Fertilizing with milk: What is the benefit and for which plants is milk suitable as a fertilizer?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries etc. – home-grown fruit and vegetables simply taste much better. As passionate hobby gardeners, we at Deavita are always looking for new ways to keep our plants happy and healthy. In order to promote growth and achieve a productive harvest, regular fertilization is essential - we all know that. In addition to the classic fertilizers from the store, there are now many home remedies that can do the job. But did you know that you can also fertilize your plants with milk? Yes, you read it correctly! How exactly do you use milk as fertilizer and which plants can you fertilize with it? We'll explain the answers and other useful tips to you in our article!

Can you fertilize with milk?

Milk is healthy and an excellent source of calcium - not only for us humans, but also for our plants. In addition to supporting growth, milk as a fertilizer can also combat various plant diseases. These include powdery mildew, aphids, many viruses and calcium deficiency. So you can fertilize with milk without any concerns. Both cow's milk and vegan milk alternatives contain a lot of calcium, protein and phosphorus - all nutrients that are important for healthy plant growth.

For tomatoes and roses, milk as a fertilizer can prevent mildew and the home remedy is ideal for combating aphids and mites in the garden. In addition, milk can also help against rot and mold and combat curling diseases in apricots and peaches. So many benefits, right? But the first thing you should pay attention to when trying something new in the garden is: everything in moderation! While milk has many benefits as a fertilizer, too much of it or using it incorrectly can cause more harm than good.

What type of milk to use as fertilizer?

Now that you know that you can fertilize your plants with milk, you are probably asking yourself: What type of milk is best for this? Since fresh skimmed milk contains more microorganisms compared to UHT milk, it would be a better choice. Vegan milk alternatives such as rice, soy and almond milk are also rich in calcium and protein and contain many vitamins such as B2, B12 and D. The amino acids contained in protein as well as the phosphorus and calcium have a positive effect on the growth and health of the milk Plant. And in the spirit of sustainability, you can safely use spoiled milk as fertilizer and it won't harm your plants at all.

How to fertilize plants with milk?

Fertilizing plants with milk is actually a lot easier than you think. You have two options to choose from. In small quantities, you can add undiluted milk as fertilizer directly to the vegetable patch or bucket. However, a combination of milk and water would be much better and more effective. To do this, mix milk and water in a ratio of 1:5 and always use soft, low-lime water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the leaves of the plants. When applied in this way, milk as a fertilizer not only stimulates growth, but also acts as a natural plant protection.

For the best possible results, experts recommend fertilizing the plants with milk 1 to 2 times a month or every 4 to 6 weeks. Very important to know: if the fertilizer stays on the leaves longer, certain plants such as tomatoes become more susceptible to fungal diseases. To avoid this, wipe the leaves lightly with a damp cloth or use the product very sparingly. To improve soil conditions, you can add the water and milk mixture directly to the soil or compost pile.

Which plants to fertilize with milk?

You already know how to fertilize with milk. Now you may be wondering what plants are forMilk is suitable as fertilizer? Absolutely all plants rely on phosphorus, calcium and amino acids for healthy growth. It doesn't matter whether it's fruits and vegetables, garden flowers or houseplants - you can fertilize almost all types of plants with milk. Milk is particularly popular as a fertilizer for tomatoes, roses and ferns. But demanding orchids also get along well with the home remedy.

Which plants should you not fertilize with milk?

Although milk as a fertilizer is full of nutrients and is a real secret weapon in the garden, there are still some plants that you should not fertilize with it. These include plants such as blueberries, rhododendrons and azaleas, which prefer acidic soil. The alkaline pH can worsen soil conditions and thus ruin our crops. And speaking of blueberries – in this article we’ll explain howFertilize blueberries.