Fighting wood sorrel: These are the weak points of this stubborn weed

Although clover itself has become a popular lawn substitute, there is also a troublesome type of clover that is not only extremely invasive but also detrimental to insects and some birds: wood sorrel. For this reason you should fight wood sorrel. But what options are there for this stubborn weed?

Horn sorrel, as the plant is also called, is not a native species. Anyone who has ever tried to get rid of this weed knows that it is a seemingly impossible task. Since the seeds are thrown in countless quantities over several meters, spreading is a piece of cake for the plant. And she doesn't even stop at buckets.

Why this type of clover is disadvantageous

Hornsauerklee (Oxalis corniculata) is a yellow-flowering clover that is native to the Mediterranean region, but was brought to Germany many centuries ago and is spreading happily.Like the butterfly lilacfor example, this clover is considered a neophyte and such non-native plants pose a threat to our locals. In addition, it loves warmth and the ever warmer seasons are therefore a pleasure for it, which means that they can displace ours.

What can you do preventatively so that you don't have to remove clover in the first place?

Wood sorrel is often already present in the soil of purchased plants. This then continues to grow over time and before you know it, it has already developed ripe seed capsules that explode at the slightest touch. That's why it's worth taking a closer look at the substrate and checking it again and again in the coming days. If you notice clover, remove it as quickly as possible, trying to pull out the sturdy root as well.

Fight sorrel in beds etc.

If the plant has already spread in beds and containers and developed a larger root network, it becomes quite difficult to control wood sorrel. The following always applies: act immediately as soon as you discover clover somewhere. This is the only way you can prevent it from spreading.

Fight horn sorrel in the garden bed

The first step is to prevent seeds from forming. In this way you can at least prevent the seeds from spreading. If for some reason you don't yet have the opportunity to literally get to the root of the problem, you can at least pull the weeds during flowering at the latest. The thin shoots will tear off very easily, so the roots will continue to live, but it's a start.

Then take the time regularly to dig up the plants and their roots using a hoe. Chop these as deeply as possible and under the roots in order to then lift the plants out. But this can be quite difficult in clayey soil. You can also loosen the entire soil a little until the plantlets are loose and you can collect them. You will probably need to repeat this a few more times.

What to do about clover in the lawn?

Horned wood sorrel can even occur in dense lawns. How to destroy clover in the lawn? After all, loosening the soil to get the plants out wouldn't be a good idea in this case. The only thing left to do here is to strengthen the lawn itself so that it becomes more invasive than wood sorrel. How can you do that?

  • Check the pH level in your lawn. If necessary, lime the lawn.
  • Then fertilize extensively.
  • Let it grow well for two weeks.
  • Mow it low.
  • Scarify the lawn to ensure good ventilation.
  • Sow new lawn to renew it.
  • Remember to always water sufficiently afterwards. This is not only necessary so that the seeds germinate and the new grasses can grow well. The wood sorrel doesn't get the moisture either because it prefers dry soil.

The right type of clover is a good lawn substitute.Find out more here.

Remove clover with yellow flowers from joints

Horned wood sorrel does not like moisture and shade, but on paved areas such as garden paths, patios or driveways, the conditions are usually exactly the opposite, or at least the paving joints are dry. And so the plant makes itself comfortable there. Scratching is a variant that could be used to combat wood sorrel. But as you know, it tears very easily and the roots remain, because it is difficult to get under the roots, especially in the narrow joints.

What can you try alternatively?With a flame deviceAt least the above-ground parts of the plant can be destroyed. To avoid damaging the paving stones, only hold the flame on a single plant for a second or two at a time. You then repeat this process several times a year, as unfortunately the roots are not destroyed. The burned plants then fall off within a few days.

What younotshould use if you want to destroy wood sorrel

We would not recommend that you use special weed killers against horned wood sorrel, as these will definitely harm the environment, regardless of whether they are approved. The same applies to the home remedy vinegar. If you fight wood sorrel with vinegar, you will have a negative impact on the microorganisms in the soil and the agent will also end up in the groundwater. For this reason, use in the garden is prohibited.

Prevent new spread

On the one hand, you should of course always try new growth as quickly as possibleRemove clover plantsso that they can't spread so much again. Immediately after combating it, it is also worth spreading bark mulch where possible (in beds). This layer prevents seeds from germinating and remaining plants from sprouting. Don't be sparing with the mulch layer: it can be 5 centimeters.

Admittedly, the weeds, which have yellow flowers and reddish leaves, look quite pretty. The rapid spread also makes it a perfect ground cover, if it weren't for the disadvantages for our native plants and insects. Where the plant is causing problems, immediate action must be taken. And if you fight wood sorrel quickly enough and are patient and persistent, you can really get rid of it.