Autumn care for perennials: These measures contribute to proper preparation for the cold season

The cold season will soon set in and we will have to take care of the plants in the garden so that they can overwinter well and continue to delight us next season. In this article we will show you what autumn care is required for perennials.

Don't assume that your shrubs will remain healthy for life, but realize that these beautiful wonders of nature require regular care. And autumn is a period when your plants need special care. After the growing season, the conditions change drastically and the plants can suffer if there is a lack of care.

When and how to water perennials in autumn

After the growing season, the plants in the garden do not need as much water as in summer. Be careful when you water your shrubs. It is advisable to do this in the late morning to early afternoon hours as the ground is warmest at this time. This gives the plants time to absorb moisture before the next night frost comes. Do not water too often, at least every two weeks is sufficient.

Do you need to fertilize perennials in October

It is not advisable to continue fertilizing shrubs after the growing season as they will soon enter a dormant phase and no longer need fertilizer. In the spring, after the dormant period is over, your plants will need nutrients again so they can thrive in the new season.

How should you prune perennials in the fall?

Autumn pruning is not recommended as it can cause young shoots to grow and freeze in the cold months. Instead, wait until winter and prune the bushes when the plant is in a deep dormancy period.

However, you can remove all diseased and dead parts of the plant, including dead leaves if they have not fallen off on their own. You should also remove all soft tips and underdeveloped buds, even those that have bloomed. You should also remove all competing branches, e.g. B. could rub against each other or injure each other. Here's how to get your perennials in good shape before the cold sets in.

Create good insulation for shrubs

How do you care for perennials in autumn? At the end of October and beginning of November, wrap your bushes with thick paper or foil so that they can overwinter more easily. You can also wrap them with burlap or commercial shrub wrap if cold, strong winds threaten. The burlap fabric is wide enough for the plant to breathe but blocks the worst of the wind. This cover also protects the shrub from browsing by wild animals. Next year, remove the burlap in early April.

Also interesting:Perennials with a long flowering period: Plant once, enjoy for a long time

Mulching is an important fall care for perennials

Mulch now to retain heat and give your shrubs a little more time to absorb water and nutrients. Over the winter, mulch provides protection and helps prevent the soil from drying out. It ensures even soil temperatures and protects your plants from frost. Mulching is particularly important for new plantings and old shrubs. Use organic materials such as wood chips or bark as mulch around shrubs.

Important note: When mulching, keep in mind that using conifers increases the acidity of the soil and the rotting wood chips remove a lot of nitrogen from the soil.

How to protect heavy branches from breaking

Large shrubs with heavy branches are at risk of breaking, often caused by heavy snow loads. To secure your plants, tie the bushes together with twine. Start tying from a low branch and spiral up the bush, carefully folding the branches as you go. This technique is particularly recommended for sensitive shrubs.

Check shrubs for pests

Before winter comes, you must definitely inspect all shrubs for pests. During the summer season, almost every plant is attacked by pests and diseases thatmust be fought. Pests can still be a problem even as the weather gets cooler. Cold season mites can be very damaging, as can spider mites and hemlock woolly mites. In the fall, it is likely that pests have remained on your plants. Now is the time to remove them so that healthy plants can develop for the new season.

Divide perennials in the fall

Fall is the best time to divide shrubs. This way you can propagate your favorite plants and have more of them in the garden, and you will ensure good growing conditions by creating more space for them. Be very careful not to damage the roots or rhizomes. Water immediately after dividing the plants so that the new plants can become well established. Propagate perennials until the weather has not gotten too cold to give them enough time to prepare for the colder season and transition to dormancy.