The golden rule of thumb is: It's best to fertilize with organic fertilizer instead of artificial fertilizer! That's all well and good, but when and with what exactly can you fertilize blueberries in order to provide them with everything they need for abundant fruit production? In our article we summarize everything that is important in this regard: the right time, the best fertilizers and the frequency. This way your blueberry bushes will thrive.
Fertilizing blueberries: How to do it right!
First of all, the good news: Providing the bushes with nutrients is fairly easy and not a problem even for beginners. However, there is something important to consider, especially when it comes to pH content, as you will soon find out. If your blueberries have yellow leaves, it may be the result of incorrect fertilization. The following steps will provide you with oneCare Guide, which you can always fall back on if necessary.
When to fertilize blueberries?
Since blueberries are low feeders, it is not necessary to fertilize the berry bushes frequently. How often should you fertilize blueberries? Since organic fertilizer releases nutrients gradually and over a longer period of time, it is sufficient to supply your berry bushes with nutrients twice a year:
- Both fertilization phases take place inSpringinstead of.
- Thefirst timeFertilize early to give the plants a boost of strength for new growth. It is best to choose March for this. In case you missed it, that's it tooApril is still ideal.
- Diesecond fertilizationoccurs two months later. So if you fertilized for the first time in March, repeat in May. If you only looked after the blueberry bushes in April, postpone the second fertilization until June. You can also focus on fruit formation. After flowering, as soon as you can see the first fruit sets, is the right time to fertilize the blueberries.
Long-term fertilizer is optimal, but which one exactly?
Now you're probably wondering what you should fertilize blueberries with? Thatorganic fertilizerWe've already mentioned it's great. It acts as a long-term fertilizer over a longer period of time and is therefore particularly effective. But precisely because it takes a while to take effect, early fertilization is also necessary, as described above. This means the plants get what they need in a timely manner.
What you should definitely know is that blueberry bushes prefer slightly acidic soil. Fertilizers that influence the pH value in this regard are well suited (e.g. rhododendron fertilizer). You can also achieve the necessary acidity with some household waste products.
Commercial fertilizer
If you decide to buy organic fertilizer for cultivated blueberries from stores, keep the following things in mind:
- Special berry fertilizer is ideal, but necessarily in smaller amounts than for other berry bushes. It is best to get local advice regarding the product you have chosen.
- Liquid fertilizer is quite highly concentrated, which means there is a risk of over-fertilization. You should therefore avoid this type of fertilizer. Another negative point is the fact that some of it can accumulate in the fruit.
- Artificial fertilizers should be taboo because they also contaminate the groundwater. Blue grain, for example, belongs to this type of fertilizer. It's best to stay away from it.
Fertilize blueberries with coffee grounds
The tried and tested coffee grounds ensure a certain acidity in the soil. Would you like blueberriesfertilize with coffee grounds,
- Simply mix this into the soil around the plant three to four times. The whole thing takes place in the spring months and also in the summer.
- Or you can use it to prepare irrigation water. Take used (!) coffee powder. Simply pour hot water again and water the plants.
Horn fertilizer for blueberry bushes – organic and effective
You can use your blueberriesfertilize with horn shavings, horn meal or other waste products of animal origin such as wool and horse manure.
- The only difference between the shavings and the flour is that the flour is finer and therefore decomposes more quickly in the soil. This makes it work faster and is perfect for the start of the new season. To care for the plants before and for the winter, you can use the horn shavings in the fall instead.
- Horse manure is considered one of the best organic fertilizers.
- In principle, sheep's wool has the same effect as horn fertilizer.
Compost made from bark or needles (also called bark or needle humus)
Both natural products ensure acidic soil and are therefore ideal for this berry bush. However, you should not confuse these fertilizers with bark mulch, as these are coarser pieces that are used for mulching. They also decompose over time and therefore also act as fertilizer. However, this process is very slow and is therefore not a replacement for the natural blueberry fertilizers mentioned above.
Learn more about mulchingin this article.