No matter how big or small your garden is, slugs are your worst enemy. These voracious pests can consume several times their own body weight in food in a day. This means a lot of damage to your plants. Snails appear seemingly out of nowhere, especially when the weather is mild and humid, and getting rid of them is often a time-consuming and difficult task for gardeners. Today we will introduce you to the best home remedies for snails in the garden.
Home remedies for snails: coffee grounds
If you love coffee, coffee grounds may be the best thing you can do to protect your plants and deter slugs. Unlike us, these animals hate coffee. Coffee grounds also add nutrients to your soil and are one of the best, recommended natural methods to eliminate slugs from your garden.
Slugs and snails like beer
There's nothing better than enjoying a cold beer after a long day at work and snails seem to like it too. It is believed that these pests cannot resist the smell of beer, making it an ideal bait for a trap. You need a plastic cup and a bottle of beer. Bury the cup halfway into the soil near your plants and fill it halfway with beer. Attracted by the smell of the beer, the snails fall into the cup.This natural remedyis only effective for a small snail problem. Fighting a large infestation can be quite expensive as the beer needs to be replaced daily.
Natural remedy for snails in the garden: eggshells
Eggshells are a good home remedy against snails and slugs and are a very effective option when placed around plants as a barrier ring. Break the empty eggshells into small pieces and put them overthe flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits that you want to protect from snail damage. If you live near a beach, you can also use crushed shells. Broken eggshells and mussels have sharp edges that injure snails and slugs when they try to crawl over them. An added bonus to this method is that the calcium from the eggshells helps enrich the soil as they decompose. However, you have to eat a lot of eggs or find a lot of shells in order tothe needs of your gardento cover pest control.
Fight snails naturally with copper adhesive tape
Snails and slugs cannot overcome copper. That's why some people use copper tape as a barrier in their garden. Place it in a ring around individual plants or in a ring around your potted plants, just below the edge. However, if plants grow leaves over the barrier or touch another plant, the animals can use it as a bridge.
Citrus trap as a home remedy against snails
Snails are lovers of citrus fruits. You can make your own snail traps using fruits like grapefruit or orange. All you need is a few empty citrus peels. Place them upside down on the ground, making sure there is enough space for a snail to enter. The shell provides the pests with food and a moist environment to hide. Leave them overnight and discard the trapped snails the next morning.
Plants against snails and slugs
Some plants actively repel most snails and slugs. These plants can have a deterrent effect when planted with other plants or used to make an extract. These plants include:
* Garlic: Many gardeners swear by garlicnatural pesticide.
* Chives: Like garlic, many gardeners swear by chives and tie the leaves around endangered plants.
* Herbs: Sage, rosemary, parsley and thyme are a lovely addition to your garden and also deter snails. Plant them in a bed around your garden and between sensitive plants to deter slugs. It also gives you a nice, additional oneHerb garden that you have in your kitchencan use.
* Lavender: Although it is not an herb, it works in a similar way.
* Mint: Like the herbs above, it deters slugs and makes a beautiful addition to your garden. However, mint grows very wildly, so you will have to cut it back. Add these mint scraps to your soil to deter pests even further. You can also bring the sweet scent of mint into your beds, which harmonizes wonderfully with your flowers.
Homemade snail repellent
Some gardeners use againstthe pestshomemade snail repellent. To do this, garlic or coffee grounds are mixed with water in a spray bottle. Spray your plants with this mixture and also the soil around the plants to deter slugs. If you want to deter your pests naturally without killing them, don't spray them directly.
Bark mulch, among other things, as a home remedy against snails
Gravel, bark mulch and wood chips create a barrier for snails and slugs. They make it difficult for pests to glide over the irregular, sharp surfaces. If you equip your garden with these, you reduce the risk of the plants being eaten by snails and these coverings also look beautiful outdoors.
Change your watering schedule
A good way to combat these creatures is to change the watering schedule. Instead of watering in the evening, do it in the morning. This makes your garden less attractive to pests at night because it is then dry.