Vegetables for partial shade: These crops grow in the shady garden

Tomatoes, cucumbers and radishes like it sunny. Peppers, basil and oregano also cannot thrive in the shade. But there are also crops that don't necessarily need to be in the sun all day long. If your own garden or balcony faces north, then patience is particularly important. But the effort is definitely worth it, because with a little prior knowledge nothing stands in the way of a vegetable garden. We come to the aid of hobby gardeners and offer a list of suitable plant species. We will also tell you in the article what you need to consider and how you can master the challenge with a lot of creativity.

How many hours of sun per day do crops need?

Vegetables and full sun locations go hand in hand for most gardeners. And in fact - sensitive crops such as tomatoes or cucumbers really cannot thrive in shade, wind and cold and grow fastest in sunny locations. In any case, if you simply don't have such a suitable location - be it because it has already been planted or because a house/tree casts shadows on the property - you don't have to give up and do without a herb or vegetable garden completely. A thoughtful selection of plants and a little patience can help here.

The rule of thumb in this case is: if you are growing the plant for its roots or fruits, then you should choose a sunny location. This means that the bed should be in the sun for over 6 hours a day. In any case, if you are using the leaves, the stems or the buds, then a location in partial shade (i.e. 3 to 6 hours of sun per day) is completely fine. No crop will survive in the dense shade of a deciduous tree (less than 3 hours of direct sunlight per day).

Arugula grows quickly


The most common boxwood diseases and pests at a glance

The boxwood is an evergreen shrub that is very popular in our gardens and throughout Europe. Just like other plants, boxwood is subject to diseases and pests that are usually easy to diagnose. We give you an overview of the pathogens that threaten the shrub.

The arugula is an undemanding plant that spreads quickly in the garden and grows even in partial shade. But opinions are divided here - what some describe as a delicious crop is completely tasteless for others.

Vegetables for semi-shady locations – beans

Similar to peas, bean plants are a real gift for amateur gardeners: they grow quickly and are quite undemanding when it comes to sun. All types of runner beans are particularly recommended. They just need a climbing aid to climb up. The runner beans will not be ready for harvest until three months after sowing in May at the earliest. The pods are usually picked in mid to late August.


The beetroot is easy to cultivate and surprisingly thrives in partial shade. It can be planted in a mixed culture together with bush beans. The plant loves loosened, drained and fertilized soil, which must be kept wet. Oneregular wateringensures that the beets become ready for harvest more quickly.

Broccoli grows easily in partial shade

Broccoli is one of those plants that can border sunny beds. The head vegetables are used to semi-shady locations and can be harvested twice in the summer if cared for properly - a big advantage, as the delicate florets can last a maximum of 3-4 days even if kept in the refrigerator. The wet, nutrient-rich and calcareous soil plays an important role in early harvest maturity. The cabbage is watered thoroughly after sowing. After three weeks you can give fertilizer.

The Brussels sprouts are not harvested until autumn

When it comes to vegetables for partial shade, Brussels sprouts somehow always get forgotten. But it is actually the most suitable candidate - the plant is planted in May, reaches its maximum height in mid-July and is harvested from October. Brussels cabbage can easily withstand frost, rain and snow.

The cauliflower as a pot plant for the north-facing balcony

Cauliflower and broccoli are usually planted in a raised bed or pot - the two crops belong to the same genus and have similar requirements when it comes to care. Even more so - cauliflower can even tolerate the autumn cold quite well, and is therefore a nice addition to the vegetable patch in midsummer.

Whether cress, ornamental cabbage, endive or perhaps lettuce - the large selection of lettuce types ensures that every hobby gardener will find something to suit their own taste. The individual species are also ideal as pot plants and can be planted together. A sandy soil that is watered regularly provides the best conditions for them to mature more quickly. Seedlings are usually sold in specialist stores and are already in springon the balconymay. First they are placed in a location protected from the wind, after a week they can withstand some cold and drafts. In the summer months, the individual plants are gradually harvested and replaced with new ones.

Peas in the shade garden

Peas place their own demands on the soil - they have difficulty withstanding waterlogging and, unlike the other vegetables mentioned above, love humus-rich soil. A mixed culture is also out of the question for them - especially with beans. They are better suited as a pre-culture in the bed because they become ready to harvest earlier than the other plants. For example, broccoli can be planted after the peas in the raised bed. Some varieties need climbing aid for support. But the effort is definitely worth it, as the plants save space this way.


Spinach thrives surprisingly well in partially shaded locations - the plant only needs a few hours of sunlight per day and loves the cooler spring and autumn weather. In this case, it is better to avoid fertilizer completely so that nitrates do not form in its leaves. Otherwise, the plant is undemanding and is considered easy to care for. It has no place in a mixed culture in summer, but can simply be planted before and after in the same bed. The spinach isa popular ingredientnot only numerous salads, but also pot dishes.