The harlequin willow is known for its strong growth. Their trunk diameter can reach up to 8 meters. If you want to grow this beautiful tree in the garden, or grow it as a shrub, you definitely need to learn how to prune harlequin willow. Read on because you will find out all the necessary steps and tips here!
How often to prune harlequin willow?
One of the most interesting aspects of growing willow is that you can shape the willow into the shape you want and maintain it for years. This way you can create an eye-catcher in your garden and admire your guests with interesting designs.
Of course, it is also important to keep the willow in shape. As already mentioned, Halrekin willow grows quite quickly. Therefore, she absolutely shouldbe cut regularly. If you grow harlequin willows as a shrub according to their natural growth habit, they will grow to around 2.5 m tall and do not necessarily need annual pruning.
If you want to achieve the shape of a tree, then consider that you should trim your tree regularly. So he is developing well as he gets older. When it comes to older, free-growing harlequin willows, they only need to be cut if they are too big, too wide or start to overgrow.
If your pasture is growing too tall, too dense in the interior, or too chaotic, you should thin it out in the spring. And if your tree grows with a tall trunk, the crown will grow most of all. Prune if too many branches leave the arch. Depending on the growth rate of the harlequin willow, it may be necessary to use scissors twice a year.
When does the pasture need to be cut?
Are you wondering when is the time to cut the willow? Here we explain. At the beginning of the season, the harlequin willows develop the flowers called “catkins” (between March and April/May, depending on the climate). Only after flowering do the white-green-pink colored leaves appear, for which this particular variety of this willow species became famous.
Although the yellow kittens are rather inconspicuous, you should not disturb them with a cut until the kittens are fully developed. Willows are particularly ecologically valuable because of their ability to bloom in early spring; they provide nectar for insects when the garden doesn't have much else to offer. The perfect oneTime for cuttingthe harlequin willow has arrived when the catkins are “harvested” and the leaves begin to emerge.
You should check harlequin willows that you grow as a shrub in the spring in order to direct any undesirable developments in the desired growth directions in good time. You can always thin out slightly to remove all damaged, dried, cross-growing branches. You can also use this opportunity to rejuvenate the willow by removing older woody shoots.
If the harlequin willow is growing beautifully and just gets too big, it cana larger cut backcope. A completely overgrown “willow bush” can easily be cut back to just a few centimeters above the ground, especially in spring when the sap is already flowing. As soon as the wounds are closed, the willow plant, which tolerates pruning, will sprout again, even after such a radical treatment.
Further, light pruning in the last weeks of summer is recommended: If you remove the oldest branches around it in late summer, you will rejuvenate your harlequin willow, and the most beautiful flowers and colorful leaves will always form on the young branches.
The best time to cut the standard trunks
You should definitely cut the standard trunk in spring to achieve a shape cut. This cut contributes to new growth. Clear the crown of any branches that are not growing properly;like a bush, you should remove all diseased, weak, dead canes and thin out branches that are growing too close together.