Painting tree trunks can be a time-honored method of protection, as well as whitewashing and caring for young trees. If cracks or holes appear in the bark, it puts stress on the tree and creates weak pointsfor pests and diseases. White latex paint can prevent the bark from splintering and breaking off. Splitting can occur when the tree is exposed to freezing evening temperatures followed by a daytime thaw. For example, a painted tree trunk can help reflect sunlight during the day and keep the tree warmer at night. Here you can find some useful tips and information in this regard.
Young trees lime in spring or autumn
Similar to wooden furniture, the fruit trees in the garden benefit greatly from a lime color. You can usually use these around the entire tree trunk, especially on young trees. It also provides functional protection against frost during the cooler winter months. There are several reasons why gardeners lime trees to prevent ants, or to protect the tree bark and to increase fruit yields. Trees are amazingly adaptable and strong. They offer protection and a variety of other benefits. Young trees need time to become strong and robust. However, these plants also need a little help to survive the first few years. So you're wondering why liming trees could be useful. Painting tree trunks has multiple purposes and can help protect saplings and very young trees from a variety of damage. Learn how to paint tree bark to minimize insects, sun, and cracked, damaged bark.
So the main purpose is to prevent the delicate new bark from cracking and splitting, which can expose the tree to disease, insects and fungi. It is also helpful in preventing insect infestations and stopping some borers this way. Sunny days and cold nights also create the perfect conditions for damage. When the warm sun hits the tree's bare trunk, the plant cells become more active than the cold roots. When stem water is required that cannot be provided by the roots, the stem plant cells begin to wither from drought. This appears to cause the trunk to become sunburned with a cracked and dry surface. Applying lime paint to the trunk before the cold winter nights return provides the tree with a protective solar barrier to prevent cracking between the extremes of day and night temperatures.
Limed fruit tree as protection against pests and diseases
Before liming trees in summer, the high temperatures can cause cracks that allow pathogens and pests to get inside. Bacteria and fungi take this opportunity to feed and multiply as the tree succumbs to death and stunted growth. However, a thick whitewash prevents access to the inside of the trunk.The use of such a coatingdirectly on fruits and not just on the trunk is a practical solution against diseases and pests. Which trees do you lime in spring? Since this method does not damage the crop, you can also cover each fruit from fruit trees with kaolin until it is ready to harvest.
The right product for painting tree bark like this is water-based latex paint. It is best to dilute this lime coating and mix it with four to five liters of water. One study found that a full strength application provides the best protection against borers. Another formula is one-third each water, latex paint, and caulk, which is useful for suntan protection. However, never use oil-based paint because it prevents the tree from breathing. If you don't want rodents like rabbits to nibble on your young trees, it's best to also add a repellent to the white paint.
Liming trees – recipe and application
The lime paint is usually homemade with simple ingredients. Such a basic mixture consists of a ratio of water to white latex paint inside of 3:1. Hydrated lime combined with salt and water in different ratios can also be used as an effective whitewash. An alternative coating, called kaolin, is a clay mixed with water that allows you to create the necessary protective layer for the tree trunk. However, regardless of the ingredients, all lime paints require a relatively thick consistency in order to be easily brushed onto the surface without dripping onto the floor. You can also make a suitable lime paint that produces enough material to treat some trees. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 kg of table salt in 12 liters of water and then slowly stir in 4.5 kg of hydrated lime.
So you can use an interior white or light latex paint to cover vulnerable tree trunks. However, some exterior latex paints contain antimicrobial ingredients that are potentially harmful to trees. For this reason, you should check the contents before using such a product. Oil paints are not suitable when liming trees as they can damage the bark and wood. However, you can dilute latex paints so that they contain equal parts paint and water. Although the south and west sides of the tree are generally the only parts that are vulnerable, all sides are painted for uniformity. You can apply white paint with a brush, a cloth or a sprayer. The lime paint should cover the area on the trunk that extends from the ground to at least 45 cm upwards. However, do not whitewash trees that are less than two years old.
How can you lime trees?
While some experts believe that only interior paint should be used, others recommend the opposite. In reality, however, either should work well as long as it's latex paint you use for it. Also note that some paints contain additives that can be harmful to plants, as mentioned above. It's best to check this beforehand. In fact, finding an organic-based paint can eliminate this concern. In addition to white, you can use any other light color and achieve the same results. Just stay away from the darker tones as they will absorb heat, causing further damage from sunlight. Once you have your color mixture ready, the best method of application is with a brush.
Tests show that spraying does not provide adequate protection and does not adhere well to the bark. A single layer is usually sufficient in all but the most severe conditions. Painting tree trunks white is a simple and fairly non-toxic way to protect your plant from various problems. The process is simple, inexpensive and only needs to be done once a year in extreme weather zones. Maintaining the coating on the tree trunk in the spring will help keep the tree cool. Similar to people wearing white clothing on a hot day, whitewashing reflects sunlight and heat, allowing the tree's foliage to focus on transpiration and fruit development. A cooler tree is less stressed and can keep its stomata open longer for gas exchange. In addition, more carbon dioxide gives the tree more energy for vegetative and fruitful growth.
Additional protection
To increase the protective effect of the lime paint, you can also use glued beams to protect the trunk and lower branches of a tree from sunlight. They are sometimes considered more attractive and are therefore more suitable than lime paint for residential landscapes. In late fall, you can place the wrapping material around the tree trunk, overlapping the material by about a third. The wrapping should extend from the soil surface to just above the lowest branches and be taped to itself to stay in place. You can then remove the tree covering in the spring as soon as the tree has leaves. Check and replace the wrapping regularly, as leaving glue on a tree trunk for too long can girdle the tree or pests. Protective devices can also be installed around the tree trunks. These prevent mechanical injuries. Depending on the type, these can also offer protection from sunlight.
Following certain tree selection and care practices will help minimize the potential for damage. This can even make painting or whitewashing with lime paint unnecessary. For example, choose plants that are well suited to the specific site conditions and plant new trees to align them the way they were previously grown.
For example, drought-stressed trees are more susceptible to sun injury than other varieties. Therefore, water the trees deeply if there is insufficient rain. Cover the tree's root system with a 3-inch layer of organic biomass or compost to maintain moisture around the root system. Finally, gradually thin a dense canopy or plum to reduce the size of the tree over several years and avoid a drastic, sudden increase in the amount of light reaching the tree trunk.