You should not put these 8 things in the compost

Composting is an easy way to turn your kitchen and garden waste into something useful for your vegetable garden. But not all are equally good for one reason or anothersuitable for composting. For example, some food waste produces an odor that can attract pests. And certain yard waste can slow or stop the decomposition process, which can be frustrating. In addition, you should not add anything to the compost that could later harm you or your plants. Here's what you definitely shouldn't put in your compost bin, along with a few household scraps you probably didn't know were suitable for compost.

While there are some scraps that are best added in small amounts, the following items are completely unsuitable for compost:

1. Leftover meat and fish

The fishy stench of old seafood or the putrid smell of rotting meat, while repulsive to humans, act as magnets for skunks, raccoons, rats, flies and many other wild animals and even some neighborhood pets. So if you don't want to provide a picnic for the local wildlife, you should neverMeat, fish or bonesadd to your compost pile. Even if you have a closed compost bin, the smell can attract unwanted pests.

2. Dairy products, fats and oils

Dairy products like cheese, butter, milk, sour cream and yogurt, as well as fats and oils, should be avoided for the same reason: they attract unwanted visitors. Processed foods that contain a lot of dairy products or fat, as well as leftover feta salad, are not allowed in the compost.

3. Plants or wood that have been treated with pesticides or preservatives

Plants that have been treated with insecticides, fungicides or herbicides do not belong in the compost heap. The residue from chemicals used in the garden to kill insects and control plant diseases can inadvertently kill the beneficial composting critters. Herbicide residues can affect plants in the garden after compost is added. The same goes for pressure-treated, painted, stained or varnished wood.

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits and exotics such as pineapples, avocados and bananas have mostly been treated with harmful sprays in the countries of origin. The toxins that accumulate in the future compost soil are very low after good composting, but it is advisable to avoid large amounts of this waste. Citrus acid is also found in the peels of oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapefruitsunpleasant for compost wormsand other soil organisms. Southern fruits and citrus fruits can be composted well, but you should pay attention to the right ratio. Cut the peels into pieces so that they rot faster.

4. The foliage of the black walnut tree

Most untreated garden waste is a good addition to your compost pile, but there are exceptions. The leaves, branches, fruit peels and especially the roots of the black walnut tree contain a natural substance called juglone, which stunts the growth of many plants and can even kill them. Certain plants appear to be more sensitive, including edible plants such as tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, as well as ornamental plants such as azaleas, hydrangeas and the Viburnum genus (Viburnum). Research has found that with enough time and heat, juglone will degrade sufficiently to lose its toxicity, but it's better to leave out the black walnut residue than deal with potential problems later.

Which leaves are allowed?still not in the compost?Oak, beech and chestnut leaves rot only with difficulty and are not recommended for compost. The foliage of plane trees, poplars and cherry laurel also pose difficulties for composting.

5. Diseased or insect-infested plants

To kill insects and pathogens such as fungi and bacteria, a hot compost pile is required (one that reaches and maintains a temperature of 60°C to 70°C for at least several days). MostCompost bins and pilesHowever, homes never reach such high temperatures, so it is possible for pests and diseases to survive in them.

The nightshade family (Solanaceae), which includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, is unfortunately susceptible to all sorts of diseases. Tomatoes and potatoes, for example, are often affected by brown rot (Phytophthora infestans). If diseased leaves are disposed of in the compost, the fungus can continue to multiply. There is nothing wrong with composting healthy tomato leaves or potato leaves.

6. Weeds that have already formed seeds

If the weed has already formed seeds, it should not end up in the compost. As long as compost temperatures do not reach 70°C, the seeds can survive composting and germinate again when released into the soil. The No. 1 rule with weeds is: never let them go to seed! You can find out more about the different types of weedsfind out in this article.

7. Charcoal ash

Although you can add ash from your wood-burning fireplace or fire pit to your compost (in limited quantities), you should leave out coal and charcoal ash. First, these materials contain a lot of sulfur, which can make the finished compost soil too acidic for most plants. Second, charcoal briquettes are often laced with chemicals that can harm plants.

8. Dog or cat feces

Dog and cat feces do not belong in the compost heap because both cats and dogs can carry bacteria and parasites that cause illness in humans. Roundworms are the most common problem in dog poop. Cat feces and cat litter are even more worrisome because they can contain the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis - a disease that is particularly dangerous for pregnant women as it can cause serious harm to the unborn child.

Surprising Things You Can Compost

Now you know the waste that you shouldn't put in the compost, but there are many others that you probably didn't know were suitable for the compost. However, only add the following things if they are free from the above taboos.

  • hair and fur
  • Tumble dryer lint
  • Aquarium plants
  • Brewing waste (spent grains, spent hops)
  • Used paper napkins and paper towels
  • Ancient herbs and spices
  • Unpopped or burnt popcorn
  • Cardboard and paper plates (small pieces, uncoated)
  • Wooden chopsticks and toothpicks