Hydrangea pests: which are the most common and what natural remedies can you use to combat them?

Hydrangeas aren't particularly popular with pests and bugs, but occasionally there are a few pests that cause trouble. Sometimes they attack the leaves, other times the pests wreak havoc on the flowers. Knowing which hydrangea pests your plants like and what to do about them can help you prevent an infestation or treat your flowers. Below, we'll look at the most common hydrangea pests that can threaten your plants and offer solutions on how to get rid of them quickly and efficiently.

Common hydrangea pests and their treatment

Pests, insects and bugs can colonize your hydrangeas and cause all sorts of problems. Here are the most common ones to look out for:

Aphids attack new shoots

Aphids are small, green or black insects that feed on plant sap and curl the leaves. To feed on plant sap, these soft-bodied insects usually attack new shoots because they are much easier to penetrate. Ants on your hydrangeas may also indicate an underlying causeIndicate an aphid problem, because ants like to feed on the honeydew that aphids leave behind. Try to solve the problem by first spraying the leaves with a stream of water. If that doesn't work, you can spray your hydrangeas with a broad-spectrum insecticidal soap or a soap specifically formulated for aphid control.

Beetles can destroy a plant very quickly

You'll quickly notice these beetles with their shiny green and brown bodies nibbling on the flowers or leaves of your plants. Swarms of beetles can destroy an entire plant in just a few days. So if you spot them on your hydrangeas, it's best to remove them immediately. The easiest way is to remove the beetles manually.

Snails are active at night

Snails are another pest that...Leaves of your hydrangeascan attack. Ragged leaf edges or holes in the leaves of your plants indicate a slug problem. Snails are active at night and can be caught using snail traps. You can also spray the plant with soapy water to keep the leaves away.

Fight spider mites with neem oil

Spider mites gather on the underside of leaves and spin protective silk webs. As insects that feed on plant juices, they pierce leaves. The cobwebs are one way to detect a spider mite infestation; the other option is to look for yellow or off-white spots on the leaves. Spider mites thrive in hot and dry conditions. To treat a spider mite infestation you cannatural meanssuch as neem oil and pyrethrum. Ladybugs are a natural predator of spider mites. You can introduce ladybugs into your garden and they will help you keep spider mites at bay.

Whiteflies are common pests

Another sap-feeding insect that can damage hydrangeas is the whitefly. These are small, white-winged insects that live on leaves. Symptoms of a whitefly infestation include yellowing of leaves and the accumulation of honeydew (and ants as a result). In advanced cases, growth retardation and death may also be observed. Natural alternatives include neem oil or a homemade mixture of dish soap, water and rubbing alcohol.

Keep hydrangea pests away

  • Distance when planting
    Unless you are planning a hydrangea hedge, you should not plant your hydrangeas too close together. Depending on the variety, keep a distance of 20 to 25 cmbetween the hydrangea bushesa. This reduces the risk of pests and other diseases spreading from one shrub to another.
  • irrigation
    Water your hydrangeas at the base of the plant so the leaves don't get wet, because thiscan cause illness. Water early in the morning to give the leaves enough time to dry if they get wet. Since some insects thrive in dry, warm weather, hosing down the leaves of your plants can help. But make sure that the jet is not too strong as it can easily damage the leaves.
  • Pruning
    Remove dead, diseased leaves and flowers, especially to improve ventilation, which reduces disease but also keeps some pests away. Pay attentionwhen cuttingBe careful to disinfect leaves between cuts to avoid spreading diseases and pest eggs to other parts of the same shrub or to other shrubs.
  • Preventive spraying
    Spraying with organic agents like neem oil can help prevent pest problems. Misting your hydrangeas from time to time can help keep the pests at bay and/or reduce their numbers.
  • Visual inspection of the leaves
    Prevention starts with monitoring the condition of your plants. Every time you water, do a visual inspection of the leaves and also take a look at the underside of the leaves as many pests live there. If possible, remove hydrangea pests manually (e.g. slugs, beetles). If there is a severe infestation of leaves or entire stems, you can remove them to prevent them from spreading. Recognizing the problem and providing treatment in a timely manner will reduce the likelihood of severe damage and uncontrollable infestation.
  • Natural predators
    One of the easiest ways to control certain pest problems is to introduce beneficial insects into the garden that feed on these pests without harming the plants.Ladybugs can eliminate many pests, including spider mites.
  • Natural pesticidesinstead of harsh chemical agents are recommended.