A particularly important part of autumn fruit tree care is liming. The tree's bark is its protective layer. That is why it is so important to protect them from adverse external influences, especially in the cold season. You can find out when and how to paint the tree trunk white in this article.
Sun, rain, wind and frost cause cracks in the bark, making the tree vulnerable not only to pests but also to various diseases. Therefore, autumn is a good time to protect your fruit trees. Follow our tips to ensure you lime your fruit trees correctly.
Why paint fruit trees white
There are a number of reasons why you should whitewash the tree trunk. The main reasons are the following:
- Pests like to burrow into the cracks in the bark, and then it is difficult to destroy them. They are also carriers of many diseases. By painting the tree trunk white, we protect the bark of the trees from cracking.
- With the tree lime coating we kill the pests that have already penetrated under the bark.
- The white color reflects the sun's rays well, so white trees are protected from overheating and cracking of the bark.
- Painting trees white protects them from burns and frost damage that can occur in winter.
- If you whiten young fruit trees now, they will be protected all winter long from rodents that like to nibble on the brittle bark.
When to apply lime paint for fruit trees
Some gardeners complete this task in the spring. It's perfectly fine to apply tree lime paint in the spring, but fall is the best time to do it. This is how you protect your fruit trees from all the damage that winter can cause.
In fact, it is advisable to do liming twice a year, in autumn and spring, with autumn liming considered primary and spring liming secondary. If you cannot do the procedure twice, we advise you to do it at least once, in the fall. You must finish liming by November at the latest, before the first frost.
Important note: Liming should be done in dry weather and outside temperatures above 4-5 degrees Celsius.
Liming trees – how to prepare them
Before you start liming,the trees in the garden mustbe properly prepared. Here are the steps to do it:
- First, clean the trunk and main branches of moss and lichen and remove old bark that has already fallen off. All of this is done by hand. Use gardening gloves. Do not use plastic or metal brushes or sponges as these will damage the bark of the trees. Removing the bark eliminates the remaining pests in the bark. To ensure that all these diseased parts do not end up in the soil around the trees, it is recommended to place a blanket on the ground around the trunk for the waste to fall onto.
- The next step is to disinfect the bark. Note that this should only be done in dry weather. A 2% Bordeaux solution is required to treat the trunk. Ferrous sulfate can also be used in the same concentration. Spray the trees with a fine spray so that the material sticks to the bark and does not run down in large drops.
Important note: Before you get to work, larger cuts, wounds and grafting areas must be treated with fruit tree putty.
Painting a tree trunk white: instructions
You can buy the tree painting solution or make it yourself. How do you make your own white paint for trees? It's very simple. Here are the ingredients and instructions needed.
Required ingredients:
2 – 2.5 kg of slaked lime
250-300 g copper sulfate
1 kg clay (or 100 g wood glue)
10 liters of water
- Mix all components and stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps. When applied to the tree trunk, the lime solution should be thick enough that it does not leak.
- Apply the finished solution with a brush or broom. Paint the trunk of the trees nicely, being careful to allow some solution to penetrate into any cracks. If there are larger cracks or wounds on the fruit trees, you need to buy or make your own fruit tree ointment, which is applied to these areas before liming.
Important tips for lime painting for trees
Both young seedlings (over 2 years old) and adult trees need to be limed. The only difference is that the concentration of the solution should be twice as low for young seedlings so as not to damage their delicate bark.
It is important that the lime solution contains glue components, otherwise it will not stay on the bark for a long time, as it will be washed off in the rain. Carry out the protective measures annually and you will see the positive result - theTrees get sick less, they produce more yield and, above all, the trees live longer.
Here is oneVideo by Sascha Singh, an experienced gardening expert, which explains the benefits and shows how to paint trees.