Plants as privacy screens for the terrace in pots

Anatural privacy protection made from plantsis the preferred choice for many garden and terrace owners and this also applies to the terrace. However, it is not always possible to plant plants in the garden in the immediate vicinity of the terrace. Or would you like something exotic but can't use such plants because of our cold winters? Then plants in pots as privacy screens for the terrace are exactly the right choice! We would like to introduce you to a great selection of suitable varieties that are guaranteed to impress you. Whether evergreen, deciduous, flowering, with needles or leaves - there is something for every taste.

Plants as a privacy screen for the terrace in a pot - the wig bush

Anyone specialeasy-care potted plantseeks, meets with the attractive wig bush (Constant coggygria) is definitely the right choice. Not only does it tolerate drought very well, but it is also robust against pests and diseases. This makes it perfect if you are looking for plants in a pot as a privacy screen for the terrace. In the wild, the shrub grows to a height of 2 meters, but this is not possible in a plant container. However, there are tall varieties with a height of 1.2 meters. If you then add the height of the bucket, you get the ideal height for a natural privacy wall.

The fluffy flowers, which are white-pink and bloom from May, are particularly impressive. But even after flowering, and more precisely in autumn, the shrub is pretty to look at with its yellow-red foliage.

  • easy to care for and robust
  • blooming
  • beautiful autumn colors
  • deciduous

Vines for a natural privacy screen for patios

Many people wouldn't even think of choosing vines as plants in a pot as a privacy screen for the terrace. Probably because you imagine grape vines on large plantations and think they need plenty of space in the garden. They also feel very comfortable in the pot, but they also need a climbing aid. Simple wires are completely sufficient for this. The dense foliage that theTerrace Mediterranean flairgives protection not only from prying eyes, but also from wind. If you let the plant grow along a roof (e.g. pergola), you will also get the perfect sun protection for the warm seasons.

ImAutumn is a pruningdown to the scrap wood, after which you can leave the planter outside throughout the winter or store it in a garage, shed, and other rooms. But make sure that the plant does not dry out during this time. Both fine wine (Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera), as well as wild wine (ivy wine) are a great option.

  • Climbing plant that requires a climbing aid
  • also suitable as wind and sun protection
  • hardy
  • Pruning necessary

Plants as a privacy screen for the terrace in a pot - red medlar

The special thing about this plant is the variety of colors. The leaves of the red loquat (Photinia fraseri) green and shiny. However, new shoots stand out due to their red color. There are also white flowers and red berries in autumn, which make the appearance simply perfect. For container planting and more precisely asPrivacy screen for terracesThe plant is so ideal because it can grow between 1.5 and 3 meters high and is also evergreen.

  • evergreen
  • not hardy
  • blooming
  • Berries in autumn
  • sunny to partially shaded

Vinegar trees as patio plants

The vinegar tree is also particularly pretty to look at (Rhus typhina), which is also known as deer butt sumac and of which there are varieties that are perfect for containers. The leaves are particularly impressive and exotic. It is very suitable if you have oneeasy-care terrace plantinglook for something that is also robust. These trees are also winter-hardy plants, but after a beautiful red-orange leaf color in autumn, they lose their leaves in winter. Vinegar trees are plants as a privacy screen for the terrace in a bucket, which offers protection in the warm seasons.

  • easy to care for and robust
  • hardy
  • deciduous
  • beautiful autumn colors

Creeping spindle as an evergreen privacy screen for the shade

The creeping spindle (Euonymus fortunei) perfectly suited. It is also very practical that they can thrive very well in the shade, so they are also ideal for darker garden areas with a terrace. Topiary pruning is possible with these plants if you want, but not absolutely necessary. Make sure you choose the right variety! There are those who tend to crawl and those who climb. Use the latter and also provide a climbing aid.

The creeping spindles are alsohardy potted plants, which are also evergreen, so that the plants in the pot as a privacy screen for the terrace offer the perfect privacy even in the cold season. Depending on the variety, the leaf color can vary. Those with white and variegated leaves are ideal for shade.

  • evergreen
  • easy to care for and robust
  • hardy
  • Pruning and shaping are possible, but not absolutely necessary
  • suitable for the shade
  • different leaf colors available

Patio privacy screen with a Mediterranean flair – citrus trees and more

Every hobby gardener has probably had one of their ownLemon, orange or tangerine treesdreamed. And as long as you have enough space inside to store the non-hardy plants in the pot as a privacy screen for the terrace, nothing really stands in your way. Citrus trees are quite fast-growing and tall plants that even grow a bit taller thanks to the large container. In addition, the flowers will pamper you with a pleasant scent and the fruits with their taste.

But that's not all you can choose if you value a Mediterranean feeling. Olive trees and figs are also a great option. You can also do it around the terracePlant pot with trellisplace where kiwis can grow. For this purpose areMini-Kiwis (Kiwi Bears)for example, perfectly suited.

  • relatively easy to care for
  • fast growing
  • bear edible fruit
  • blooming


The firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea) become. But that's not the only thing that impresses the thorny plants. It also decorates the terracefragrant flowersand in autumn with pretty berries. There are yellow, orange and red varieties. The firethorn plant in a pot as a privacy screen is robust and easy to care for and prefers a sunny location - ideal for shielding a terrace that is located on the south or west side.

To ensure opaque growth, regular pruning of these plants is necessary as a privacy screen for the terrace in the pot. This takes place after flowering. But whoever adheres to thebright berriesIf you want to please, you should not cut off the withered inflorescences and refrain from pruning them.

  • robust and easy to care for
  • sunny location
  • flowers and berries
  • Pruning necessary

Fast-growing potted plants as privacy screens - bamboo in a pot

Bamboo is actually nothing new if you want to plant the terrace using plant pots to provide more privacy. But since it is extremely easy to care for growing plantwhich quickly transforms into a perfect patio privacy screen, we would like to mention the exotic bamboo again. Even though it looks really good in the garden, many garden owners are put off by the fact that it can spread uncontrollably and therefore requires a root barrier.

If you choose these plants in a pot as a privacy screen for the terrace, the problem will not arise. A large container is important. It cannot tolerate waterlogging. Since these potted plants are hardy, you can leave them outside during the cold season. Then a shady location that is as sheltered from the wind as possible is the best choice.

  • hardy
  • fast growing
  • easy-care

More demanding plants as a privacy screen for the terrace in a pot - boxwood

A little more patience andThe boxwood requires care(Buxus sempervirens), but it scores with its extremely dense growth. However, if you are looking for fast-growing plants, this hedge plant is not what you are looking for. The need for care is also quite intensive - abundant fertilization is necessary every spring and regular topiary supports the dense growth of the branches.

  • hardy
  • more intensive care necessary
  • evergreen
  • Any shape cut possible

Fast-growing privacy screen with grasses – switchgrass

The pretty switchgrass (Turned into a panic). Grasses are mainly in themodern garden and terrace designalmost indispensable. They are therefore ideally suited as modern privacy protection. But the easy-care plants also do very well in other garden styles. Depending on the variety, the grass has green to blue-green stalks and reddish to pink inflorescences. The 'Northwind' variety grows in a columnar and dense manner, which means that several plants in pots are ideal as privacy screens for the terrace.

The stalks dry out in autumn and are only cut off in spring so that they can protect the root ball from the winter cold. In addition, the planter needs protection from the cold if it is to be left outside in winter. Alternatively, it can also be stored somewhere warm (e.g. garage or shed). Don't forget to water in winterbeautiful ornamental grasses, otherwise the plant will dry out.

  • easy to care for and robust
  • durable
  • hardy in the garden bed; Winter protection necessary for potted plants
  • pretty colors of the stalks and flowers
  • Pruning in spring

Plants as privacy screens – riding grass

Would you rather have one instead?Grass that decorates even in winter, is the riding grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora) and more precisely the variety 'Karl Foerster' is very suitable. The wheat-colored spikes that form after the shimmering purple flowers remain standing throughout the winter and reach a height of 100 to 160 cm. A sunny location is important for this ornamental grass because it only tolerates partial shade to a limited extent and not at all in shade. As plants as privacy screens for the terrace in a bucket, riding grasses require frost protection.

  • flowers
  • sunny location important
  • dry stalks remain a privacy screen in winter
  • Prune only in spring
  • not hardy in pots; Frost protection necessary

Dwarf silver cypress

Conifers are generally perfect plants as a privacy screen for the patio in a container. The dwarf silver cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera) isnext to the thujaone of them. With an impressive height of up to 4 meters depending on the variety, this plant is more than just suitable as a privacy screen for terraces and gardens. Its evergreen nature guarantees ideal protection even in winter and under low maintenance conditions. Added to this is their attractive needle dress in bluish-gray.

The only downside to this beauty is its slow growth. However, you can also buy larger plants for the planters on the terrace and use them directly as a privacy screen if you don't have the patience to wait.

  • evergreen
  • tall growing
  • easy-care
  • hardy

Privacy protection plants for pots

In principle, there are countless variants of privacy plants for the terrace that you can also grow in pots. We have simply put together a small selection for you from which you can search for your favorite. Below we have a list of other great species that you can use to plant in pots as a privacy screen for the patio:

  • Renewal(Berber Juliana) – 2 to 3 meters, yellow flowers and red to black edible berries; easy-care; sunny to partially shaded location
  • Stechpalme(Ilex) – summer green, but with dense foliage even in winter; undemanding; white flowers and berries in yellow, red, brown or black; bright but sunny to shady location; evergreen
  • Tree of life(Thuja) – short-growing varieties suitable for containers; water regularly and avoid over-fertilization; Not hardy in the pot, frost protection necessary; evergreen; quite easy to care for
  • Cherry laurel(Prunus laurocerasus) – choose small-leaved varieties as they are less susceptible to frost; 'Otto Luyken' is a robust and drought-resistant variety; easy-care; evergreen; suitable for the shade
  • Rosmarinweide(Salix eleágnos'Angustifolia') – sunny location; up to 2 meters high; drought-resistant and robust
  • slot maple– yellow orred foliagein autumn; drought resistant; requires plenty of water, but cannot tolerate waterlogging; wind-protected location; hardy, but potted plants need frost protection for the roots; growing slowly