The garden design is in full swing, but what do we do with the shady corner, the larger patch of lawn that we know we won't have time to pull weeds or mow regularly in the summer? What do we do with the section on the slope? In such cases, the perfect and aesthetic solution can be ground cover against weeds. Depending on the variety, these plants are either walkable, i.e. sturdy, easy to care for, or even flowering. They offer both protection from weeds and a great sight. But which ground cover plants are suitable for each purpose? We will introduce you to some practical and pretty plants that are good for your garden, look beautiful and save you time at the same time.
Ground cover against weeds: Fast growing for quick solutions
Fast-growing ground covers are a good solution for those who do not want to wait months for the result of the design. The bald spot or the shady spot should look chic again as quickly as possible. Sometimes things just have to happen quickly! It can, because nature has something in its magic box for these purposes too.
Fast-growing ground cover: sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
The ground cover thyme, which is also called cushion thyme due to its low growth height of 8 to 10 cm and its lawn-like, dense structure, is an extremely elegant solution. With its shades of purple and even scarlet red, it is not only a feast for the eyes, but also smells intensely and is very popular with bees. The native wild plant is considered a flower decoration,Herbal and medicinal plantand is edible and non-toxic. This ground cover is fast-growing, wintergreen and even hard-wearing. The flowering period is from June to August. The sand thyme likes a sunny spot and grows perennial. It makes your garden work and care a lot easier.
Woodruff (Galium odoratum): Hardy and fast-growing
The woodruff is a fast-growing, winter-hardy ground cover and is suitable for semi-shady to shady spots and damp corners, e.g. under the tree or in the shade of the house, and prefers loamy soil. The plant has delicate white flowers from April to June and spreads a pleasant scent reminiscent of freshly mown grass. The woodruff is non-toxic, is considered a medicinal plant and floral ornament, and is bee-friendly.
Flowering ground cover for sun and partial shade: carpet phlox (Phlox subulata)
The carpet phlox or cushion phlox is a wintergreen and hardy phlox from the USA that likes partial shade to sunny conditions and grows on stony to sandy soil and beautifies slopes and garden walls. It blooms from April to June in the colors violet, blue, pink and white and grows to a height of 5 to 15 cm. It serves as a flower decoration and as a nectar plant, so it is beautiful to look at and feeds the bees.
Beautifully green even in winter: wintergreen ground cover varieties
When selecting ground cover plants, it is important to pay attention to the climatic garden zone in which the plant feels at home for optimal growth and flowering results. In Germany, plants survive the winter that are classified for zones 7a-7b, 8a-8b and in the mountainous areas at 9a. All of the ground cover varieties we suggest are suitable for these zones. Please research your specific location to ensure optimal bloom results for your garden. Wintergreen varieties are plants that also add greenery to your garden in winter.
Small periwinkle (Vinca minor)
The small periwinkle is a subshrub plant that grows to about 10 to 30 cm high and bears purple, blue or white flowers from April to May and August to September. It grows in sandy to loamy soil and thrives in both shade and sun. But be careful! This plant is poisonous. So if you have children or pets, consider the location, which should not be easily accessible for this reason. The plant is still popular with bees and can be placed very well on embankments.
Evergreen ground cover against weeds: fat man (Pachysandra terminalis)
This evergreen, hardy ground cover, also called Ysander, is a 15-30 cm tall small shrub that grows in shade or partial shade, preferably on moist soil, and is suitable for beautifying areas, for example under trees. This plant is also poisonous and should therefore not be easily accessible to children and pets. The subshrub blooms from April to May with small white, slightly fragrant flowers.
Easy against weeds: easy-care ground cover plants
Easy-care ground cover for the rock garden: gold basket (Aurinia Saxatilis)
The golden basket, also known as rock alyssum, comes from the sunny south of Europe and prefers sunny to partially shaded locations with sandy, loamy soil. It grows to a height of around 20 - 30 cm, blooms in wheel-shaped, yellow flowers from April to May and is very suitable for decorating rock gardens and feeding bees. It is easy to care for because it does not require a lot of water and, despite its southern origins, it is also hardy and can easily withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees.
Lavendel (Lavandula Augustifolia)
The fragrant Mediterranean plant, which brings charm to any garden, is not a classic ground cover, but can be used as such if planted appropriately. For example, it decorates larger, exposed areas with lots of sunlight and dry to loamy soil or as a bed border. To use lavender as a ground cover, use varieties that do not grow as tall and plant the plants at regular intervals from one another in the area. Smaller growing varieties include Blue Scent, Dwarf Blue or Peter Pan. These varieties grow to a maximum height of 40 cm. In Germany, lavender blooms a little later and you can expect the fragrant flowers from mid-June to July.Lavender is a popular pasture for bees, it only needs water when it is particularly hot, fertilizer only once at the beginning of the season and is a hardy subshrub.
Ground cover for shade spots
Fairy flowers (Epimedium)
A romantic solution for shady spots in the garden, such as under trees, is to plant elf flowers as ground cover. There are deciduous Asian species as well as evergreen, hardy European species of this sock flower that grow in moderately dry to moist soil. They like to grow in the shade and delight us in spring with their flowers in a variety of colors.
Ground cover is sturdy: kill two birds with one stone
With all ground cover plants, but especially with walk-in ones, due to their proximity, it should be noted that bees or other insects like to stay there. That's why you should always move around and carefully and not reach in blindly to avoid being stung.
Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
In addition to these powerful abilities, the valuable medicinal plant also has other talents. For example, as a sturdy ground cover for smaller exposed, sunny to partially shaded areas, where it reaches a height of 10 cm - 15 cm. Its pretty daisy-like flowers bloom from June to September. The soil can be dry to moist and gravelly to loamy. The plant is wintergreen and should be cut regularly after the season. If you don't want the plant to spread, you can use the sterile variety Plena, which does not self-seed. Another variety, Treneague, does not produce flowers and is even more hardy as a lawn replacement. You can safely celebrate a garden party or enjoy a walk in the garden or sunbathing on the fragrant chamomile plant.
Sternmoos (Sagina subulata)
Star moss is an elegant and sturdy ground cover solution for shady, semi-shady and sunny garden areas. It is not actually a moss plant, as the name suggests. It's a delicate, pretty, white-flowering meadow plant that blooms from June to August and is also hardy and wintergreen. It is easy to care for, grows 3cm to 5cm tall and grows well in moderately moist to moist soil. It is good as a sturdy ground cover against weedsArea or roof greeningsuitable and also looks great in the rock garden.