Ground coverare popular garden plants not just because theyflowerbedsmake them appear fuller, but also because they offer a very practical benefit. They protect the soil from strong winds and rain, keep the soil moist and prevent weeds. They form a beautiful green carpet so that soil is barely visible. Today we give you a few suggestions forGround cover plants, which grow quickly and are particularly easy to care for.
Plant flowering ground cover plants
Although lawn is the most common choice for ground cover in the garden, it cannot provide colorful accents. However, flowering ground cover plants can completely transform bare areas in the garden. For example, the cushion phlox, also known as carpet phlox, is a flowering ground cover variety that grows quickly and produces beautiful pink, purple, blue and white flowers in spring. It prefers full sun and dry soil, making it perfect for rock gardens. The flowering ground cover plants that require little care include star jasmine and periwinkle.
Plant evergreen ground cover plants
Evergreen ground covers are among the easiest plants in the garden to care for. Pachysandra terminalis is a fast-growing, easy-care ground cover that prefers well-drained soil in shade or partial shade. Evergreen trees such as creeping juniper and cushion yew are also perfect as ground cover.
Moss as a ground cover
Moss is perfect as a ground cover for areas in the garden with little light. Once you have found the ideal location for the moss plants, the lush green carpet will spread quickly and effectively. Areas in the garden with less light and moist soil are best suited for this. With a thin layer of leaf compost you give the growth of the moss plants an additional boost.
Vinca Periwinkle – A ground cover that feels good anywhere
Thesmall-leaved periwinkle(Vinca minor) is a fast-growing, evergreen ground cover that bears blue flowers in late spring and has fresh green foliage all year round. It grows well in both sun and shade and is extremely undemanding to care for. Periwinkle does not need to be cut regularly, but the plant does need winter protection from leaves, especially in rough locations.
Upholstery phlox looks good everywhere
Among the numerous varieties of phlox, there are also some that are well suited as ground cover. The ground-covering varieties primarily include carpet phlox and upholstery phlox. They bloom from April to June and enchant with bright colors and lush flowers. If you would like to plant cushion phlox as a ground cover, then rock gardens and borders are particularly suitable.
The evergreen Vinca is very robust and feels comfortable in all situations
The small and large evergreens are extremely robust and are ideal for shady places. For this reason they are often used for underplanting trees. The small evergreen does not cause heavy root pressure, which is why the ground cover is also suitable for planting under some shrubs that are weak in competition. The large vinca, on the other hand, can completely overgrow smaller perennials, so it should be planted with caution as a ground cover in the garden.
Vinca is also perfect for the rock garden
The large evergreen, also called Vinca major, is suitable for both border planting and rock gardens. It suppresses weeds and is therefore popular among amateur gardeners. Furthermore, large evergreen is particularly fast-growing and can quickly cover the large rock garden with its green leaves and blue flowers. You can plant this ground cover all year round, but it requires a protective layer of bark mulch when planted in autumn.
violet-flowering cushion phlox
The upholstery phlox does not grow too tall and is therefore relatively easy to care for. It feels particularly comfortable in the sun and grows fastest in nutrient-poor soil. That's why the rock garden is ideal for this because of the permeable soil. Depending on the variety, the flame flower can bloom in white, pink, blue, violet or even multicolored. The intensely colored purple flowers set beautiful accents outdoors and can create great contrasts in the rock garden.
Carpet-forming upholstery phlox
Regular pruning is not necessary for carpet and upholstery phlox, but it can be used to rejuvenate the plants in spring. So if you want lush ground cover plants in the garden, then it's worth pruning them back in spring. Afterwards, the phlox washes more densely and creates even more beautiful flowering carpets.
Moss varieties as ground cover
If you want to plant moss as a ground cover, the location should meet a few requirements. Places with indirect sunlight and more shade work best for most types of moss. A certain amount of humidity is beneficial for rapid growth, as is moist soil. Star moss, which is not actually moss in the botanical sense, is best suited for the garden. Nevertheless, the ground cover creates a dense green carpet that can also serve as a walk-on replacement for the lawn.
Creeping thyme in the garden
You can also plant thyme in the garden as a ground cover. Its plants grow between five and ten centimeters tall and form dense carpets. The pink flowers bloom between June and August and provide an intense but pleasant smell in the garden. The creeping thyme is an evergreen plant and enchants with a dense green carpet in winter.
Fat Man is still called Shadow Green
The fat man is also one of the evergreen ground cover plants that love the shade. That's why the plant is still called shadow green. This ground cover feels particularly comfortable under trees and grows very vigorously and densely. In spring it develops white flowers that are particularly decorative and fit perfectly into the garden design.
Creeping juniper – the ground cover with needles
Ground cover plants with needles are another option for planting in the garden. The creeping juniper is an evergreen plant that thrives in sunny to partially shaded locations. Such species, whose growth height is no more than ten centimeters, are also perfect as a walk-on lawn replacement.