In spring, flower bulbs and early-flowering perennials provide a wealth of interesting motifs on the ground, but the hedge also needs structure and height. Brighten your spring garden with easy-to-plant, early-blooming perennials. Find out here which are the most beautiful shrubs that bloom in March.
When these gorgeous shrubs begin to bloom, your spring landscape will shine. Many of them also have beautiful variegated or evergreen foliage, so they will continue to add color to your garden even after they fade.
The witch hazel (witch hazel)
Witch hazel is one of the first shrubs to bloom in spring and often blooms when the garden is still in winter. It can also grow quite tall, reaching a height of almost 4 meters. Witch hazel is best suited to a sunny, sheltered location. The flowers are unique: Each individual, bright yellow petal is delicate and narrow, but the overall result is a breathtaking picture. And although they look delicate, the cold-tolerant blooms can survive the fickle weather of late winter, lasting up to a month.
The Japanese ornamental quince has beautiful flowers
Few spring flowers can match the flaming orange blossoms of the Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) that adorn the branches from March to May. It is a low-growing, densely branched, deciduous shrub with spiny, gray-brown branches. While the flowers look elegant and delicate, this shrub is hardy and easy to cultivate. There are also pink, white, peach, red andyellow flowering cultivars.
Which shrubs bloom in March? The camellia
Depending on the variety, camellia has stunning rose-like flowers in shades of pink, red and white in fall, late winter or spring. It is one of the most striking evergreen shrubs. Camellias combine well with rhododendrons and azaleas because they all have similar soil and sunlight requirements.
Also read: Your camellia isn't blooming?Here are the possible reasons!
The colorful rhododendron
This blooming treasure features huge clusters of spring blooms in a variety of colors, including warm yellows, oranges, pinks, purples and whites. Rhododendrons also have evergreen foliage, so you can count on these plants to add lush life to your garden all year round.
The white-flowering star magnolia
The elegance and beauty of the star magnolia is a welcome sign of spring. The delicate and colorful flowers appear weeks before other flowering shrubs and plants in spring, making this shrub a popular early spring focal point. The star magnolia is a small tree or large shrub native to Japan. The growth is oval with low branches and very narrow trunks. There are many varieties and they are all valued not only for their beautiful shape and seductive flowers, but also for their scent.
The bird cherry (Prunus padus)
The bird cherry is a large native shrub that can grow into a tree. It has a dense and broadly ovoid crown and reaches a height of 10 meters as a shrub. The branches are dull gray-brown and smell of bitter almond when damaged. The dark green, oval to egg-shaped leaves have an irregularly serrated edge. It blooms in March and forms spreading or drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers and is mostly used for ornamental purposes.
Which shrubs bloom in March? The hazel
The hazel is a native shrub or small tree that grows up to 6 meters tall and usually flowers from December to March. The male flowers are drooping, yellow catkins up to 8 cm long and consist of oval bracts and yellow anthers. The female flowers are visible as bright red styles up to 4 mm wide. After pollination in spring, the female flowers go to work producing the hazelnuts that ripen in autumn.
Schneeforsythie (Abeliophyllum distichum)
These small, deciduous shrubs originally come from Korea. They are related to forsythia and are grown primarily for the scent of their white flowers with a yellowish center, which appear in March around the same time as the first forsythia.
The snow forsythia only grows up to 1.5 m high, although it can grow taller as a wall shrub. The plant is quite hardy, but can die after dry periods in the hot summer.
Ornamental Mahonia (Mahonia bealei)
The mahonia is a hardy, upright, evergreen shrub with blue-green, broadly pinnate leaves. It can grow up to 3 meters high and up to 3 meters wide. The bright yellow, fragrant flowers appear in short, erect 10 cm long clusters in February and March, followed by egg-shaped blue-purple berries in July, which are eaten by many species of birds. The Mahonia has pinnate, compound leaves with spiny, dark green leaflets and a whorled branch arrangement.
Which shrubs bloom in March? The blackthorn
The blackthorn is a very thorny shrub. He is suitablegood as a hedge plant(along with hawthorn, gorse and holly) as it forms an impenetrable thicket and therefore provides good cover for a range of wildlife.
The flowers are white and appear early, between March and May. They have 5 petals that are located either singly or in pairs on the stems and often occur in large numbers. They are one of the first sources of nectar and pollen for insects that emerge in early spring.
Also interesting:Which shrubs bloom in March: Do you already know them?