Work in the garden is already in full swing and while the first plants have already sprouted and are even blooming, others still have to wait for the outdoor season indoors and others will only get their pruning this month. You cut many trees in February before the cutting ban from March, others in March. But is there anything left for April? You should cut the following trees in April:
Grab the secateurs and get started. You should cut the last trees in April! Which are these?
A favorite among spring bloomers – the magnificent forsythia
One of the first shrubs to bloom in spring is forsythia (Forsythia). The shrub impresses with its incredibly lushFlowers in bright yellow. But so that you can continue to enjoy this splendor of flowers every year in the future, it must also be thinned out regularly. This is the only way that sufficient sunlight can always reach the inside of the branches. By “regularly” we mean roughly every two to three years. The right time is always directly after flowering and usually in April.
This pruning every few years is important not only for flower formation, but also for lush growth in general. On the one hand, it prevents thatthe forsythia bushbare at its base and, on the other hand, that it has branches that are too long and fall down to the ground. And branches that rest on the ground are also more at risk of becoming diseased and, for example, rotting.
However, it's best to start with the roses
Since the flowering of the forsythia lasts until April, you can use the waiting time to get the roses into shape (if you haven't already done so in March). Are you worried about the fact that the plant has already formed new shoots? It doesn't have to be, because it doesn't disturb the rose bush in any way, but on the contrary: the rose is not only strengthened and therefore less susceptible to diseases and pests, but it also produces significantly more flowers.
Find outmore hereabout the rose cut.
Cutting trees in April – the catkin willow
One of the most romantic trees is the catkinseed willow (Salix caprea 'Pendula')with her pussy willows. If you prune trees in April, don't forget this specimen! For this pasture, too, it is recommended to prune the tree immediately after flowering. The purpose of this cut is to keep the tree young, because outdated shoots break quickly. You can use the shoots to determine how much to shorten from each branch. Pay attention to the so-called eyes: each branch should retain two to four of them after cutting. The result is a lush crown, as this pruning stimulates the formation of new shoots.
The dreamy almond tree
The name is a bit misleading because this plant has nothing to do with the actual almond tree. The ornamental shrub impresses with a breathtaking display of delicate rose flowers and the number of flowers is truly unique. They extend over the entire branch. But so that it stays that way and the almond tree (Prunus triloba) remains beautifully and compactly shaped, pruning is necessary.
April, when the flowering is over, is exactly the right timeTime for radical topiaryand you can be brave about it. In general, first of all, all weak, diseased or dead shoots are to be completely removed (during the flowering period you have probably already noticed which ones these are). Then also prune the healthy shoots. You can cut back to a whopping 10 to 20 centimeters here.
Care for the buddleia with cuts
Actually, winter is the right time to plant the buddleia (Buddleja davidii) to cut. But if you missed it, you can prune the trees in April - it's your last chance. What should be taken into account here? The bush always blooms on its new shoots, so the buds should already be visible. You can also spare these, but you can have fun with the old branches. In general, however, the removal of flower buds is more likely to stimulate flower formation than the other way around. In the end, you can give a third to the bushthrough the cuttake.
You can only cut the hibiscus in April under certain conditions
Like the buddleia, the marshmallow (Syrian Hibiscus) actuallycut back in February. But here too you can carry out a delayed pruning in April, provided that no new leaves have yet grown. Pruning stimulates flower production and ensures that you can enjoy tons of flowers for a long time in summer.