Composting mistakes every gardener should avoid: Learn them with our tips!

Composting is the ultimate recycling measure in the garden. It reduces the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills and turns it into one of the best soil conditioners you can add to your garden. To make this work, you just need to mix air, water and some kitchen and garden waste and then wait. Making compost isn't rocket science, but there is a bit of science involved. A few mistakes can lead to serious frustration. Avoid the following common composting mistakes and you will be rewarded with an excellent harvest.

Why is just one pile a composting mistake?

It is always best to have at least two piles or a bin with two compartments so that as your first batch matures you can add new waste material to the second chamber or pile. It's best to create three piles: one that is finished, one that is decomposing, and one to which you add fresh waste. Sometimes the top layer of a pile decomposes more slowly. In this case, you can throw the top layer onto the work pile and use the compost underneath in the garden.

Compost the right balance of “brown” and “green”.

A mistake that many beginners make is the wrong ratio of brown and green plant components. They need carbon-rich “brown” material such as dry leaves, straw, shredded paper or sawdust and nitrogen-rich “green” material: fresh garden waste, untreated grass clippings and food waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, tea bags.

The rule of thumb is a ratio of 3 parts brown to 1 part green. Too much green results in a mushy, smelly mess and too much brown slows decomposition. If you e.g. For example, if you add a bucket of green kitchen scraps, try adding 3 equal-sized buckets of brown ones.

Prevent the use of incorrect materials

There arenon-compostable waste. Never add animal food waste such as meat, seafood, fatty foods or dairy products to your pile. These smell bad as they decompose and attract pests such as cockroaches and rats. Animal waste and soiled diapers are also unsanitary and can cause illness. Avoid grass clippings from areas treated with weedkillers or sawdust from treated wood, as they add chemicals to the pile that could later harm your garden plants.

A compost starter should not be left out

Where do these hard-working microscopic creatures come from that turn trash into rich soil? Some are already on the material you're composting, but it can take a while for their populations in a new pile to get large enough to really get decomposition going. One way to get the process started is to purchase a compost starter. Or you can simply add a shovel or two of soil from your garden or some compost from a previous compost pile.

Use the correct amount of water for the composter

A certain level of moisture is necessary for decomposition to take place. However, if the pile becomes too wet, the microbes no longer have enough oxygen to do their work. You can usually tell because the pile smells and is muddy. If you have this problem, mix in more dry leaves, straw, or shredded paper. However, if your pile appears to be mostly dry, gradually add water and mix it in until the material is consistently moist.

Mistake when composting: leaving the composter open

If you have a large property where you can place your compost pile some distance from the house and mostly out of sight, you may want to forego a lid or other covering. However, if your house is closer to the neighbors, covers are a good idea for aesthetic reasons and a cover also helps retain heat, which is especially important in winter.

A simple sheet of plywood is sufficientyour compost binout of; For an open pile on the ground, a tarp stretched over a wooden frame prevents the compost from getting too wet when it rains and deters animals. It is best to leave a few centimeters of space between the top of the pile and the cover so that there is enough oxygen.

Be sure to avoid a lack of ventilation

As composting progresses, there may be a lack of oxygen in the middle of the pile. Stirring the pile helps to aerate all parts. For compost piles that sit on the ground, you can do this with a pitchfork or a compost aerator specifically designed for this task. You can also poke holes inside the pile. Don't overfill the pile or the compost won't have room to move. While there is no hard and fast rule as to how often you should aerate the compost, once or twice a week is usually sufficient.

Continuous addition to the pile: Composting errors

If you constantly add fresh material to the pile, your compost will never be finished. Once you've mixed enough material together, don't add anything else to allow the existing material to cook. Depending on how hot your pile gets, it usually takes between 3 weeks and 3 months for the compost to be ready. If youwant to speed up the process, shred the material before adding it to the pile and aerate the pile more often. How can you recognize the finished compost? It has an earthy smell, is dark and crumbly, and you can no longer recognize the waste you have put into it. Now it's ready for your garden!

Adding diseased plants: definitely not

Do not add diseased plants from your garden to your compost pile. There are pathogens or diseases such as tomato blight that in most cases cannot be killed.