Garden in May: What gardening work awaits you or what plants should you plant this month?

May is the month when the cooler, wet days of spring end, temperatures rise and the warmth of summer is just around the corner. The sunshine and rain mean that the plants' growth speeds up and the flowers begin to bloom, making the garden ablaze with colour. This month the color scale continues to turn upwards. The bright green tones are now joined by orange, pink and blue, for example, which make your heart beat faster every time you look out the kitchen window. Of course, this means there's a lot of gardening to do in May, but with the longer, warmer days, it's the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Find out here how you should care for your garden in May and what garden work needs to be done!

Garden care and sowing in May

There is a lot to do in May for your...Keeping the garden in orderand prepare him for the summer months. The weather is changing and the sun is shining more often, meaning there are plenty of opportunities to get outside and do some yard work.

Hardening of plants

Plants grown indoors are delicate and need to be gently acclimated to cooler outside temperatures before they can be planted outdoors. With the warmer days, May is the perfect month for hardening off plants. Start by taking your plants out of the greenhouse during the day and putting them back in during the cooler evening hours. This should happen for seven days. After a week, you can start moving the plants outside at night. However, cover them with a fleece so that they don't get too cold. You should also do this for seven days. Now you can plant them outdoors as they will survive the cooler nights well. But keep an eye on the weather forecast and only plant them when the danger of frost has passed.

Prepare vegetable patch for bountiful harvest

Herbs and heat-loving vegetables such as tomatoes, chillies, peppers and basil should be planted after the ice saints so that they have enough time to ripen and produce a harvest. However, temperatures can still drop at this time of year and a sudden move from a sheltered environment to the garden can prove fatal. Harden off the plants before planting them out and wait until night temperatures no longer fall below 7°C.

Things are different with vegetables such as spinach, potatoes, radishes and carrots because they are hardy and you can sow them directly into the bed. You can leave zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers on the windowsill for now and then move them outdoors from the middle of the month.

Plant the garden with berries in May

Once the danger of frost has passed, plant berry bushes. You should be careful not to injure the root balls because injured roots damage the plants and reduce the harvest. You should spread mulch so that the soil doesn't dry out too quickly.

Sow summer flowers

The best time to sow bee-friendly summer flowers is in May. For example, you can choose the following beautiful flowers for your garden: cornflowers, nasturtiums, sunflowers and decorative baskets. When sowing seeds outdoors, you should not use everything at once. It's easy to dump out the entire contents of the package, but it's better to plant just a few at a time.

It's best to sow a few seeds from each plant every week or even every two weeks. You should make sure that they are constantly watered. Tiny seedlings can wilt and die within a few hours on a hot day. Pay attention to the weather and water them morning and evening if you can.

Keep pests and slugs under control

As the weather gets warmer, pests can multiply quickly, so it's important to keep them under control. There are many products that allow you to do all kinds ofKeep pests at baycan. For example, you can control slugs and snails naturally: Use copper-based tape around pots to prevent slugs and slugs from getting to the plants. Alternatively, make a natural snail trap by hollowing out an orange, melon or grapefruit and placing it next to the plant. Check the shell every morning and remove any snails you find on it.

Damp weather is ideal for snails. As the sun sets, look around in containers, paths and patios and removethe pestsThe ones you find by hand and place them in a bowl or jar. You can then re-introduce them outside your garden.

Garden in May – mowing the lawn

In May the grass shoots up, so mow the lawn every week if possible. If you are surprised and discover a jungle where the lawn used to be, increase the cutting height of the mower as much as possible - ideally you should not cut more than a third of the grass blades at a time.

May is also the right month to pull weeds and fertilize the lawn. Since it's growing so well now, the grass should fill in the gaps thatthe dead weedsleaves behind.