Daffodils have faded, what to do: dig up the flower bulb after flowering or not? Including tips for other early bloomers

There are many bulbous flowers that delight the eye in spring and spring. But what should you do with daffodils etc. after they have bloomed? Should you plant the flower bulb in the flower bed or leave it in the pot? We explain what you should do when the daffodils have faded.

Daffodils have faded, what to do? Plant the potted flowers in the flower bed

The little heralds of spring can be planted in the garden after they have faded. The procedure is similar for all types of flowers: only remove the flowers and flower stems. The leaves contain important nutrients that they provide to the bulbs after flowering. Therefore, you should leave them until they have completely yellowed and only then remove them.

After preparing the flowers, you should loosen the soil in the bed and water it. If you haven't fertilized it yet, you canCompost into the soilincorporate. In the first few weeks you should always make sure that the soil remains moist. Check daily and water as needed.

You can plant out the early bloomers immediately after they have faded. The most important thing is that the bulbs are placed in the ground at a minimum distance of 15 cm. Dig a hole as wide as the bulb and about 8cm to 10cm deep.

Some garden animals such as voles or squirrels dig up the flower bulb. This especially happens in the fall when food becomes scarce. To protect the early bloomers from attacks, place a vole screen in the ground.

Flower bulbs after flowering: This is how you can store the early bloomers correctly

Another option would be to leave the flower bulb in the pot or bed until the leaves dry out completely and turn yellow. Then you can dig up the early bloomers and store them for next year. To do this, you should first dig up the bulbs, carefully shake out the potting soil and thePlants for pestsand check for diseases. Then fill a wooden box with sand and place it in a dry, rain- and wind-protected place (balcony, garden shed). Make sure that the box is not overfilled.

Daffodils have faded, what to do? Propagate the early bloomers vegetatively

Most bulb flowers can be propagated not only from seeds, but also from bulbs. They sit on the side of the bulb, but are significantly smaller. Some bulbs can even produce leaves in summer. Dig up the bulb after the leaves turn yellow. Then carefully separate the brood and mother bulbs. Store them in a dry, dark place protected from wind and frost.

It is best to layer them alternately with sand in a wooden box. This way the plants can spend the winter and then be allowed outside in the spring. Plant them in the flower bed, flower box or raised bed. Dig small holes 10 cm deep and place the early bloomers in the ground 10 cm apart.

Early bloomers after flowering: several gardening tips

1. Store onion of one kind in a small wooden box. Label the box so that you will know later which variety and color of flowers are stored in each box.

2.Create a planting planand mark on it all the flowers that you have planted in the ground. Label the containers and flower boxes so you don't forget the planting combinations.

3. The leaves of tulips and daffodils are quite wide. When they yellow, they are not a pretty sight. You can conceal them with ornamental grasses and tall perennials. Or you can transplant the bulb plants.

4. Withered bulb flowers still need sun and water to prepare for the cold season. The bulbs have the ability to store nutrients until the next flowering period. Then the freshly planted early bloomers will use them up to produce flowers. If you plant the flowers too early, the flowers will produce significantly fewer flowers next year.

5. You do not have to stop fertilizing immediately after flowering. As long as the bulbs are in the ground and the leaves have not yellowed, you can provide the early bloomers with fertilizer regularly. If the flower bulbs are then dug up and stored, they no longer need fertilizer. If you leave the onions in the bed, you can stop fertilizing them at the end of summer.

6. A good time to change location is in summer, when the flowers have already withered and the leaves have yellowed. This gives them enough time to adapt before the cold season begins.

7. If you store the onions in boxes, it is worth checking them once a month for diseases, rot and pests.