Which trees to prune in June? These species need pruning in early summer

In the garden, work never stops. Summer in particular is a very busy time when you have to get a lot done. Watering the garden, fertilizing plants and cutting back trees are among the most important tasks in the coming weeks. ButWhich trees must and may be cut in June?? We explain which species need pruning now and what you should pay attention to.

Why do some trees need to be cut in early summer?

Most of the spring bloomers that graced our gardens in April and May have already faded. But this is no reason to be disappointed, because now it's the turn of the beautiful summer bloomers. But before you pay attention to the summer bed, you should remove the dead shoots and bring the trees back into shape. Because early summer is the right time to cut back the faded spring bushes and evergreen bushes.

Pruning at the beginning of summer doesn't just have a visual advantage. This helps prevent fungal diseases and undesirable self-propagation and fruit development in plants. This means they put their energy back into the new shoots and grow more beautifully and magnificently.

But be careful: When pruning in summer you should act carefully and only make cuts that are legally permitted.

You should cut these trees in June

As far as trees are concerned, radical pruning is necessaryprohibited by law between March and September. Anyone who violates the law can expect a fine of up to 50,000 euros. OneExceptions are the topiary and the maintenance pruning. These are important for the vitality and appearance of the plants and are even among the most important gardening tasks in summer. In the following speciesyou should in Junegrab the scissors.

Lilacs are cleaned out in June

Are your lilacs still blooming? Then enjoy the splendor of the flowers! But then it has toThose that have faded must be removedso that the tree can produce flower buds for next year. This ensures that the shrub grows densely and lushly.

Make sure that you only cut off the flower spikes and do not injure the shoots underneath. To prevent the bush from becoming bare from the inside, every third flower spike should be cut back deeper than the others and directed onto a side shoot.

Which roses to cut in June?

Rose bushes tolerate pruning well and June is the perfect time for summer pruning. This involves cutting all remontant roses, i.e. those that bloom several times. These include shrub roses, climbing roses, floribunda roses and noble roses. These are cleaned out by removing the withered shoots. For small shrub roses whose flowers are in umbels, you should only cut the entire umbel when all the flowers on it have faded. In the meantime, you can cut off individual dead flowers. If your rose bushes have diseased or annoying shoots, you can also remove these so that the bush can put its energy into the healthy shoots.

Get box trees into shape in early summer

This year the boxwood borer is very active. The pest can destroy entire boxwood balls and if you don'tacts in a timely manner, unfortunately the plant can no longer be saved. Even if you are one of the lucky ones whose boxwoods have not been attacked, you still have to use scissors. Because in June the Buchs will be brought back into shape.

Prune the boxwood in the first two weeks of June. This will help you avoid sunburn and get the evergreen shrub ready for the summer. Do not cut back into the old wood, but leave some of the new growth standing. This is how your boxwood grows thick and beautiful. If the evergreen shrub is cut too late in the summer, it can develop brown leaf edges.

Which hedges can you cut in June?

June is the right time for shape and care pruning for many other hedges too. As a rule, you should carry out the topiary around June 24th, i.e. St. John's Day, and ideally on an overcast day in order to promote optimal growth. At least a third of the new growth must remain standing so that the hedge continues to grow healthily and does not become bare. Pruning in June is permitted and required for the following hedge plants:

  • Cherry laurel
  • Eibenhecke
  • Scheinzypresse
  • Buchenhecke
  • hornbeam
  • Field maple

Cut rosemary after flowering

So that henot woody, the rosemary also needs to be cut. It is best to do this after flowering, i.e. at the end of May or beginning of June. When pruning, remove last year's shoots down to the woody parts and thin out the bush a little. It is important that all branches receive adequate light to prevent disease from forming. Of course you can use the healthy, cut shoots. For example, you can dry them and use them as a spice in the kitchen.