Fight aphids naturally & without sprays: Did you already know these tricks?

Yes, we know, you already know the common home remedies for lice on plants such as dish soap solution. But to be precise, it's not completely natural (even though dishwashing liquid and soap are biodegradable). It's even easier, without any sprays! Yes, really. To prove it, we have put together a few tricks that you can use to fight aphids naturally, some of which even nature uses. What helps against aphids other than spraying?

Fight aphids naturally: Don't wait too long to get rid of the pests!

And by that we don't mean the time of day. The sooner you take action against the infestation, the greater the chances of getting rid of the lice quickly naturally, regardless of whetherwith syringesor not. Once you notice pests, do something about them! Especially with more compact plants, you can rinse them easily - under running water in the bathroom or with a garden hose. Then check the plants again and again to eliminate any lice that were previously hiding.

What can you do to prevent aphids without using any sprays?

Regardless of whether the season has not yet started and no aphids are visible yet or you have just started fighting them: there are simple care measures that you should adhere to in order to strengthen or at least not weaken the plant, so that it can grow itself, so to speak Can fight aphids naturally. What can you do as an alternative to sprays?

Adequate fertilizer is clear, but what about over-fertilization?

The way you fertilize can weaken your plants or make them particularly tasty. In both cases this means free rein for all types of pests. That's why you should not only ensure that your house and garden plants are adequately cared for, this is the only way they can be strong and healthy. It is also important not to overdo it.

Over-fertilization, especially with nitrogen, leads to increased sprouting of new shoots, which are real treats for the little pests. It is therefore better to fertilize more often, but in smaller quantities, than the other way around. A long-term fertilizer is ideal for this.

Fight aphids naturally: So that plants can produce their own defenses need water. Plants naturally contain chemicals that can help protect you from pest infestations. But for this you need to be sufficiently watered. A garden or house plant that is exposed to drought that is not consistent with its natural environment (e.g. cacti or succulents) is under stress and is therefore weakened.

But that's not all: If there's a lack of fluids, the plant sap, which the aphids are known to feed on, also thickens. The sugar and nutrients contained are therefore more concentrated and are a real culinary delight for the animals. Insufficient watering, like overwatering, should be avoided if you want to fight aphids naturally and without sprays.

Repellent plants against lice in the garden

Plants favored by aphids benefit from neighbors who have the ability to drive them away. This principle has been around for a long timeapplied in mixed cultureand is considered the optimal natural remedy against aphids (among other things): flowers and herbs that produce aromas that have a repellent effect on pests are placed between the crops. You can also use this principle for your ornamental plants in the garden and even for your potted plants. Just make sure there is a suitable plant growing nearby. Which ones have this property?

Plants that get rid of aphids:

  • nettles (Stinging nettle), for underplanting to naturally combat lice on fruit trees; attract pests away from the crop (see below)
  • savory (Montana stories), protects bean plants
  • chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), against aphids on cabbage plants
  • Garlic (Allium sativum), for strawberries
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), fight aphids naturally on roses
  • mint (Mentha), can be used anywhere
  • Oregano (Crispy parsley), can be used anywhere
  • Rosemary (Rosemary officinalis), can be used anywhere
  • sage (Sage officinalis), can be used anywhere
  • Thymian (Thymus vulgaris), can be used anywhere
  • wormwood (Artemisia absinthe), can be used anywhere
  • hyssop (Hyssop officinalis), can be used anywhere
  • Onions (Garlic onion), can be used anywhere

Also read:Fighting aphids on roses: effective herbal remedies

Instead of sprays: plant “sacrificial plants”

What we mean by this: It would be better to attack plants that you don't necessarily need than those that do benefit you, right? So you could simply add plants to your garden that will, so to speak, attract the lice away from the other plants. Do you want aphids this wayfight of course, without having to spray, are suitable:

  • nettle (Stinging nettle)
  • nasturtium (A larger trophy)
  • Tagetes (Tagetes)

These sacrificial plants should be as close as possible to your actual ornamental and useful plants in order to really be effective. You could even use them in the bed or pot as a combination partner so that the whole thing looks like a deliberate arrangement. And how can you fight aphids with the help of these plants? S you proceed:

  • The sacrificial plants should come into the garden a few weeks before you plant or put the others out.
  • In this way, the victims can develop well in advance and attract the pests when the other, even weaker garden and container plants come outside.
  • After some time, the aphids should now attack the flowers and plants intended for this purpose. This is the right moment to tear them out of the bed and dispose of them. This way you can avoid a lot of aphids settling in the garden and it is a good way to remove aphids naturally.

A notice:The compost heap is usually off-limits to parts of plants that are diseased or infested with pests. Aphids can make an exception if the compost is at least 60 degrees. This is high enough to kill the lice. Nevertheless, we recommend that you play it safe and choose normal household waste for disposal.