The impressive dahlia flowers are basically part of every garden. They are available in different versions, but they attract everyone's attention with every type of flower. There is a cheap and low-cost way to cultivate many flowers at once and that is sowing seeds. How can you grow dahlias from seeds and is it really worth the effort?
First of all: The process cannot actually be described as effort. Because with this measure you receive a large number of flowers every year and at a particularly low price or even free of charge. You will immediately see that growing dahlias is anything but difficult.
If you're not sure yet, we recommend you at least try it once. Maybe the sample will convince you. These are the advantages of choosing dahlias:
- Buying dahlia seeds is cheaper than buying the tubers.
- In fact, if you harvest your own seeds the previous season, they cost you nothing.
- Tubers need to be overwintered if you want new flowers next year. However, not everyone has the necessary conditions for storage.
- Or you have to buy new dahlia tubers.
- Dahlias that have been grown early can go into the bed quite quickly after getting used to them and usually begin the flowering phase earlier.
- Dahlias from seeds bloom more profusely.
How to harvest dahlia seeds
If you would like to harvest your seeds yourself, follow these steps:
- Instead of cutting off all the flower heads immediately after they wilt, leave some of them standing.
- It's worth paying attention to which flowers were particularly magnificent and strong beforehand and choosing those.
- Allow the wilted flowers to dry and form their seeds.
- Once the flower seeds are ripe, you can harvest them. You can tell this because they have grown quite large and are brown in color (sometimes just the tips of the seeds).
- Harvest the entire ovary without immediately removing the seeds.
- Allow the ovary to continue drying for a few days after carefully opening it.
- Dry them in a dark room that is also dry. Damp cellars are unsuitable.
- Collect and store the flower seeds in a suitable container where they are dry. The storage should still be dry, dark and cool.
- Of course, you can still dig up the tubers that remain in the ground and overwinter them.
How to properly overwinter the tubersread here.
This is how you sow the flowers
When can you sow dahlia seeds yourself? Start sowing at the beginning of March. This means that the flowers can develop well up to the ice saints.
Growing dahlias from seeds: sowing the beautiful flowers
- You can grow dahlias from seeds in a seed tray orother suitable containersas well as in potting soil.
- Spread the dahlia seeds on top and moisten the soil (you can use a spray bottle with water).
- Keep the pots warm and moist.
Care for the seedlings and young plants properly
- The dahlias will germinate over the next two weeks. Then it is important to guarantee them plenty of light. But avoid direct sunlight.
- Once the plants have grown well, prick them out. Sort out weak-looking plants.
- If you want dahlias to grow bushy, you can trim them often.
Soon it's time to go outside: When should you plant dahlias?
- Dahlias are sensitive to frost and are not allowed in the bed before the Ice Saints, ideally from mid-May.
- Offer them oneAcclimatization phase before planting out, namely from April.
- During this phase, place the young plants outside. It is important that the weather is nice and the location is protected from the wind. At night the dahlias come back indoors. Be sure to avoid the blazing sun and it is best to even cover it with fleece for the first few days if the location is not shady enough.