Using wood ash against weeds: A useful helper, but only under these conditions

It's actually a good idea to use wood ash to control weeds. In this way, you not only get rid of the annoying plants, but you also supply the useful or ornamental plants with nutrients and thus also use the fertilizer properties of the waste product. But to ensure that everything looks and functions the way you want, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Why ash is beneficial and which one to use

Foto: photoPOU/ Shutterstock

Apart from valuable minerals such as potassium and lime, the ash also has a drying property which, together with the high pH value, creates an environment that makes weeds uncomfortable. Plants that prefer acidic soil will have a difficult time with the neutralizing ash.Especially for the lawnThe remedy is very suitable because it is not only

Nevertheless, not every type of ash is suitable and even with the right one there are a few things to pay attention to.

What should you pay attention to when using it?

Foto: La Huertina De Toni/ Shutterstock
  • In any case, it must be pure wood ash. If plastic and other harmful substances were contained during burning, the ashes are unsuitable.
  • The burned wood must have been untreated, i.e. free of varnish, glue or chemicals.
  • If you want to use it in a bed with crops such as vegetables, the origin of the wood also plays an important role. For example, if the trees were in an industrial area, they would be contaminated.
  • Don't overdo it as the pesticide can do more harm than good. Not only could the beneficial plants be damaged, but the soil in the treated area could become infertile.
  • It is better to refrain from treatment if sensitive plants are growing in the immediate vicinity.
  • Wood ash not only changes the pH of the soil, but also that of water. If there are water sources nearby (streams, wells, rivers, ponds, etc.) into which the waste product could enter via groundwater, avoid use or use the product with particular caution.

Here's how you canWood ash as fertilizerto use.

How to use wood ash against weeds

Foto: La Huertina De Toni/ Shutterstock

How to do it right:

  • Choose a dry day for application, as rain will wash away the ash before it can take effect.
  • Apply the powder specifically by applying immediately around the main stem. So it can affect the respective plant, but not the useful and ornamental plants.
  • Use the wood ash sparingly. Too much of it, as already mentioned, changes land values ​​too much.
  • If you get too much of it on the floor, you don't have to scrape it off again. Instead, work it into the soil to distribute it better.