Getting rid of rats in the garden: Helpful tips on how you can successfully drive away the unwelcome visitors

Rats are typically unwelcome visitors to our gardens - they are generally considered dangerous pests and can spread potentially serious diseases, including leptospirosis, which can lead to Weil's disease. They can make their home under decking, in sheds or greenhouses, and in compost piles. It may be tempting to use traps or poison, but this can pose a danger to dogs, children and local wildlife. It is better to use methods that deter rats and provide a permanent solution. We give you helpful ideas on how you can successfully get rid of rats in the garden.

Rats in the garden – a big problem

Black rats are a pest and a health hazard. They eat your fruits and vegetables, store themin your compost, gnaw through fences, planters and containers and what's even worse - they transmit diseases that are dangerous to humans, for example bubonic plague and hantavirus.

Wild rats can bite and scratch when approached, and they seek shelter in garden sheds, greenhouses and even your home. A female rat can give birth to six litters of up to 12 young per year. If the uninvited visitors remain unchecked, they will soon become a nuisance.

Discover rats in the garden

Rats are mostly nocturnal, so you may not see them, but there are other telltale signs to look out for. You can discover their tunnels or their passages up to 10 cm wide along walls, fences or buildings. You may also notice their cylindrical droppings, chewed wood (especially where food is stored), or parallel tooth marks in plants.

This is how you get rid of the rodents

Remove food and water sources

Rats thrive where there is food, water and a place to hide. Eliminate these three things and you will be able to quickly reduce the rat population in your yard. Make sure your taps don't drip and don't use birdbaths. Remove pet food and water bowls at night.

Ripe and fallen fruits, vegetables and nuts provide easy food for rats. When you leave fruits and vegetables to rot on the ground, you not only attract rodents from your garden, but also from neighboring areas. Avoidthese pestsProvide easy access to food by regularly picking up fruits and vegetables from the ground and storing them safely indoors or in a rodent-proof shed.

Pay attention to your compost pile

The compost heap in the garden is another important food source for pests. Although rodents eat vegetables, they still eat animal protein and fat. A purely vegetarian compost pile will not support a large family of rats. But if you throw fat and meat on the pile, rats will be attracted overnight. The compost pit is an important part of your garden's ecosystem as it is a rich source of fertilizer. Keep a close eye on the compost site and, if possible, cover it with a tight-fitting rodent-proof lid.

Rats can be carriers of serious diseases such as leptospirosis. If your compost is infested with rodents, you should not spread the manure on fruits and vegetables that you plan to eat.

You should also be careful with your garbage bags. We recommend storing these in trash cans rather than placing them outdoors where decomposing food residue can attract rodents. Also, do not leave garbage bags outside for long periods of time.

Cats as helpers

It is often assumed that feral cats can drive away rats, but in a garden with a large rat colony, cats can only help so much. Rodents reproduce quickly and a single female gives birth to a dozen young several times a year. Meanwhile, a cat may only catch a rat every other day and won't do much to control the rat population.

Use home remedies – peppermint oil

Rats hate the smell of peppermint oil and can be effectively repelled. Dampen a few cotton balls with 100 percent pure peppermint oil and place them in various places around the garden, including the garage and shed. Apply the oil a few times a week.

Castor oil and garlic help against rats in the garden

Garlic repels rats, so you can use it in a homemade rat repellent recipe. A chopped garlic clove, two tablespoons of castor oil, liquid dishwashing liquid and Tabasco are mixed in a liter of water and shaken well. This product is only suitable for outdoor use. Spray the edges of your garden and rat entry holes with it.

Catnip against rats in the garden

Buy catnip from a garden center andplant themin different places in the garden. Be strategic when planting and look for signs of rat activity such as nests and pellet droppings.

Keep your garden clean

You can deter rats by keeping your yard clean and tidy. Remove piles of wood and yard debris and trim back overgrown areas, especially near fences or garden buildings. Tidy gardens attract fewer rodents because they provide less cover. That's why you stopthe grass shortand clear cluttered storage areas.

Ground net to drive away pests

If you want to protect a new garden from rats, place a piece of netting directly under the soil. This will prevent rats from rummaging through and nibbling on roots and bulbs. Stubborn rodents can gnaw through the netting, so keep your eyes peeled.