
Small Garden Man Litter(Eryngium)
What makes garden man litter so popular, apart from its color, is the fact that it can be dried wonderfully and used as a dried flower. The blue flowers, which appear on equally blue stems between June and September, are spherical and spiky in appearance. With its 70 cm height, the blue-flowering plant is wonderful for medium-sized plantsareasuse in the bed.
Common liverwort(Hepatic noble)
If you like small and delicate flowers, you can also choose the beautiful liverwort. Since it comes from the forests of Europe, it is also wonderfully suitable for shady and semi-shady locations with a woody character. It is a spring flower that blooms in March and April.
Armenian Carpet Honorary Prize(Veronica Armenian)
Dry soil in a sunny place is the ideal place for blue-flowering perennials of this type. The plant, which comes from Armenia and Asia, produces small but lush inflorescences in blue or purple between April and June. With its 10 cm height, it is perfect as a ground cover and, thanks to its heat tolerance, can also decorate rock gardens in the sun.
Tall bearded iris(The bearded rainbow)
From white to purple and blue to two-tone versions, the bearded iris has it all. The “Princesse Carol de Monaco” is particularly similar to a shade of blue. This blooms in May and prefers a sunny spot in the garden with dry soil, where it not only attracts attention due to its magnificent flowers, but also attracts everyone's attention thanks to its height of one meter.
Heart-leaved ball flower(Globularia cordifolia)
The globe flower is a plant that is ideal as a ground cover due to its low height of 10 cm. From May to July, pretty, spherical flowers decorate the garden and contrast with the evergreen leaves. Find a sunny or at least partially shaded and not too humid location and water moderately. This also applies if you want to grow the ball flower in a pot. It is perfect for rock gardens and similar garden elements.
Large garden oxtongue(Anchusa azure)
This summer-flowering perennial towers 100 cm above any flower bed and impresses with deep blue to purple flowers that can be expected between May and July. If you are looking for blue-flowering perennials for a sunny location, you can't go wrong with this one. Since it prefers dry soil and frequent watering is therefore not necessary, the garden oxtongue is also very easy to care for.
Blue dyer pod(Baptisia australis)
It's not just the purple or blue flowers of this impressive perennial that are admirable. Also worth mentioning are the leaves, which turn yellow in autumn. In this way, you can add a little color to your garden after the flowering period from June to August. The dyer's pods are blue-flowering perennials that prefer a sunny location and normal soil. The plants grow to a height of approximately one meter.
African lily(Agapanthus)
The wonderful African lily is a non-hardy perennial and is therefore also used for planting in pots and decorating terraces or balconies. In addition to blue, white, purple and dark purple are the typical flower colors, while the leaves can be evergreen or summer green depending on the varietyshape and colordifferentiate. The perennial, which comes from Africa, likes it sunny, warm and protected from the wind. Water moderately, as the plants can easily tolerate dry periods. However, it cannot tolerate too much water. From a temperature of minus 5 degrees, blue-flowering perennials of this type have to go into winter quarters.
The pretty lobelias are also not hardy. Nevertheless, they are very popular with gardeners as they are quite easy to care for and are a real feast for the eyes with their beautiful blue flowers. They need regular fertilizer and plenty of water, but not waterlogging. Wilted flowers should also be removed. This pruning ensures new shoots and a second flowering until autumn.
Hydrangeas are not naturally blue at all. They aren't really bred blue either. Turning them into blue-flowering perennials requires a certain trick. The soil in which theHydrangea cared forwill and grows, kept acidic. Potassium alum is also necessary. The plant is supplied with both with the help of fertilizer. Hydrangeas are also suitable for both the garden and planters and require plenty of water and fertilizer. Pruning in spring encourages lush flowering.
Bartblume(Caryopteris x clandonensis)
We admit that the bearded flower is actually not a perennial, but rather a subshrub. Nevertheless, we would like to introduce it to you because it is easy to care for and beautiful and howPerennials in the gardencan be used. Beard flowers are purple to blue blooming, hardy perennials. Because of the fragrant flowers, many insects are attracted. The flowering period is expected from July to September. If you want to decorate your rock garden with it, you are making exactly the right choice because the plant loves the sun and dry soil. Accordingly, it does not require a lot of water and fertilizer. If you are looking for blue flowers that are hardy and easy to care for at the same time, the bearded flower is exactly the right choice.
Hardly any hobby gardener knows this classic blue-flowering perennial. There are numerous colors and nuances in this beauty, including the beautiful blue. The delphinium needs a sunny spot, although loamy soil is preferred. It should also be rich in nutrients. A cut back after the firstFlowering encourages a second. Division is also recommended in late summer or spring at the latest. Also protect the plant from slugs and mildew.
Jacob's ladder(Polemonium blue)
The penumbra makes Jacob's ladder happy. It is watered moderately. However, during dry periods in summer, the water addition should be increased to prevent drying out. With this plant, too, pruning after the first flowering will encourage another, but it will not be as lush as the first. Jacob's ladder spreads quickly with the help of seeds, which you can also prevent by cutting back in time. The flowering period is from June to July.
Although the aster is more purple, there are also varieties that lean more towards blue. It is an inAutumn flowering plant, which has its flowering period in September and October. The perfect choice if you still value floral splendor. Asters grow up to 150 cm high and prefer a sunny location with normal soil. There you can combine them with other autumn bloomers, which usually have warm colors, to create interesting contrasts in the garden. You get with the asters as wellblue flowering perennials that are hardy and oursGet through winter without any problems.