Goodbye belly fat: The most effective exercises for a flat stomach

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Yes, it's true: each of us has a six-pack! However, for most people it hides under a layer of fat. To get the washboard stomach (including the so-called “six-pack muscles”)Rectus abdominis muscle) visible, it takes effort: just training the abdominal muscles is not enough - a combination of nutrition, strength and endurance training is necessary to achieve the desired effect.

The best part? You can easily do the exercises at home - without spending a lot of time and without expensive supplies.

All you need is about 10 to 15 minutes and an exercise mat (is available here on Amazon*) for a soft surface.

Exercises for a flat stomach: how often should you exercise?

In order for the training to be effective and to really achieve a flat stomach after all the exercises, you should train at least three days a week. It is ideal if there is a rest day between training days.

In addition, endurance sports should be practiced three times a week. Sports such as jogging, walking, swimming or cycling are ideal for tightening sagging stomach skin and melting belly fat.

Endurance sports stimulate fat burning and strengthen your fitness. Certain back exercises also help to tighten the abdominal wall. The goal of a flat stomach is getting closer - especially when endurance training is combined with special abdominal exercises.

A firmer stomach through the right diet

To finally get rid of fat rolls on your stomach, abdominal muscle training alone is not enough. A balanced and calorie-conscious diet is also crucial. Even with regular training, your abdominal muscles remain hidden as long as your body fat percentage is too high. Only when this is lowered sufficiently will the muscles underneath appear.

Reduce body fat percentage:A combination of a calorie-conscious diet and endurance training reduces the layer of fat that covers the abdominal muscles. As a rule, women would have to have a body fat percentage of around 18-22% and men around 10-15% for the muscles to be visible.

Particularly important for a toned stomach and tight connective tissue: protein! They are mainly found in lean meat and fish, eggs or dairy products. Food rich in protein keeps you full for a long time and supplies the muscles with important calcium.

Avoid simple carbohydrates such as wheat pasta, white bread or cakes. These are quickly processed by the body and absorbed into the blood. This means that blood sugar levels rise quickly and then fall just as quickly.

Cravings are inevitable! “Good” carbohydrates such as whole-grain pasta or potatoes are better. Equally important: drink a lot! This keeps the skin firm and plump. 2 to 3 liters of water per day are recommended.

Foods you should avoid

The quantity makes the poison, a piece of chocolate or a pizza every now and then is fine to keep the cravings at bay. If you want to have a flat stomach, you should only eat these foods in small quantities:

  • sweets
  • Cakes and sweet pastries
  • Salty and fried snacks
  • White bread and pasta
  • Lemonades and undiluted juices
  • Alcohol

Flat stomach: 3 effective exercises

1st exercise: Pulled in stomach

Cat hump alternating with the cow – this exercise is incredibly good for the abdominal muscles.

Starting position:
Get on all fours.

Inhale slowly through your nose while drawing in your stomach as much as possible. Keep your stomach pulled in according to the time indicated (depending on your level). Repeat.

Beginners: 3 series each with 5 x 5 second hold phase and 90 second rest phase.
Intermediate level: 4 series, each with 6 x 6-second holding phases and 90-second resting phases.
Advanced: 5 series, each with 8 x 6-second holding phases and 60-second resting phases.

2nd exercise: crunches with chair

Crunches with a chair: Everyday objects can be used for training.

Starting position:
Lay on your back. The legs are bent at a 90 degree angle and the heels are placed on a chair. The hands lightly touch the temples.

Tense your stomach tightly, inhale and roll your upper body upwards. Return to the starting position by slowly rolling your upper body again - vertebra by vertebra. Breathe out while laying down.

Beginners: 3 series of 20 repetitions each and 90 seconds rest.
Intermediate: 4 series of 30 repetitions each and 60 seconds rest.
Advanced: 5 series of 40 repetitions each and 45 seconds rest.

Reading tips:

3. Exercise: Inclined sit-ups

Flat stomach: Don't forget the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position:
Lay on your back. The left leg is set up, the right leg is placed with the ankle on the left knee. Place your left hand on your left temple and at the same time take your right hand on your right hip.

Tense your stomach tightly and breathe in. Release your upper body from the floor and bring your left elbow to your right knee. Exhale. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise on the left side and then do the same with the right side.

Beginner: 3 series of 10 repetitions each left and right, 90 seconds rest phase.
Intermediate level: 4 series of 15 repetitions each left and right, 75 seconds rest phase.
Advanced: 5 series of 20 repetitions each left and right, 45 seconds rest phase.

Reading tips:

With the right breathing you can get a flat stomach

In order for abdominal exercises to be effective, your breathing must be correct. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, facilitates digestion and helps reduce stress. This is important because stress promotes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

Starting position:
Lie on your back, legs bent. The arms lie loosely next to the body or are folded behind the head. If you want, you can also place one book on your chest and one on your stomach and place one hand on each book.

Inhale slowly through your nose for 7-10 seconds: let air flow deep into your stomach and then into your chest. Hold the air in your stomach and lungs for about 10 seconds. Breathe out through your mouth or nose, letting the air flow out first from your stomach and then from your lungs. The exhalation should also last 7-10 seconds. At the end of exhalation, draw in your stomach as much as possible by pulling your belly button back to your spine.

Important:Do not press when inhaling or exhaling! The body must remain completely relaxed during both movements.

Flat stomach: Posture is also important

An upright posture is important not only for a healthy back, but also for a flat stomach. A hunched posture promotes slackening of the abdominal muscles and the accumulation of fat.

  • Your back should always be straight when sitting or standing. To do this, the shoulders are pulled back so that the chest opens. When standing, the butt muscles are also tensed.
  • sports like yoga,or gymnastics support and promote an upright posture. In addition to endurance sports, we should do them regularly if we have problems with our posture.
  • If you stretch and stretch your body regularly, you will have fewer back problems and will stay straighter. When you get up in the morning, do a little stretching and stretching every now and then throughout the day and evening and stretch your entire body towards the sky.

Reading tips:

Tighten your stomach: Massages ensure beautiful, smooth skin

The basis for firm skin is good blood circulation. It ensures that toxins are removed from the tissue and stimulates metabolism. Regular abdominal massages can help to tighten the skin on your stomach. How does a massage like this work? It's very simple: you take an area of ​​skin on your stomach between your index finger and thumb, pull it lightly and let go again. This is how you do it all over your stomach.

Also good: a brush massage. Simply massage the lathered skin in circular movements with a soft brush in the shower. Special massage brushes can also help against cellulite.You can get them here on Amazon, for example.*

Fascia training can also ensure a toned stomach. The roller loosens the stuck fibers in the connective tissue and makes the skin appear smoother.

Reading tips:

Care for a flat stomach

In addition to exercise, diet and massages, you should also take adequate care of your stomach so that it looks nice and toned. That means: cream, cream, cream! Sagging skin needs sufficient moisture to become firm again.

Unfortunately, the cellulite does not disappear with creams alone, as the product would have to penetrate into the fat cells, but lotions and oils ensure a deceptively realistic, firm appearance.You can get an anti-cellulite oil from Weleda here at Douglas, for example.*

Our insider tip:Products with a tanning effect or shiny particles make the skin look even smoother.

By the way:Caffeine is a popular home remedy for cellulite and promotes blood circulation. Try a caffeine peeling: Simply mix five tablespoons of coffee grounds with two tablespoons of olive oil and rub it on your stomach. Leave it on briefly and then shower off.

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.