Red maple: Fast-growing trees “Acer rubrum” provide a blaze of color in autumn

Red maple (bot. Acer rubrum), also called red maple, red maple or swamp maple, is a fast-growing ornamental tree. In spring it is an eye-catcher with its rich flowers and in autumn the tree with its attractive red-colored foliage provides a blaze of color in the garden. The tree is not only a real eye-catcher, but also a practical design element in the outdoor area. Its round treetop casts cooling shade in summer and provides privacy for the house and outside.

Easy to care for and undemanding: The red maple is not only very popular in its home country, the USA. It is also one of the most popular ornamental trees in Germany. And if you don't have enough space in the garden for the tree, you can take it on the terracea bonsai treeprovide a splash of color. We will explain to you what you need to pay attention to when choosing a location, how you can promote growth with the right care and how you can detect and combat any diseases in good time.

Red maple: origin and varieties

The red maple belongs to the soap tree family and is native to North America. Nowadays it is widespread in the eastern Canadian and American forests, where it grows at an altitude of 400 to 1600 meters. This is particularly exciting during the “Indian Summer”, a dry and warm weather period from September to OctoberWoody plant with red foliage. Although it is not native but was brought to Europe, the tree has become an important part of the ecosystem and, above all, contributes to bee protection as a “bee tree”.

Since the wild species can reach a height of up to 30 meters, severallower varieties for gardenbred. The hobby gardener can find the following ornamental trees in stores:

1. Variety “October Glory” is an ornamental tree that reaches a height of up to 12 meters. Its dark red branches, gray-blue trunk and beautiful autumn colors make it an eye-catcher. The tree retains its red-colored foliage until December. Suitable as:Solitary tree in the front yard, which offers privacy and sun protection for the terrace. Sensitive to frost and therefore only common in southern Germany.

2. “Northwood” is a very hardy plant that can easily withstand snow, frost and strong winds. Loses its leaves earlier than the “October Glory” variety. It grows up to 12 meters high and is primarily used as a solitary tree in medium-sized gardens.

3. “Snow fire” is a fast-growing variety with colorful red-orange-yellow-green leaves. In autumn its green leaves turn yellow to intensely fiery red. The crown is broadly pyramidal, the ornamental tree reaches a growth width of up to 10 meters and a maximum height of 15 meters.

4. The crown of “Red sunset” is also pyramidal and wide. This variety sheds its leaves at the end of autumn and is popular for its beautiful red foliage. The ornamental tree is very frost hardy and can thrive even in sub-zero temperatures.


The red maple is a medium-tall tree. The cultivated varieties reach a maximum height of 12-14 meters and are usually around 8 meters wide. With an average growth of 50 cm per year, the tree is one of the fastest-growing trees. It is a heart-rooter, which means that its roots first develop downwards and only then does another system form below the surface of the earth. Heartroots are considered very undemanding and can adapt to the terrain. However, the fast-growing root system can lift patio coverings and garden paths.

Growth habit and crown

Depending on the variety, the red maple can grow either as a standard tree or as a multi-stemmed shrub. Only a few varieties have a compact, upright habit. In most, the crown is broad and varies from conical to rounded. The branches are dark red to reddish brown and the tree trunk is gray-blue in color. After just four years it canTree provide shadeand begins to attract bees and butterflies to the garden. In summer it is often used as a nesting site.


The tree leaves are shiny, three to five lobed and arranged oppositely. The tree turns green in spring and retains its green foliage even in summer. Only at the beginning of autumn, i.e. in September, do the leaves first turn gold, then orange and then turn deep red. It is precisely this saturated red nuance that makes red maple so popular. This brings variety to an otherwiseboring-looking autumn gardenand gives the front garden an additional splash of color. If the winter is mild, new growth can begin as early as January. The leaves are very poisonous only to horses.

flowers and fruits

Red maple has a short flowering period of just two months. The umbel-shaped flowers are also colored golden brown like the new growth. A month later, the tree produces fruit, which falls off in early summer. This early flowering and fruiting period is particularly important for theWild bees are of great importance. With a good to very good nectar and pollen value, the red maple proves to be an important source of food for building several wild bee colonies.

Red maple: demands on location and soil


Red maple is an undemanding tree that thrives in partial shade as well as in sunny locations. The tree cannot tolerate heat, so the south-facing garden is not ideal for it. A warm, west-facing garden or a property facing east or north are better. Otherwise, the tree has no special requirements for the location and can be usedFrost, snow, rainand wind thrive without any problems.

At theSelection of locationYou should also expect rapid growth in height and width. The red maple cuts a particularly good figure as a solitary tree in the middle of the lawn. This gives it enough space to develop its root system. Its crown will also grow in the coming years, so you should leave at least 10 meters around the tree or plant it with ground cover and low flowers.


When it comes to soil, red maple is also undemanding. A loose, nutrient-rich, moist and slightly acidic soil proves to be optimal. Longer dry periods in summer don't bother him. It can grow quickly in sandy soil and tolerate short-term flooding well. The only problem is calcareous, compacted soil in which waterlogging can form. The ornamental tree is moderately salt tolerant.

Planting and transplanting

Spring is the right oneTime to plantof a red maple tree. After you have chosen the location, you need to dig a hole that is at least two and preferably three times as wide. Loosen the soil and, if necessary, improve the soil with quartz sand. You can increase the humus content of the soil with compost.

It is not advisable to transplant red maple trees. It really can't tolerate it well and there's a chance the tree will die. If there is no other option, then you should dig a hole around the tree that is 1 meter wide and at least 80 cm deep and only then try to remove the tree.

Care, cutting and propagation

Red maple can do well with minimal care. It only needs water if there is a long dry period in summer. You usually don’t need to add fertilizer either. You can only fertilize young trees once in spring. However, as long as the soil meets all requirements, you no longer need to provide the ornamental tree with fertilizer after the first year. You don't have to cut a red maple because, on the one hand, the tree doesn't need it and, on the other hand, it doesn't tolerate cutting well. If its crown is too dense and tangled, you can cut off individual branches at the end of summer.

As far as propagation is concerned, it is basically possible to propagate the red maple by sowing. However, in most tree nurseries, trees are propagated through cuttings. For this purpose, shoots 15-20 cm long without flowers are cut off at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer. If you would like to try this method, fill a flower pot with potting soil and insert the shoots halfway into the soil. Place the pot in a sunny to partially shaded location and cover the pot with transparent film. Ventilate the plant daily by removing the film for half an hour. After a year, the young tree is basically ready to be planted in the garden.

Use as privacy and sun protection

Red maple thrives in a medium to large garden. He can provide cooling shadecozy seating areas in the gardendonate. The tree also cuts a fine figure at the edge of the garden and automatically attracts the attention of passers-by. Since the tree grows quickly and is quite tall, you need to plan a certain distance from the neighbors and your house when planting. When planning, also take note of local authority regulations regarding trees. Basically you should follow the following rules:

  • Always plan a distance of at least three meters from your neighbors.
  • Leave a minimum distance of two meters between the tree and the patio. In this way, damage caused by the roots to the terrace covering can be avoided.
  • A distance of 5 meters from your house guarantees that sufficient sunlight will come into the house even after 5 or 10 years.

Diseases and pests

Red maple is not susceptible to most pests. However, if the soil remains dry for a long time, dark spots may form on its leaves. Conversely - if it has to tolerate waterlogging for a long time, then it can be affected by various fungal diseases. If it is waterlogged, it is also at risk of aphid infestation.

Bonsai Rotahorn

If you are looking for an easy-care and extremely robust houseplant, then this plant is for you. Bonsai maples have few requirements in terms of location and soil and fascinate with beautiful foliage that turns green in summer and reddish-brown in autumn. TheTrees in small formatgrow up to 40 cm high and 20 cm wide, so they are super compact. You can display them on a dresser or side table, or arrange them with other plants as desired. However, the Americans cut a good figure best as soloists. And when it comes to beautiful leaves and treetops, they are in no way inferior to their larger relatives.

The houseplants are ideal for beginners because they can grow wella warm roomthrive. However, it is not a sunny location that proves to be optimal, but rather a location in partial shade. A substrate for bonsai trees with sand content offers the best conditions for their rapid growth. When it comes to adding water, you have to make sure that the soil neither dries out completely nor becomes too moist. The plants react very sensitively to waterlogging and cannot tolerate it well.

The maple bonsai can spend the winter at home, and in the summer you can display it on the terrace or balcony. The tree can stay there until late autumn. If the temperatures fall below 0 degrees, you will have to bring the bonsai tree back indoors. First, place the plant in a cool, dry room until it gets used to the change in temperature. Only then can you stage them in the room.

Bonsai maples generally cost less thanother bonsai trees, but look just as beautiful. They are also suitable as a gift on special occasions.

Red maple is a long-lived tree that can live between 70 and 130 years in the garden. Undemanding and fast-growing, the ornamental tree is the perfect addition to the large garden. It can be staged particularly effectively as a soloist and cuts a fine figure in the front garden.