You have noticed ants in the raised bed and are wondering whether they are good or bad for the plants. When it comes to insects, opinions differ. Some amateur gardeners see them as useful, others want to combat them.
In which cases are ants useful in raised beds?
Ants are useful helpers for hobby gardeners. Insects fulfill several important functions in raised beds:
- They promote the decomposition of dead plant parts such as shoots and fallen leaves. Then you put them into the soil and thereby improve it.
- They loosen the soil and improve drainage. Ants are particularly useful for clay soils. They dig complicated tunnel systems that loosen it up. This allows the plants to root through the raised bed and absorb water from the lower soil layers even in dry conditions.
- They eatPests such as caterpillars, which can affect the plants in raised beds. The control occurs completely naturally and the use of pesticides is not necessary.
- Ants carry the seeds of the plants and allow them to spread naturally in raised beds.
If the number of ants is not too large, you don't have to drive them away. However, things look different if the...Insects have their nest in the raised bed. Then problems can arise.
In which cases do you have to do something against the ants?
But ants can also damage plants. You should drive away the insects in the following cases:
- Ants can promote aphid infestation. This is because they feed on the sticky substance that aphids leave behind on leaves and shoots. The ants therefore protect their food source from predators such as beetles and contribute to the problem. This often enables neighboring plants to be infested. So if you notice aphids on the plants in the raised bed, you should also get rid of the ants.
- Large numbers of ants can also create a tunnel system that weakens the roots and diverts rain and irrigation water. It may be that some plants in the bed evaporate while others rot.
How can you fight or get rid of ants in raised beds?
The good news: since ants are considered beneficial insects in the garden, you don't have to fight the insects. You can get rid of them with some clever tricks. The first step is to find the nest. It can, but does not necessarily have to be in the raised bed. Ants build their nests in sunny and dry places in the garden. The joints of the paving stones, a sunny rock garden or a sunny corner in the raised bed are ideal for this. If you can't find the nest, just follow an ant trail.
Be sure to combat fire ants and carpenter ants
The native ant species are not dangerous to people or animals. However, there are two types of ants that you should definitely fight. The representatives of the only species of fire ant that is widespread in this country are golden brown and have poisonous stingers. Fortunately, they are not dangerous for people or animals, but the stings can trigger allergic reactions. The bites of the large black carpenter ants, on the other hand, are painful. The two species are therefore considered pests, especially because they can damage wood. The carpenter ants often find their way into the house and settle there. To prevent this, you should fight them. The quickest way to do this is with hot water. Boil at least 5 liters of water and pour it directly onto the nest early in the morning, preferably between 5 and 6 a.m. The boiling water will kill the insects and their eggs. A negative side effect: the plants that grow in the immediate vicinity of the nest will die.
Get rid of ants in raised beds with a trick
You don't have to fight the other types of ants, you can also drive them away.
Once you have found the nest, you can drive the ants away with regular “showers”. To do this, simply water the nest generously with water several times a day. Repeat this process for a week - the ants will then move out.
Another variant is to make it easier for the ants to move. To do this, simply fill an old clay pot with straw and dry, sandy soil and then place it directly next to the nest. Then it’s time to wait and see. The clay pot, which gradually releases heat in the evening, is a better home for the insects and they will be happy to leave their old nest and move into their new home. Then place the pot in a far away, sunny corner.