Every hobby gardener knows that plant growth depends closely on the condition of the soil. The optimal garden soil is made up of various components and is characterized by good permeability, high nutrient content and sufficient water storage capacity. However, if the soil condition does not meet the requirements, it can be improved. In today's post we explain how you can improve a clay soil.
Identify clayey soil
The soils in the home garden are divided into three groups. The first group consists of the so-called light soils, which score points with good permeability. As a rule, they contain a high proportion of sand or gravel. The second group consists of medium-heavy soils, which contain equal amounts of clay and sand. The third group consists of heavy soils, which are characterized by a high clay content. They are very dense and impermeable, which has a negative impactaffects plant growth. On the one hand, because the soil becomes saturated with water and the roots could rot. On the other hand, because the soil is dense, the plants cannot absorb the nutrients. It is therefore very important to recognize clayey soil in good time. There is a simple trick for this purpose. It can be shaped into balls as desired, leaves little dirt on your hands and has medium-sized grains. Its surface is rough and matt.
Making compacted clay soil more permeable: Three variants
In agriculture, the clayey soil is dug up to make it more permeable. However, this method also has some disadvantages in your own garden: it is time-consuming and can destroy the micro- and macro-organisms. However, such editing could also be worthwhile if you are doing it for the first timeplanted the property. But care afterwards is also very important. Digging up and loosening the soil in four steps:
- Dig the bed with a spade
- The garden soil can also be worked on the surface with a rake.
- Work sand or lime into the soil.
- Fertilize and mulch the soil properly. Possibly improve the garden soil with earthworms.
Work sand into the clay soil: Which grain size is suitable?
An effective method is to mix sand with the clay soil. Washed river sand (gray building sand) is ideal for improving the garden soil. Use coarse sand, for example with a grain size between 3 and 5 mm. The yellow building sand and quartz sand are too fine and can have the opposite effect - even compacting the soil instead of making it more permeable. You need 0.04 cubic meters of sand per 1 square meter of garden area.
But when is it optimal to improve the clay soil? The time to do this is immediately after the plants have faded and before spring flowers are planted again in the fall. But you can also do this in spring and early spring.
Improve clay soil with lime
A medium-heavy clay soil usually has a pH in the acidic range. As a rule, this should under no circumstances be less than 5.5; values between 6.5 and 7.5 prove to be optimal. Deviations can be regulated by calcification. You need about 350 g of lime per m² of garden area to improve the clay soil.
Can earthworms improve clay soil
Earthworms are considered beneficial insects in the home garden. They prove to be an important helper, especially if you want to create a lawn in the garden but have clay soil. It can dig tunnels even in heavy soil and in this way loosens the garden soil. Earthworms are also sold for this purpose.
Converting clay soil: What does green manure mean?
Another measure that helps convert clay soil is green manure. What does that mean and how should you go about it? Some plants can root through even the heavy clay soil, making it more airy and loose. In autumn, when the above groundPlant parts turn yellowand wither, they become natural fertilizer. This supplies the clay soil with important nutrients.
In practice, the following process has become established: First, the plants are selected for green manure. Lupins, crimson clover, marigolds and blue flax are suitable. The deep roots can loosen the soil. You can find seeds in garden centers. After the end of the permanent frost in spring through to autumn you can sow the plants. Tip: Mow the plants before they can form seeds and spread. Leave the plant parts lying around.
Regular fertilization can also have a big impact on clay soil. It is advisable to regularly work compost into the soil. In the kitchen garden, it helps if you lay a layer of mulch between the plants. Leaves and hay can then be scattered on it in autumn. Thanks to these caring measures, you will have loose, airy and, above all, humus-rich garden soil next year.