Nothing is more spectacular in the late summer garden than the blooms of dahlias. They are one of the most beautiful bulbous plants that bloom in summer. Dahlia flowers are similar to those of the chrysanthemum, glow in a wide range of warm colors and have flower shapes that can reach a size of 5 to 30 cm in diameter. Although they are native to Mexico, dahlias are adaptable to short or long summer climates. Today we will give you some valuable dahlia tips regarding planting time, care and wintering.
It's the end of April/beginning of Maythe best planting timefor dahlias when the frost no longer penetrates the soil. Plant the tubers about 75 cm apart, not too deep in the ground and in a sunny location. The flowers love sandy and slightly acidic soil, definitely not clay soil. Specialists swear that the plants sprout better if the tubers are in water for two days before planting.
Helpful tips for care
Dahlias need water regularly, preferably early in the morning and evening. Leaves burn quickly when exposed to sunlight. From the end of September, water more sparingly to encourage the tuber to store water for the winter. Fertilizer is recommended, preferably directly into the planting hole or in theSpring in the flowerbedsgive. Horn shavings are good, but horse manure is not, as this would lead to long, thin shoots and lots of foliage. You have to remove withered flower parts regularly so that Dalias bloom for a long time.
Overwinter the plant properly
After the first frost, the tubers should be dug up, but carefully so as not to injure them. Leave about 6 cm. Long stems stand above the tuber and under no circumstances cut stems flush. The soil that remains on the tuber will protect it from drying out over the winter. The place should be airy and cool, for example in sawdust or sand and under no circumstances in plastic. Dahlias are propagated by dividing the tubers.
Also read:Growing dahlias from seeds: Really simple & with many advantages