How and when to fertilize potatoes? This way you provide your crops with nutrients for a better harvest

As is the case with tomato plants, professional or amateur gardeners can fertilize their potatoes to increase yields. Although not always necessary, optimizing nutrient supply allows potato plants to grow healthier and produce a richer harvest. Proper plant care with fertilizers would accordingly make a big difference in plant growth, but what else is there to consider? If you fertilize too much, too little or during the wrong period, this can seriously affect the health of the plants. To avoid such mistakes when growing potatoes and to ensure that vegetable plants thrive, you will find some practical gardening tips below.

What to consider when fertilizing potatoes to boost crop production?

As finicky crops from a genus of the nightshade family, potatoes need a lot of nutrients during their growing season in order to thrive fully. However, it often happens that inexperienced gardeners feed their potato plants incorrectly, which has a negative impact on their potato yield. Typically, such plant varieties grow optimally in a well-watered andpermeable garden soil, at temperatures of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. They also require several hours of sunshine and have high nutrient requirements, which makes it sensible to fertilize them several times over the course of their life cycle.

Additionally, timing is a crucial factor if you want to fertilize your potatoes and maximize production. The type of fertilizer and the methods chosen also play an important role in terms of potassium and phosphorus content. Another essential nutrient for theproductive growth of potato plantsis the nitrogen. Its sufficient content in the soil ensures lush foliage and should be ensured before cultivation. This is usually done by applying horse manure or compost in a timely manner in the fall so that the garden soil is nutrient-rich in the spring. The right amount of nitrogen promotes the development of plant leaves, as it gives the plants a boost of energy.

Which fertilizer to use when on potato plants?

Given the factors described above, you can fertilize your potatoes by using the three nutrients in a balanced ratio. This is best done if you supply your plants with the appropriate fertilizer depending on the growth phase. Also test the pH of your soil before growing to better estimate the correct amount of nutrients needed. The optimal values ​​for potato plants are between 4.5 and 6.5, which means slightly acidic garden soil. If your soil is more acidic, you can during the growing seasonUse calcareous fertilizersto keep the pH value optimal.

In addition, when fertilizing potatoes, the intensity and quantity also depend on the size of the garden bed. The rule of thumb is approximately one liter per 10 square meters. It is best to start fertilizing two weeks after cultivation, when the plants are “hungriest”. However, as already written above, it is also important to have nutrient-rich soil before planting.

Otherwise, fertilizer use varies depending on early, mid or late season maturity. For example, if you are growing early potatoes, you can spend two-thirds of the total nitrogen needed for the season before growing. When growing mid- to late-maturation varieties, apply only a third of the season's total nitrogen before planting. Mix this application into the soil before planting as mounds form on all species.

How do you fertilize potatoes after tubers have formed?

Once you've provided enough nitrogen when fertilizing potatoes at planting, you can focus on the tubers. At this point, your potato plants should have already started photosynthesizing and developing. Now you can schedule regular monthly fertilization, starting about 6 to 7 weeks after cultivation. Then reduce the amount of nitrogen applied at two to three week intervals and feed your plants with liquid fertilizers. These should be rich in phosphorus and potassium so that your heavy eaters get enough nutrients to produce larger tubers.

Tomato fertilizers are also suitable for potato plants because both types of plants have similar nutrient requirements. A good ratio for a suitable potato fertilizer would be if the second and third numbers were up to twice the size of the first number, for example 5-10-10. However, do not overdo it, as too much nitrogen, for example, could make the plants more susceptible to potato blight. Additionally, you can also opt for organic fertilizers when fertilizing potatoes. There are varieties such as bone meal, seaweed and wood ash, while you can also get specially formulated organic fertilizers for growing potatoes.

Which fertilization method should I use for potatoes?

Most potato fertilizers are in a granular form that is released slowly, with many using blue grain when fertilizing potatoes. Traditionally, this is done by creating shallow trenches next to the plants in which the granular fertilizer is scattered and covered with soil. Of course, there are also water-soluble fertilizers that release their nutrients more quickly.

If you choose this option, you should dilute the fertilizer in a watering can and apply it around the base of the plant. You should be careful not to wet the leaves if possible. Of course you can toohomemade compostor use manure and use it to fertilize your potatoes in good time to achieve a better harvest. However, using manure immediately before cultivation or during the growing season can promote the formation of scab on potatoes.