Perennials with a long flowering period: These permanent bloomers are a hit in the garden

Perennial plants are a good choice, especially if you don't want to change seasonal flowers every few months. If they are also long-term bloomers, all the better! Which long-flowering perennials could you choose to beautify your garden?

Foto: Flower_Garden/ Shutterstock

Garden perennials have the property of dying above ground in winter and then sprouting again in spring. You have to cut them and ideally divide them, but other than that you don't need much to produce the flowers. Which flowers bloom the longest?

Tall, low and ground cover varieties

Foto: Barbara Ash/ Shutterstock

The selection is quite large and you can design the back areas of the bed with long-flowering perennials as well as create beautiful flower carpets with ground-covering varieties.

Low-maintenance scabiosis

The scabiosis (Scabiosa), because it tolerates dry periods without any problems. Since it starts blooming in May and stays until the frost in autumn, it is a real record holder when it comes to flowering time. When it comes to colors, you can choose between white, pink and light blue. However, keep in mind that without itregular pruningcan spread quite invasively.

It is also important to mention that scabioses are a wonderful source of food for insects and will therefore attract them to the garden. Perfect if you also grow vegetables. It grows up to 80 cm high.

Low-growing heron's beak

Photo: Danny Hummel/Shutterstock

The less well-known heron's beak (Erodium). Wrongfully so, because its pink flowers are really pretty to look at. He is bothWell suited as a ground cover, as well as solitary plants or for a few dabs here and there in the bed. Depending on the variety, the specimen blooms from June to September or even longer. The flowers also tolerate drought very well and are therefore very easy to care for.

Plant tall candles

Foto: JasminaS/ Shutterstock

Since the magnificent candle (Hole) can grow up to one and a half meters high, it is often used for the rear areas. It can also be wonderfully combined with other tall plants,Ornamental grasses, for example. If you want it to be simpler, you can choose the white flower; for a bit of color there is also the pink version. These appear in June and stay until September or even into October.

Whorled-leaved girl's eye/beautiful eye

Foto: shawnwil23/ Shutterstock

This variety of the popular garden plant impresses with its delicate, interesting flower color in a pale yellow tone (variety 'Moonbeam'), which appears from May and decorates the beds until September. It feels most comfortable in a sunny location and is also very drought-resistant. With a height of 40 cm, the whorl-leaved girl's eye (Coreopsis verticillata) for example decorate the middle of the flower beds or the side edges.

Perennials with a long flowering period - the sun rose in many colors

Photo: Walter Erhardt/Shutterstock

The beautiful sun rose (Helianthemum) come in many different colors, so you can create any color combination. Thebee-friendly perennials, which bloom all summer (May to August) grow to a height of around 25 cm, tolerate dry periods and also cover the ground like a carpet. You don't need to fertilize either, as the garden perennial likes it to be low in nutrients. Also perfect if you are looking for easy-care plants.

Long-flowering carnation root in the herbaceous bed

Photo: Alex Manders/Shutterstock

While the common carnation root (Geum) seems quite inconspicuous despite its yellow flowers, there are now cultivars that simply should not be missing in any garden. Not only because they are visually magnificent, but also because of their long flowering period, which often begins in April and lasts until August. Clove rootlikes it sunnyto partial shade and grows up to 45 cm high.

Photo: M. Schuppich/Shutterstock

After we have already introduced you to a few beautiful specimens above, we would like to offer you a few more in the following list:

  • Alpen-Steinquendel (alpine acini)
  • Bartfaden (Penstemon fruticosus)
  • Blue bob (The meadows were predawn)
  • bush mallow (Olbia washing machine)
  • Verbena (Verbena)
  • outdoor fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis)
  • Stuffed Bertram's Sheaf (Achillea ptarmica)
  • Stuffed rock carnation (Petrorhagia saxifraga)
  • Yellow Larkspur (Corydalis lutea)
  • basket of gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)
  • horned violet (Horned violet)
  • Evergreen (Vinca)
  • catnip (Nepeta racemosa)
  • Caucasus-Gemander (Hyrcanian Teucrium)
  • Small-flowered sunflower (Helianthus microcephalus)
Photo: Alex Manders/Shutterstock
  • Small Widow Flower (Macedonian Knautia)
  • Little meadowsweet (Filipendula vulgaris)
  • Purple toadflax (Linaria purple)
  • Scheinsonnenhut (Echinacea purpurea)
  • Veil (Gypsophila)
  • Schönaster (Kalimeris incisa)
  • Sun Bride (Helenium)
  • Spanish daisy (Erigero's karvinskianus)
  • Spornblume (Centranthus ruber was. coccineus)
  • Steppensalbei (Sage Nemorosa)
  • Sterndolde (Astrantia)
  • Stockrose (Alcea Rosea)
  • Storchschnabel (Geranium)
  • forest poppy (Meconopsis cambrica)
  • ornamental sage (Salvia guaranitica)
Foto: Peter Turner Photography/ Shutterstock

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