Shrubs and bushes with striking foliage and bright flowers are real eye-catchers in a garden. Next to theColor redThe yellow color in particular steals the show from many other plant colors in the garden. So if you are looking for new shrubs, yellow shrubs are the perfect choice. We have put together a selection of impressive varieties. Then you are spoiled for choice: which shrubs with yellow flowers and leaves should you choose?
Yellow bushes in the garden – forsythia
Hardly anyone knows about forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia) not, as their branches are popular for Easter bouquets. But few people know her by the name “Goldilocks”. These shrubs impress with their lushnessBlooming flowers in spring, which can occur between late February and early April. Due to its relatively dense growth and a height of up to 3 meters, the yellow shrub is also ideal as a hedge plant that offers privacy. There are also dwarf goldbells that reach a height of just 1.50 meters and are ideal yellow shrubs for smaller gardens. A sunny to partially shaded location with slightly moist to moist soil is the best choice for this hardy plant.
Yellow spring-flowering shrubs – cornelian cherry
Also cornelian cherries (Male horn) are yellow-flowering shrubs that impress with abundant flowers between March and April. In autumn you can enjoy the strong red color that the shrub gets from its berries. By the way, these are edible and verypopular for jamor compote. Make sure the soil is well-drained and calcareous and it is best to choose a location in the sun or shade if you choose yellow shrubs of this type.
Yellow garden bushes – Buttercup shrub
Just like the forsythia, the ranunculus bush (Kerria japonica) a true classic for the garden. The bush produces yellow flowers between April and May. The spherical inflorescences really attract everyone's attention. The shrub, which is between 1.50 and 2 meters high, feels bothin the shadows, as well as in the sun and prefers a loose, well-drained and slightly moist soil.
Yellow bushes – Dye’s broom
The dyer's broom grows beautifully spherically (Dying genius), if it is cut into shape if it grows too much. However, a shape cut is not absolutely necessary. It is a subshrub that prefers sandy to loamy and semi-dry to slightly moist soil. If you are looking for yellow ornamental shrubs that can cope with short dry periods, the dyer's broom is the right choice. In spring, the frost-sensitive shrub should be cut back close to the ground. The flowering period is fromJune to August.
Danger! The shrub is poisonous!
Yellow winter jasmine
The special thing about yellow winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is that he's rightblooms earlyand is therefore one of the first plants in the garden to decorate it with attractive flowers. The reason for this is that it grows in the wild in higher mountains. It is therefore hardy, making it a good choice if you are looking for yellow shrubs that are not sensitive to frost. The shrub also grows to a height of 2 to 3 meters, loves calcareous, sandy to loamy and humus-rich soil and a sunny to partially shaded location. The flowers appear as early as January and sometimes even as early as December or at the latest in February and March.
Garden shrubs with yellow flowers – The Laburnum
Also definitely worth mentioning in our list of yellow shrubs is laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides). It is a very tall shrub that can grow up to 7 meters high and 5 meters wide. Its flowers hang in clusters from the branches, grow up to 30 cm long and bloom between May and June. The dark green leafy green makes the bright yellow stand out particularly well. If you are looking for shrubs in yellow-green, this beauty is the perfect choice.
On the whole, the winter-hardy shrub is not demanding. However, it particularly likes calcareous soil, as well as a sunny and partially shaded location. Although the shrub can stand freely, like wisteria, it is also often used as a plantPlanting pergolas, arches or trellises are used.
Danger! All parts of the plant and especially the seeds are poisonous!
Yellow bushes in the garden – firethorn with yellow berries
“Yellow bushes” doesn’t have to mean “yellow flowers” – if you prefer yellow flowers instead of yellow flowers in autumnMarvel at the berriesIf you want, you can also choose the Firethorn (Pyracantha) decide. It is a very densely growing and thorny shrub that has white flowers, but impresses with bright berries in autumn (from September until winter), depending on the variety, in red, orange or yellow. These are particularly effective due to the dark green foliage.
Choose a sunny or semi-shady location for the firethorn, which is ideally protected from the wind. The frost-hardy shrub is relatively undemanding when it comes to soil, but a nutrient-rich one is an advantage. It tolerates pruning just as well.
The witch hazel
A yellow shrubblooms in winter, is the witch hazel (Hamamelis). Depending on the variety, it can also bloom red or orange, so you should pay attention to this when purchasing. These are robust, but also quite slow-growing, yellow ornamental shrubs that prefer loose, nutrient-rich and sufficiently moist soil. If you want yellow-flowering shrubs to be hardy, witch hazel is ideal because temperatures down to -10 degrees are no problem for them.
Chinese winter blossom
You can also get flowering shrubs in yellow with the Chinese winter flowers (Chimonanthus praecox). They grow quite quickly at 10 to 30 cm per year and reach a height of up to 3 meters. As the name suggests, these ornamental shrubs grow yellowFlowers already in winter, usually in December or January at the latest. In addition, the flowering period lasts for a very long time (usually until March), which is a big plus point for this plant.
The shrub is hardy at temperatures down to -10 degrees. During colder periods, the branches and flowers can freeze. Choose a sunny to semi-shady location for the perennial plant and water yellow shrubs of this type little.
Yellow bushes in the garden with the winter mahonia
Also in winter, but from January to April, grape-shaped yellow flowers adorn the shrub, which is also known as winter-flowering Oregon grape (Mahonia x half) is known. These also stream onepleasant scentout of. But the jagged leaves are also really pretty to look at. A location that is too sunny doesn't do well for the shrub. Therefore, it is better to lean towards partial shade or towards the east or southeast side of the house. The name shouldn't deceive you, because it's best not to get colder than -10 degrees for the pretty bush with yellow flowers.
Creeping or climbing spindle as a garden shrub in yellow
Yellow bushes are attractive even if it is not the flowers but the leaves that are bright in color. You can get bushes with yellow-green leaves if you choose creeping or climbing spindle (Euonymus fortunei) decide whose leaves the twoCombine colors nicelyand create a beautiful play of colors in the garden. Depending on the variety, these bushes grow to a height of 20 to 500 cm. A gravelly to loamy soil in a shady to partially shaded location is perfect. Also make sure there are enough nutrients and moderately dry to moist soil.
The flowers may be less impressive compared to the leaves, but are still very pretty to look at and appear in June and July in white or green color depending on the variety.The fruits are poisonous!
The golden privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Golden') is very similar to the climbing spindle in terms of leaf colors. Due to its dense foliage, which is wintergreen and malleable, the shrub, which is between 180 and 230 cm high, is ideal as a hedge plant. So look for yellow bushes to get onereliable privacy protectionThis variety is great for preserving. The white flowers adorn the shrub in June and July. Choose a partial shade or sunny location that is as sheltered from the wind as possible. Otherwise, the shrub is very easy to care for and has no special demands on the soil.
Yellow Shrubs – Wig Bush
Depending on the variety, the wig bush also has yellow leaves (Constant coggygria) in autumn. At the same time, it also attracts attention with its attractive, fluffy fruit heads. The flowers are also yellow, making these plants the perfect choice if you are looking for shrubs with yellow flowers. Thehardy plantCan grow to 3 to 4 meters high and likes a sunny location in calcareous, humus-poor and moderately nutrient-rich soil. Water moderately to little.
Yellow bird of paradise bush
The bird of paradise bush (Caesalpinia gilliesii) isa Mediterranean, yellow-flowering bush that only freezes above ground at temperatures below -12 degrees. It loves full sun and moisture, so you should water it regularly to keep the soil slightly moist. The soil should be loose and permeable and moderately nutrient-rich. The flowering time is in July and August.
Yellow Bushes for Small Gardens – Canadian St. John's Wort
If you are looking for smaller yellow shrubs with which you can also plant a small garden, Canadian St. John's wort (Kalmian hypericus) a great choice. This specimen is a small shrub that grows between 60 and 100 cm high and no wider than 30 to 50 cm. In addition, the shrub is forlow hedge plantssuitable and very undemanding.
The wintergreen plant prefers fresh to moist soil that is permeable and humus-rich. Places in the sun or partial shade are very suitable as a location. Yellow flowers can be expected from this shrub from July to September.
Large bloodbarberry
The hardy large bloodbarberry 'Superba' (Berberis ottawensis 'Superba'). So if you want to combine yellow shrubs with red ones, this shrub gives you both in one. The shrub has yellow flowers, while the leaves shine dark red and turn light red to orange in autumn before they fall off. The flowering time is again in May.
The great barberry isa fast growing oneand hardy shrub that can grow to between 2 and 3.5 meters high and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location with dry to moist soil. The shrub also works very well as a hedge plant. In spring, the new shoots must be pruned back to keep the shrub in shape.
The golden elm
A large shrub that is almost a tree is the golden elm 'Wredei' (Elm carpinifolia 'Wredei'). It impresses with bright yellow leaves, which can turn slightly green in summer. The shrub has a columnar, but slow growth. It can reach a height of 5 to 10 meters and a width of 3 to 5 meters. In winter the plant sheds its pretty leaves.
Otherwise, the golden elm is frost-resistant and tolerates pruning and likes nutrient-rich garden soil with a location in partial shade or sun. If you are looking for yellow shrubs that you can use as solitary plants, the golden elm is ideal.
Gelbbunter Hartriegel
Not only are the yellow-green leaves impressive on this specimen, but also the annual branches, which turn red in winter. In this way, the shrub stands out in color even in winter despite the lack of leaves. Yellow variegated dogwood (White horn 'Spaethii') are perfect yellow shrubs both as solitary plants, as well as for mixed hedges or as cover shrubs. Choose a sunny to semi-shady location, preferably with fresh and humus-rich soil. TheLeaves change colorcompletely yellow or reddish-orange in autumn. The flowers are white and appear in May and June.