Magnolia flowering time: can it be extended? What to do if it doesn't bloom at all and the right care afterwards

Magnolias illuminate the garden in spring with their stunning beauty and make every gardener's heart beat faster. But their flowering period is quite short, it would be nice if there were ways to extend it. What you can do if it blooms very sparsely or not at all and what care is required after the magnolia has bloomed – we have put together tips for you.

Magnolia flowering time: How long do magnolias bloom?

Some types of magnolia bloom earlier, others later. Overall, however, the flowering period of these breathtaking plants lasts relatively short, just a few weeks. In our latitudes, the first varieties begin to bloom in March and other evergreen varieties, such as Magnolia grandiflora, even until June. Some magnolia species such as the tulip magnolia or the Chinese magnolia bloom twice a year - in spring and late summer. MostMagnolia speciesHowever, they only bloom once a year.

This is how you can extend the magnolia flowering period

The beautiful ornamental tree needs favorable conditions to bloom. They need well-watered soil, a warm season and lots of sunshine to achieve the best and longest possible flowering period. Giving your magnolia tree the best possible care could extend its blooming period. During the flowering period, pay particular attention to regular watering so that the flowers do not fall off too early. Make sure that there is no frequently used garden path over the roots and keep the area above the roots as free of weeds as possible.


The optimal magnolia soil is a nutrient-rich, well-drained soil that has a neutral to slightly acidic pH value. If you do thatbeautiful ornamental treesplant, make sure to add organic compost to the soil and water it well. Make sure the root area is as quiet as possible. This means removing weeds, not letting the garden path run too close to the plant and also keeping possible underground pests away.

Magnolia flowering time: proper watering

Water your magnolia tree once a week initially and then once a month for the next two growing seasons. If the magnolias are in more sandy soil, they will require less water than if they are planted in clayey soil. However, you will then need a larger amount of water per pour. Plants that are watered incorrectly or not watered enough can produce shorter bloom times. Add a layer of bark mulch around the trunk of your plant to keep the soil around the roots moist.

To prune magnolia or not?

Magnolias should only be pruned occasionally and rather irregularly. The need arises when you need to remove dead or damaged branches. Incorrect or too frequent pruning can cause the magnolia to become damaged or bloom less.


What factors can cause the magnolia tree not to bloom? If one were to approach the diagnosis systematically, the first question that would have to be answered is: Is this the right climate zone for my type of magnolia? Most magnolia species are designated for climate zones 7 – 9. They love warmth and direct sunlight. If the temperatures are too low during the season, this could be the reason why the magnolia does not bloom or the buds do not open. Even late frost can cause the development of the flowers to be disrupted and therefore not to bloom at all.


If you can rule this out, see if your plant has enough sunlight, this is another factor. Although magnolias tolerate partial shade, they bloom best when they have enough sunlight.

Soil quality

Another reason why the plant does not bloom could be soil that is too poor in nutrients. Check the soil quality. A soil test should reveal whether this is the reason for the non-flowering. The magnolia should have slightly acidic, humus-rich, nutrient-rich soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Add soil suitable for magnoliasorganic fertilizerand add the required nutrients by doing the following: Drill small holes 30 cm deep, 15 cm apart, in the ground along the outermost line of the tree's canopy circumference. Add the missing nutrients and then water well.

What care does the plant need after flowering?

You do not need to remove the plant's spent flowers as they will fall off on their own and form a beautiful carpet on the garden floor. Because magnolias are very sensitive to pruning, you should only do this if absolutely necessary. After the flowering period, you could check whether there are some damaged or dead branches here and there and then remove them. It is important to proceed in a more minimalistic manner. Otherwise, your magnolia may resent you and refuse to bloom beautifully again.

We wish you a richly blooming and fragrant magnolia tree and lots of joy in your garden!