Hedges offer much more than privacy. They are also important food sources for insects and small animals and popular nesting sites for birds. It is therefore forbidden by law to cut back the hedge during the birds' breeding season. Such a radical pruning can only be done in the cold season - in late autumn and spring. And this main cut is for themost hedge plantsvery important. It promotes growth and prevents them from becoming bald. However, not all plants need such pruning in autumn. There are also species that get through the winter healthy with a topiary. We explain how to create your hedgecut in autumn, from when it is allowed and what you should pay attention to.
Careful pruning is permitted from October to February. The removal of the hedge is also permitted during this period. A topiary, on the other hand, can be done all year round. To be on the safe side, you should first check the hedge for birds and small animals.
Basically the rule of thumb applies:Hardy plantstolerate a topiary cut in autumn. Plants that are partially hardy should be cut in spring. They need more time to regenerate and could freeze to death.
It is also important to get the hedge into the right shape. The plants particularly benefit from a pyramid shape. This will ensure that all parts of the plant get enough sunlight. Precise execution is desirable but not necessary. Fortunately, most cutting errors can be corrected over time.
Choosing the right tool depends on two factors. Experienced hobby gardeners who have a long hedge often use special electric hedge trimmers. Protective clothing, gloves and safety glasses are an absolute must. You should also have some experience, because handling an electric hedge trimmer is not easy. You also need to take into account the permitted operating hours. Basically, the rule is that you can only use loud motorized devices in the garden on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. To be on the safe side, you should ask the local authorities.
Beginners and gardeners who have a small hedge are therefore better off using hand hedge trimmers. Gloves are also essential in this case. A hand hedge trimmer also has the decisive advantage of being quiet. Therefore, you can work with it on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Cutting the hibiscus hedge: In autumn, only topiary is an option
Unlike othersflowering treesThe hibiscus is cut back in spring. In autumn the only option is topiary. However, only diseased, woody and dried parts of the plant should be cut off. It is best to simply leave young shoots standing. If the winter is very cold, the hibiscus will freeze back. The young shoots then form a protective layer. This means the shrub can survive even permanent frost.
Cutting the Thuja hedge: Care pruning is possible in autumn
The Thuja hedge does not tolerate pruning. However, maintenance cuts are possible and desirable. Such a cut should be done no more than once a year. The best time is in spring because then the sensitive plant has enough time to recover. Alternatively, autumn is also an option. The month of October is particularly suitable for this. If you cut your thuja hedge in November, you risk it not being able to recover before the first frost and freezing to death.
Cutting the privet hedge: November is not the right time for a topiary
A privet hedge is usually cut once at the beginning of summer and once at the end of summer. During this period only one topiary is permitted. It is best to contact the local authorities to find out how this topiary can be done.
Cut the bamboo hedge in autumn: only remove individual shoots
The bamboo hedge also needs a topiary. This usually takes place in spring. However, if you missed the right time, you can also shape the hedge into the desired shape in autumn. Usually only diseased or dried shoots are cut back to the ground. The goal is to ensure that all parts of the plant receive sunlight through even thinning.
Should you cut the cherry laurel hedge in autumn?
DieCherry laurel hedgetolerates a caring cut once a year. Ideally, this should be done in early July to allow the plant to recover. However, since most birds nest at this time, no radical pruning is permitted. This is why most hobby gardeners opt for a topiary cut in spring, around the end of winter. In autumn only individual diseased shoots can be removed. But you really shouldn't cut back more than that, otherwise the plants could freeze to death at the interfaces.