Spending time outdoors awakens children's curiosity - they discover something new in the garden or park every day. Parents can also encourage interest in nature - we present some exciting experiments with plants that explain gardening in a playful way. The little ones are not just observers, but are allowed to participate - they make their own decisions, observe the processes and draw conclusions. But the biggest advantage of gardening with children is the fact that they get to know and appreciate their environment better by working with plants.
What you should consider when gardening with children!
From a certain age, various gardening tasks that the family can do together are appropriate. But before everyone sets off to the garden, parents should teach their children the basic scientific principles. What does the water cycle mean, how are plants structured, how are they supplied with nutrients, what role does the right soil play in their growth. For this purpose, several experiments can be carried out that bring nature closer. The little ones have to be informed about certain safety measures at the beginning and practice how to use garden equipment and tools correctly. Only then can it start.
The water cycle experiment
Prior knowledge: How exactly water is transported and stored can be explained using the term water cycle. The process begins with the sun's rays warming the water in the ocean, pond or lake. The water evaporates and is transported to land by the air and wind. The moist air gets colder and colder over time and is therefore able to absorb less water. The water condenses and becomes water vapor. First, small drops form that form clouds, then larger drops that fall to the ground as rain. The raindrops are returned to the ocean, pond or lake through an underground system.
Materials for the experiment: permanent marker, ziplock bag or vacuum bag, tape, blue food coloring (optional), water.
Instructions: First draw the water cycle sketch on the bag with the permanent marker, then pour a little water into the bag, close the bag and stick it to the window with the tape. The sun's rays heat the water, which first evaporates in the bag and then falls back to the bottom of the bag in larger drops. Observe the process with the children and answer further questions if necessary.
This experiment is an introduction to the topic and should teach the little ones why the water cycle plays such a big role in plant growth.
Water transport in flowers
Prior knowledge: Water plays a crucial role in plant growth - it is a starting material for photosynthesis. The plants and flowers absorb water through their roots and transport it via the plant vessels - vascular bundles - to the leaves and flowers. Cut flowers also have the ability to transport water, even if for a short time. The process can be explained particularly easily with an experiment.
Materials: White flowers (for example carnations), water, three glasses and food coloring.
Instructions: Pour water into the glasses, add 10-20 drops of watercolor and stir well. Then cut the stems of the flowers diagonally, carefully remove the leaves at the bottom of the stem and then place the white flowers in the vasesArrange soloists(1 flower in each jar). Leave the flowers in a cool room for 24 hours. Check every 6 hours whether the flowers are still white or are already changing color. By the way, red and blue food colors work the fastest.
Make a grass head with the children
Prior knowledge: The next experiment shows the children how they can grow plants from seeds and what is important for later care. Now is the right time to describe your daily gardening work in detail in a diary. The duration – approx. 2 weeks.
You need the following materialsfor the grass head: potting soil, grass seeds, stocking, tin can. For decoration, googly eyes, permanent markers, mustache and ears made of felt, eye glasses made of paper, etc.
Instructions: First fill the seeds, then the soil into the fine stocking - the grass seeds need light, so they should not be completely covered with soil. Then dip the stocking in water and then place it in the tin can. Decorate the tin can according to your own preferences with the wiggly eyes, felt ears and mouth. Place in a bright and warm room. Complete! Now comes the daily care - ventilate the stockings well once a day to prevent them from becoming waterlogged. Spray with water if necessary. After 4-7 days the first grasses begin to sprout from the ground.
Beans germinate
The germination process can be clearly explained using the large seeds of the bean plant. If the beans are planted directly in the garden, many of the tender seedlings die - they usually have difficulty withstanding storms and frost. That's why many hobby gardeners prefer to germinate the beans indoors or in a greenhouse. The process takes place in four steps - first the bean seeds soak up water and then become softer. The seed coat opens and the stem and roots begin to grow. At the end, the first true leaves appear and the seedling can be planted in the garden.
Materials – Mason jar, beans, paper towel. Instructions: First wet the towel, then wrap the seeds with the towel and place them in the mason jar. Close the mason jar and display it on the sunny and warm windowsill. Monitor developments daily. Important - the children learn the principles of gardening, and the parents should encourage their independence.
Learn the principles of gardening step by step
Once the germination process is explained, the family can grow plants from various vegetable scraps. Normally these are simply composted or thrown out - but nothing more. The new trend against food waste promotes environmental awareness. In fact, most vegetables can grow back provided they are cared for properly. You can find out what needs to be taken into account and which vegetables are suitable in the photo series below.
Prefer celery stalks from leftover vegetables
Prior knowledge: Celery comes from the Mediterranean region. Nowadays, numerous recipes can be found using celery stalks - from the classic Bolognese sauce to numerous salads and various dipping dishes, celery enjoys great popularity worldwide. The optimal location for the Mediterranean plant is in the sun; loamy, wet soil offers the perfect conditions for its rapid growth.
Materials for the experiment: celery stalk, large bowl, water. Instructions – first place the celery stalk in the bowl, fill the bowl with water and place on a sunny windowsill. Spray the plant with water every day and change the water every 3-4 days. As soon as fresh leaves sprout from the celery stalk, the plant can be repotted. It then needs at least 6 weeks until it can be planted in the garden in mid-late May.
Pre-germinate potatoes
Prior knowledge: Potatoes come from South America, where they are traditionally a staple food. The plant was brought to Europe by the Spanish - at first it was just an ornamental plant in the garden. In 1600 it was already one of the most popular foods in Europe and even replaced grains in some regions. Even today it is very popular in many countries - for example, Poland is considered one of the largest suppliers in Europe.
Materials:potatoes, water, preserving jars. Instructions – Scatter the potatoes on a sunny windowsill and wait until they develop seedlings that are at least 1cm long. Then either cut the potatoes into pieces (each 3 cm thick) and let them dry in a bright room for several days, or fill the preserving jar with water and immerse the potatoes for 2-3 hours, let them dry and plant them in the garden from the beginning of May . They love sunny locations and nutrient-rich loamy soil, so it's best to enrich the soil with compost. The plants cannot tolerate waterlogging.
Gardening made easy – sow tomatoes
The next experiment is a bit more complicated compared to these with beans, celery and potatoes. Tomatoes need to be sown here. The plants are extremely easy to care for and undemanding. The children can easily master the task as long as they stick to a few basic rules - tomatoes love sunny locations and can easily withstand the strong rays of the sun. Special potting soil is sold in specialist shops - this contains the foods that stimulate plant growth. Simply sow the seeds individually in small pots, then cover them with soil. Check the soil daily and spray the plants with water. Once they reach 20 cm in height, they can be stored in the greenhouse. From the end of May you can repot the plants and give them fertilizer.
Pull carrots
Growing carrots is a foolproof task - simply cut off the tops of the carrots and place them in a bowl of water. Wait a few days and the carrots will slowly form the first roots - and the vegetables can then be planted in pots. Children can observe the daily progress and development of plants and then help transplant them in the garden in the spring. If the children take part in the daily gardening work, then they are guaranteed to look forward to the end result. So it's worth getting the little ones involved.
Sow peppers
The pepper is a pretty demanding plant - it needs a lot of light to germinate the seeds, is also very sensitive to frost and in spring can only grow in a heated room with a room temperature of around 25 degrees. The sowing itself is extremely uncomplicated - the seeds are placed deep in the special growing soil and then sprayed with water. It is best to cover the plant pot with transparent film at the end and place it in a south-facing room. The brighter and warmer, the faster the plants grow. After one to two weeks, each pepper plant produces four leaves - then it can be repotted.
Not every hobby gardener can sow peppers successfully - so that there are no disappointments, you should have certain experience. Create a daily plan together with the children, have the children check the room temperature and humidity every day, and check the floor every three or four days. Air the plants once a day to prevent waterlogging.
Observe plant growth
Certain plants such as onions, potatoes, turnips, turnips and carrots grow in the ground and at the same time develop as a plant with leaves, flowers, etc. If these plants are not planted directly in the garden, but are arranged in a shallow bowl for some time, the children can observe the process.
Materials – various vegetables, shallow bowl, water. Plant the vegetables in the garden after some time. By the way, now is the right time to delegate tasks to the children. It's best to create a detailed list and schedule at the beginning; the little ones have to stick to it. In this way they learn to bear responsibility in a playful way. By the way, a small sunny niche outdoors can accommodate the plants mentioned above. This way the family can look forward to the results and the little ones know that they have to care for these vegetables. Gardening with children is fun for everyone.
In any case, children are only allowed to care for the plants under supervision.Garden tools and garden equipmentare not toys, so the child should not have access to them. Fertilizers and various pesticides should also be stored separately. Now is also the right time to show the little ones a detailed garden sketch and point out various poisonous plants. Water zones in the garden can also prove to be dangerous, so caution is advised here too. The child should also learn how to properly deal with snakes, birds and insects. Only then can the summer season begin outdoors.
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