How to cut boxwood due to infestation and which natural measures save the plant from pests?

The boxwood is very popular with many gardeners because it can be used in a variety of ways in the garden. It can serve as a windbreak and gives a garden a fresh look all year round. You can design it in many interesting shapes and make your outdoor space unique. This is a plant that inspires creativity in the garden. But boxwoods are often attacked by pests and it can get really bad. What are the most common pests? How to prune boxwood due to infestation, and what other options there are to save the plant, read on!

The boxwood mothis one of the most common pests on boxwood. The infestation leads to irregularly shaped swellings on the leaf. Affected leaves usually turn yellow or brown, are smaller, and fall off sooner than healthy leaves. A severe infestation can lead to severe leaf loss and the death of the boxwood.

The boxwood miteis another pest that attacks the leaves of the boxwood. It overwinters in the form of eggs on the underside of the leaves, from which the eggs hatch in spring. Boxwood mites reproduce quickly. They pierce the leaf to suck out the plant sap.

What remedies to use against boxwood borers?

Boxwood moth caterpillars may be difficult to spot on your plant because they live primarily inside the crown and their color is similar to the color of the leaves, making them difficult to see. If you notice an infestation of boxwood borer, you have the easy option of cutting back heavily infested boxwood trees.A timely pruningcan save the plant. This can be done at two different times.

How to prune boxwood due to infestation and when?

You can do the pruning in early spring. Then the caterpillars lay their eggs. Using clean, sharp pruning shears, cut off as many blistered branches as you can. If you wait too long, the adults may hatch andstart propagating. Boxwood is very tolerant of pruning and grows back quickly after pruning. Another possible time for pruning is thislate spring. Remove as many leaves as possible. Be sure to cut off the outermost 10 cm of the leaves, as this is where egg laying is strongest. Cut the plant back to the basic structure by about half its height and width. Although not all insects can be removed by pruning, the infestation is drastically reduced. Make sure you dispose of the cut branches and leaves safely.

Natural methods and home remedies for boxwood borers

How can you combat boxwood borers? Another possibility is toUse a high-pressure cleaner.It is best to clean your boxwood after pruning and free it from any remaining insects. It will lose some leaves, but you will also kill most of the caterpillars. After washing, pick up the insects on the floor.

There is a seriesuseful predatory insects, which feed on adult boxwood borers, including spiders, lacewings, damselbugs, dragonflies and praying mantises. You can encourage these predators by planting lots of flowering plants in your garden with different bloom times and flower shapes.

What else helps against boxwood moths? You canGet rid of boxwood borers with home remedies, by using some organic insecticides. Biological agents are very suitable for this purpose. Neem oil is a powerful, natural insecticide. A simple recipe: Dilute 50 ml of neem oil in 4 l of lukewarm water. Spray in the evening when it is cool. How does neem oil work? It suffocates the caterpillars and they die in a few hours. You must use the mixture regularly to ensure successControl of pestsachieve.

What helps against boxwood mites?

The boxwood mite is more closely related to spiders. The adults are green to yellowish-brown in color and are tiny. Because the mites are so small, the problem is easily overlooked until a severe infestation occurs and major damage is caused.

Biological and natural means to combat pests

How do you carry out prevention and control? The option also applies here,to attract beneficial insectsthat eat the pests. Naturally occurring enemies of mites include various predatory mites and ladybirds. These predators typically suppress mite populations. This is one of the easiest options to remove pests and you won't have to worry or do any work because the beneficial insects will do everything.

Another simple option for controlling insects - mites can also be controlled with oneRemove strong water jetand this is a quick and harmless way to get rid of them.Horticultural oilcan also be effective. A simple recipe: 1 to 2% (2-1/2 to 5 tablespoons oil per 4 liters of water) mixture is applied to the leaves. The mixture kills eggs and adult mites.Insecticidal soapscan alsocontribute to the fight, if they are applied before population numbers become too high. You should use these products intensively until all pests have disappeared. We have seen that the popular boxwood can be saved from pests using a few home remedies and natural methods.