Building a greenhouse – tips for hobby gardeners on growing vegetables

A greenhouse collects the sun's rays and uses the greenhouse effect to ensure that vegetables last longer. The air and soil are warmed up well under the glass roof, allowing seedlings to grow and germinate when it is still cold outside. If you want to build a greenhouse in your own garden and grow vegetables there, you should of course take a few things into account in advance. So what else is important to know when planning?

Building a greenhouse – what do you have to consider?

With a sturdy and storm-proof greenhouse, the gardening season can be extended from early spring to late fall. Building your own is what everyone wantsHobby gardener.You have almost free rein when it comes to shape and design. Kits in various sizes and price categories are available in garden and hardware stores and on the Internet - from free-standing greenhouses to bonded greenhouses to extremely well-insulated thermal greenhouses. Regardless of whether you build with wood, glass or metal, you need additional accessories such as tables, shelves, heating, irrigation, ventilation, plant lights, pricking boxes, etc

Work protected in the greenhouse

AGreenhouse for growingof vegetables does not have to be very large. Good planning and preparation is very important. Smaller greenhouses and mini-sized warm houses are sufficient for vegetable plants. This is a simple protective structure made of plastic that can be moved flexibly in the garden. If you need a little more space for cuttings and young plants, you have to build a walk-in greenhouse. This offers enough space on several levels.

Overwinter plants safely in a warm house

A glass house provides ideal accommodation for plants in winter, and serves as a work table and storage room for tools. Even in summer, some vegetables such as tomatoes thrive better in a greenhouse. Greenhouse panes are made of glass or translucent plastic panels. The basic construction usually consists of aluminum or galvanized steel. In warm houses made of wood, the protective coating must be renewed regularly.

Gardening under a glass

You need to choose a stable, durable structure on a frost-resistant foundation. For overwintering plants, the glass house should have sufficient floor insulation. This means your gardening is independent of the weather.

Extend the gardening season into winter

If you want to build a glass house, you should consider climate control. It can be either heated or unheated (cold house). In the cold house, the microclimate is ideal for many robust potted plants. On warm days, remember to provide sufficient air supply! Automatic fans are not complicated to install.

Multi-glazed panes guarantee good thermal insulation