Garden Trends 2023: Gardeners shouldn't leave out these 6 popular garden design directions!

Gardeners strive to give their outdoor spaces, balconies and homes an aesthetic that makes them happy. The Garden Trends 2023, which are based on gardener requests, also focus on environmentally friendly gardening. Green-fingered enthusiasts will be using innovative sustainable techniques this year to try to attract more wildlife and have more water after a summer of drought.

1. Create a regenerative garden

Creating the right habitat for wildlife to find shelter and food is critical, but in 2023, experts predict that more gardeners will “look for eco-friendly wood-based compost alternatives.” Comfrey and winter beans can be grown as green manure to provide nitrogen and othersNutrients in the soilto fix and provide habitat and food for wild animals. Comfrey can be grown and used directly as mulch or made into a sustainable liquid feed to support the growth of newly planted plants.

2. Garden Trends 2023: climate-resilient gardens

After the heat and drought of summer, gardeners will be looking for ways to future-proof their spaces for a more extreme climate. Gravel gardens and xeriscaping (gardens designed to minimize future watering) will be popular, but a changing climate doesn't have to mean a completely different look for gardens. There are a few options gardeners can make to get the same feel, including fragrant Choisya for hydrangeas and Phygelius for fuchsia.

3. Herb gardens will be popular as always

Fresh herbs from the garden are an absolute must for every kitchen gardener.Herbs are onecheap and easy way for people to add extra flavor to meals. Most herbs are easy to grow from seed, a further cost saving, and can be sown indoors from March to April and outdoors from April to August. Many culinary herbs are hardy and perennial and get better every year.

4. Cottage gardens are popular

The garden trends for 2023 include cottage gardens. They often include close planting to create a sea of ​​colorful blooms. This romantic planting style features colorful and fragrant blooms that burst from garden beds. A bit of whimsy is also welcome – cottage gardens are known to contain elements such as wheelbarrows, bicycles and other found objects that gardeners cleverly use as containers for plants.

Some of our favorite plants for cottage gardens:

Leek.With their spherical heads that float above a sea of ​​leaves, leeks bring a reliable splash of color to garden beds.
Dianthus. This sprawling genus has annual, biennial and perennial varieties, making Dianthus a great choice for any garden.
yarrow. Drought tolerant and known for being easy to grow, yarrow produces many stems with beautiful umbels in a variety of colors.

5. Foliage plants for texture in the garden

Ferns, with their intricate fronds, are just one of many plants with texture that add interest to a garden. For many experienced gardeners, foliage has always been the focus. Aside from the variety of colors you get from the leavesget a plantGardeners have fun adding depth and complexity to their gardens and containers by incorporating foliage in a variety of textures.

With the contrast of different textures, the composition will seem extraordinary. Here are some ways you can use texture to give your garden an extraordinary look:

Improve the sense of touch.Whether you're walking on soft moss, rubbing the leaves of fluffy lamb's ears, or running your hands along the tips of delicate stems of ornamental grasses, touching and feeling plants takes a gardening experience to the next level.
Make the most of the light.When choosing plants for your space, consider where the sunlight will hit and how you can use it to your advantage. Dull leaves do not reflect light as well as shiny leaves.
Enrich visual interest.Different textures can add complexity to a composition. For example, a few ferns among clusters of hostas give the eye something to stop and look at.

6. Use of natural materials

The increasing interest in creating calm, peaceful spaces has led to increasing usenatural materials for gardensled. We are pleased that natural stone paths are winning the hearts of gardeners again. Rustic stone paths paved with small stones or stepping stones make us watch our steps and slow down our pace. They give us time to appreciate the garden. And in a world full of to-do lists and a constant flood of information, what could be better?

Also read:Garden trends for 2024: What no garden should be without!