Black pepper against pests: This home remedy keeps pests away from the garden

Garden pests bothering you this summer? The answer to your problems is already in the kitchen cupboard. Find out here how black pepper works against pests and what you need to consider when using the natural plant protection product.

It doesn't take long for pests to become a real nuisance in the garden. Most pests multiply quickly and can take over your entire garden in just a few days. Declare war on them by using a popular kitchen spice. We're talking about good old black pepper, which apparently is useful not only in cooking but also in the garden.

Does black pepper help against pests?

If you're just looking for onenatural method of pest controlyou should definitely consider this unexpected home remedy. According to oneStudy from 2016, black pepper works well as a natural remedy against the larvae of insecticide-resistant insects. The United States Environmental Protection Agency also states that the spice can repel mammals such as groundhogs, dogs, cats and squirrels in the garden. Black pepper also has antibacterial properties that help reduce the spread of disease between garden plants. And all of this without the negative effects of chemical pesticides.

But why is black pepper effective against pests? The spice contains a unique compound, namely the alkaloid piperine, which is a natural insecticide and fungicide. Piperine is an antibacterial agent that gives black pepper its distinctive taste. Both the strong smell and the bitter taste deter pests and thus protect your garden plants.

What pests can you repel with black pepper?

The pungent taste of black pepper makes it a natural remedy for ants, fleas and other crawling insects. These include mealybugs, aphids, spiders and insect larvae.

Rodents also don't like the smell of pepper and therefore the home remedy is well suited to cats, rats, marmots, mice,keep raccoons etc. away.

How to use black pepper in the garden

There are a few ways to use black pepper in the garden. You can sprinkle the spice directly onto the ground or use it to make a pesticide spray, depending on the pests you have to contend with.

Sprinkle black pepper into the soil

If you are struggling with insects in the soil, you can sprinkle the home remedy directly into the soil around the affected plants. This method works well against insects that attack plant roots, such as ants. The black pepper will keep them at a distance. All you need to do is sprinkle a few tablespoons of freshly ground black pepper around the affected plants. This will protect the roots and stems of the plants from the pests.

Make a spray against pests on the leaves

If the leaves of a plant are infested with aphids or other pests, you can make a simple plant protection spray.

  • Mix ground black pepper or black pepper oil with warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the affected leaves with the mixture to control the pests. The spray does not harm the plants, but the smell of pepper sticks to it and has an effect. After the water evaporates from the plant leaves, the smell of black pepper remains, which garden pests find very unpleasant.
  • Use the spray several times as needed.
  • Reapplication is necessary after rain.

Black pepper against fungal diseases

In addition to its use as a natural insecticide, black pepper also has antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria in plants.Researchers have found outthat spraying plants with black pepper or its oil helps prevent the spread of disease. This is again due to the piperine it contains, which can kill mold without the use of chemicals or pesticides.

When black pepper is mixed into the soil, it breaks down into various nutrients and has an antibacterial effect that can protect plants and improve their nutrition.

For centuries, people have appreciated the benefits of black pepper as an antibacterial agent. Researchers believe that the antibacterial properties of black pepper can be used to combat bacterial plant diseases such as stem rot, bacterial blight and leaf spot.

Keep animals away from the bed

If dogs, cats or other pets cause a problem with your garden plants, there is a simple solution: black pepper spray. Many animals don't like the smell of the spice and will keep their distance. If you spray black pepper on your garden plants or mix it into the soil, no uninvited guests will come to your beds.

We have other methods on how to keep strange cats away from the gardenin thisContributionlisted.

Does black pepper harm plants?

Black pepper is usually used in sprayed form. It does not harm the plants, but its smell remains on the leaves and shoots. This smell repels beetles, lice and ants while leaving the plants unaffected.

The most important thing in brief:

  • Black pepper has antibacterial properties that are used to treat a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • Bacteria have a harder time developing in the soil when you mix pepper into the soil.
  • The ingredients of black pepper are absorbed by the plant and provide additional protection.
  • Freshly ground black pepper is preferable to pre-ground. Because fresh pepper has more flavor, is less oxidized and has a naturally strong antibacterial effect.

Why you should rely on natural pesticides

Chemical pesticides are typically cheaper and easier to use than natural alternatives. But why have they become so problematic recently? The answer is actually very simple.

More than 70 years ago, when chemical pesticides were first introduced, they were considered a groundbreaking invention. They have curbed the spread of disease, increased yields and improved food quality. The chemicals developed should be toxic only to pests and weeds, without harming humans and other animals. However, current data shows that these chemical compounds pose a risk to both humans and the environment. Especially when they enter the water supply, they can have devastating effects on the environment. For this reason, it is best if you use eco-friendly methods to keep pests out of the garden.