The topic "Privacy screen for gardenand balcony” is particularly relevant in summer. Plants offer an environmentally friendly and natural alternative to the garden fence, wall and balcony cladding. Depending on the garden and balcony situation, different plants come into question. From exotic plants like bamboo to classic hedge plants, tall flowers and even crops: we explain how you can plant your raised bed as a privacy screen.
Tall plantskeep prying eyes away and at the same time beautify the terrace and balcony. Various types of plants are suitable for outdoor use. Which variant you ultimately choose depends primarily on the orientation of the balcony or terrace. Factors such as wind, available space and protection from rain (e.g. through a roof) also play a decisive role in the choice.
Bamboo in the raised bed as a privacy screen
Bamboo is a fast and lush growing exotic that also feels at home in the home garden. The special thing about the plant is that it also grows wide. Bamboo reproduces through rhizomes, which spread widely. Special varieties that only form short roots are available for pots and raised beds. These include, for example, the following Fargesia bamboo varieties:
- The umbrella bamboo “Campbell”:Hardy, does not form runners, is suitable for group planting. Grows 50 cm in height every year and grows up to 3 meters high and 2.5 meters wide.
- The umbrella bamboo “Zebra”:an evergreen, winter-hardy, pruning-tolerant hedge plant. Clump-growing, does not require rhizome protection.
Planting tips:The correct planting time is from spring to autumn (March – October). Provide a distance of around 80 cm from plants to provide privacy. The umbrella bamboo thrives best in a sunny to shady location.
Hedge plants as privacy screens in raised beds
Lots of hedge plantsthrive easily in raised beds. However, they have one thing in common: Most varieties are partially hardy and require frost protection in the cold season. The root balls can be protected by a layer of mulch or straw. You also need wind and rain protection. The hedge plants are therefore particularly suitable for covered terraces or terraces with glazing.
- The olive pasture:Drought-resistant, wintergreen, has an upright habit, reaches a maximum height of 3 m and width of 3 m. Wind protection required.
- White colored garden pod:compact, dense, upright growth. Tolerable to cutting, evergreen, heat-resistant. Maximum height – 5 m, maximum width – 5 m.
- Portuguese cherry laurel:Dense, compact growth, hardy, prefers sun, but can also tolerate shade. Magnet for insects. Also available as a ready-made hedge for raised beds.
- Japanese columnar holly:dense growth, narrow, grows up to 2 meters high and up to 0.5 meters wide. Hardy, may require wind and frost protection depending on region.
- Yew:Prefers shade and partial shade. Has a dense growth and tolerates topiary (e.g. ball topiary). Easy to care for, undemanding, grows up to 10 m high. Hardy.
Useful plants as privacy screens for terraces and balconies
Also useful plantscan provide privacy. Certain varieties of columnar fruit and tall-growing vegetables are well suited.
Columnar fruit (These types of fruit require trellis as they grow quite tall):
- Pillar apple.Biennial varieties: “Berbat”, “Black McIntosh”, “Blue Moon”. They grow between 1.7 and 2 meters high. They have a slender habit and bear their fruit directly on the trunk. Harvest time: late summer and autumn
- Columnar pear.Biennial varieties: “Condo”, “Decora”, “Silver Pearl”. Maximum growth height: 3 meters. Compact growth, produces many fruits. Harvest time: late summer, early autumn.
- Columnar cherries.Varieties “Claudia”, “Sylvia”, “Victoria”. Need climbing help and pruning. Grow up to 4 meters high.
Tall growing vegetables:
- Vine tomatoes:Reach a maximum height of 180 cm. Have a strong, spreading growth. Bear lots of fruit. Planting partners: parsley, basil, garden cress, leek.
- Runner beans:Grow up to 3 meters high, form many long pods and can be combined with endives, cucumbers and cabbage.
- Sweetcorn:Visually resembles an ornamental grass and reaches a height of 2 meters. Suitable for a mixed culture with chard, beans, radishes and endive.
- Paprika:Upright growth, sun worshiper. Planting partners: tomatoes, lettuces, various types of cabbage.
- Cucumbers:Refined salad and snack varieties reach a height of 1 meter. Only available as an annual plant. Suitable planting partners: dill, runner beans.
If you want to create a small-scale kitchen garden, you can plant the raised bed with tall-growing vegetables and then fill in the gaps with suitable plant partners.
Flowers as a privacy screen in raised beds
SheWould you like a display of flowers?Fortunately, there are enough types of flowers that grow tall. These include, for example:
- Rittersporn:Depending on the variety, it reaches a height of up to 180 cm. Has an upright habit and large leaves and flower buds. Long flowering period from June to September.
- High Flame Flower:Forms large, striking flower umbels, has a spreading habit and reaches a height of 1 meter.
- Purple Coneflower:Has a sprawling, wide habit, grows to a height of 1 meter, attracts pollinating insects.
- Candle:has a bushy habit and produces flowers from June to the end of September. Requires winter protection.
Fast-growing perennials as privacy screens
Fast-growing and tall perennials can set accents in the raised bed and shield the terrace from prying eyes. Most perennials can be easily combined with ground covers and annual flowers with similar soil and location requirements.
- Montbretie: Depending on the variety, they reach a maximum height of 110 cm. Perennial, require winter protection.
- Staudenclematis:Depending on the variety, it grows up to 3 meters high. Most varieties are hardy and bloom profusely in summer.
- Tall asters:Depending on the variety, they grow up to 3 meters high. Have a spreading habit and large leaves. Bloom magnificently.
Ornamental grasses as a privacy screen in raised beds
Ornamental grasses are an easy-care and modern alternative to flowers and perennials. The following ornamental grasses thrive in raised beds:
- Pennisetum grass:Decorative appearance, compact growth – up to 70 cm wide. Suitable for raised beds on the balcony.
- Pampas grass “White Feather”:Grows up to 2.5 meters high, has an upright habit and produces large white flowers.
- Blue beach grass:Grows up to 1 meter high, has slightly overhanging blades of grass, is heat-resistant.
Which balcony plants can be used as privacy screens in raised beds?
Pots and flower boxes are not the only options for a large balcony. You can also plant in a raised bed. Its advantage is the larger soil volume, which allows for different planting combinations. Various plants are suitable for the raised bed on the balcony. However, they should not grow higher than 1 meter or at least tolerate a cut.