Although tall trees look beautiful, their roots grow through the soil and leave neither nutrients nor water for planting partners. So that the hedge doesn't look boring and...Rose bush staged correctlyground cover plants are ideal for shade as underplanting. Below we will explain to you which perennials are suitable and what you should consider when planting them.
Ground cover under hedges: These plants are good for light shade
DieHedge plants provide privacyfor the garden and shield the playground, the pool or the cozy seating area from prying eyes. If the hedge plants are tall enough, they also cast a cooling shade. But the experts warn: The rhododendron, the thuja and the cherry laurel are foreign plants that were introduced from other continents. All three species provide no food for insects and birds and displace native garden and wild plants. The cherry laurel is also poisonous and unsuitable for families with small children or pets. Fortunately, there are alternatives, which we will list for you below. We also explain which ground cover plants thrive particularly well under the hedge.
Ground cover for shade under rhododendrons/blackberries
The rhododendron is popular among hobby gardeners because of its fast growth and easy care. It can be perfectly replaced with a wintergreen blackberry variety. The “Oregon Thornless” variety retains its leaves during the winter months and does not shed them until spring. This blackberry variety has no thorns and bears delicious fruit that provides food for humans, birds and insects. And these ground cover plants for shade thrive under it:
- The Byzantine Wollziestis a very robust, flat-growing plant that reaches a maximum height of 40 cm. The ground cover produces purple panicle-shaped flowers in July. The Wollziest is evergreen and feels particularly comfortable in moderately dry and nutrient-poor soil.
- The lungwortis an important food source for insects and birds. The plant has no special requirements for location and soil. It easily withstands both partial shade and shade, but prefers nutrient-rich soil. Provide them with slow-release fertilizer at the start of the gardening season.
- The plants of the genusYsander,which also includes the fat man, are perennial shrubs. Its flowers have a light scent. A location in the shade or partial shade and moderately moist to dry soil prove to be optimal. The Ysander ground cover plants can tolerate root competition without any problems, but they need regular fertilization to promote their growth.
- The elf floweris popular among hobby gardeners because of the delicate flowers it produces in spring. It is perfect as a planting partner for the rhododendron, because its bright yellow, delicate pink or fire-red flowers loosen up the strict geometric shapes of the rhododendron. As far as planting and location are concerned, the flower feels particularly comfortable in the shade of the tall hedge plant.
Which ground cover plants to plant under thuja / hawthorn?
Thuja Pflanzenlook very attractive, but are poisonous and dangerous to pets, birds, insects and small children. The invasive hawthorn offers an environmentally friendly alternative. The plant tolerates cutting and is winter-hardy, but is not evergreen. If cared for properly, it will thank you with wonderfully fragrant white flowers that attract butterflies and bees to the garden. These ground cover plants are the perfect planting partners:
- The Waldsteiniathrives best in the shade and needs loose soil with a high humus content. With its yellow flowers, it makes even the dark places under the hedge shine. This makes the Waldsteinia one of the few flowering perennials for deep shade. The ground cover spreads over a large area and reaches a maximum height of 15 cm.
- The Little Periwinkleis a real eye-catcher outdoors. The ground cover spreads quickly and is therefore suitable for greening large areas. Its long flowering period, robustness and adaptability make the small evergreen one of the most popular ground cover plants for the home garden.
- The Virginia spiderwortcomes from South America. However, unlike other exotic plants, it is winter-hardy and can withstand frost and strong winds. When it comes to the location, she has precise requirements: it should be in light shade or partial shade. Moderately moist soil with a high humus content offers the best conditions for rapid growth and a long flowering period.
Ground cover for shade: What to plant under cherry laurel / yew?
The perfect alternative to the poisonous cherry laurel is the yew. An easy-care, hardy and evergreen hedge plant that provides privacy all year round. These ground cover plants thrive under a hedge:
- A hardy hostais the perfect companion for hedge plants. However, in order for it to survive the winter, it needs a location in partial shade where it can get a little afternoon sun.
- The little star umbelis a beautifully flowering ground cover with a maximum height of 40 cm. Important prerequisites for their growth are high humidity and nutrient-rich soil. The plant is therefore more suitable for the edge of the tree where there is no root competition.
- The golden nettleis a popular addition to the natural garden. If it feels comfortable in its location, it will reach a height of 60 cm. In contrast to the hosta and star umbel, the golden nettle thrives best in the shade and is therefore perfect for the shaded area under a cherry laurel hedge.
They don't necessarily have to be hedge plants: lush shrubs also provide privacy in spring and summer. The roses or hydrangeas are particularly attractive because they also provide flowers. We will now tell you which ground cover plants thrive under a shrub.
Which ground cover to plant under roses?
- The Dainty Lady's Mantlefeels comfortable in both full sun and partial shade. An important prerequisite for its rapid growth is fresh, nutrient-rich soil with a high clay content.
- The cranesbillis a robust plant that blooms profusely from May until the first frost. In the garden center you can find a large selection of varieties that are ideal as rose companions.
- The wild strawberryspreads quickly in the home garden. It produces white flowers in spring and bears delicious fruit in summer. Therefore, the plant is a magnet for pollinating insects.
- Der Echte Lavendel (Lavandula angustifolia)is a low plant with clumpy growth and evergreen foliage.
Which ground cover to plant under hydrangeas?
- The carpet thymeprefers poor soil and thrives best in the sun. It is therefore suitable as a tree border.
- Carpet phloxfeels comfortable in both full sun and partial shade and is therefore the perfect planting partner for the hydrangea. It tolerates root competition well and spreads quickly.