Crafts with children in spring and making flowers to combat boredom during quarantine

Due to the epidemic caused by the coronavirus, the government recommends leaving the house as rarely as possible. This is the only way to prevent further spread. However, this canPermanent home quarantinecan be quite tiring, especially if you also have to keep little bullies busy who were previously used to letting off steam on the playground or in kindergarten. Ideas are needed! Children love to do crafts, so how about a craft afternoon to match the new season? Paper is a wonderful way to make crafts with children in spring and flowers can be created this way to decorate your home beautifully! Here are a few craft ideas for children.

These flowers are super easy to make and come in any size. Would you likecraft with paperWith children in spring and creating flowers from circles, you don't even need any special materials, because most likely you already have everything at home. That's why the idea for spring crafts with children should be perfect for the quarantine due to the coronavirus. You need:

  • white and colored paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Felt-tip pens or colored pencils
  • round object for drawing circles or compasses

To draw the circles that will then serve as petals, you can use any round object if you don't have a compass at hand: a glass, a plate, a round sharpener, etc. Simply place the object on the paper and draw Trace the outline and cut out all the circles at the end. Fold them in half and glue one of the two halves onto the paper, forming flowers as shown in the picture.

Finally, draw the stems and leaves and your flower is ready. If you make small flowers with children in spring and create flowers from them, you can also use them for homemade greeting cards and send them at Easter or another occasion.

Crafts with children in spring with paper - roll up strips of paper

The so-called quillingis a very popular craft technique that is also very popular with children and can also be very simple. The paper strips are usually available ready-made at the craft store. But since you shouldn't leave the house due to the quarantine and the coronavirus, you can easily make them yourself. If you want to make these paper flowers, you will need:

  • colored paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Lineal
  • Pencil

If you are cutting the strips yourself, simply take a sheet of paper and use a pencil and ruler to draw lines at equal distances. Then cut out the strips. You then wrap each strip around the pencil to create the spirals. Depending on how thick the pen is, the size of the paper spirals also changes.

You can then paint the stems and leaves with a felt-tip pen, acrylic paint or watercolors or make them out of paper. Put a drop of glue on the paper and fix the first spiral for the center of the flowers. Then repeat this with the petals and you're done with the first flower. The idea is great for crafting with children in kindergarten in spring.

Making flowers out of paper – instructions for chrysanthemums

You will also need strips for these flowers, which you can prepare as explained above or you can use the spring flower craft templates at the end of the article. Not only colored paper is suitable. Would you rathercraft with crepe paperIf you have children in spring, you can also use this for the flowers.

Just prepare stripsin two different widths, the ends of which you then glue together to create teardrop-shaped petals. Glue the flower with the narrow stripes to the one with the wider ones. For the yellow flower center, simply roll up a strip and glue the resulting spiral onto the flower. All that's missing are the stems and leaves made of green paper.

Flower wreath for girls

Distract yourself fromStress, the Covid-19or the news about it, and try out this craft idea together with the children. If you want to do crafts with children in spring and make flowers out of paper, it is great. The flowers can be used not only for a wreath, but also for simple pictures or greeting cards.

  • colored paper
  • Scissors
  • adhesive
  • tape
  • Pencil

First, cut out a strip of green paper that is longer than the circumference of your head. Then cut out squares of any colored paper for the flowers (approx. 6 to 7.5 cm) and then fold them again into small squares. Then draw a petal of any shape on each of these small squares, with the bottom end being where the center of the large square is.

Cut out the flower and when you unfold the paper you will get a flower with four petals. You also need yellow dots for the center of the flower and leaves. Then spread flowers on the strip and a second one on top of each in a different color. Finish the flower with a yellow dot and scatter a few green leaves here and there. Place the crown around your head, pull it slightly taut and glue the ends together. Complete!

Craft ideas in spring – wind turbine with flowers

While you spend a fun afternoon crafting together, you can also use the relaxed atmosphere to spend time with yourChild talking about Covid-19and provide the most important information about it. This way, your child can survive the tense quarantine period better and not believe in the many rumors that are being told. In the meantime, make this wind turbine!

  • 2 green pipe cleaners (30 cm each)
  • small flower pot
  • brown paper
  • Square of green paper (8cm)
  • Square of yellow paper (8 cm)
  • small square of orange paper (3.5 cm)
  • Pattern clip
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Template (see bottom of article)

You can make the wind turbine a little quicker and easier if you use the spring craft templates for paper. You are also welcome to draw yourself. Take the first pipe cleaner and shape it into an infinity sign to make the leaves. Then tie the second one for the stem by bending it in the middle and twisting the two halves slightly. Cut out the templates and use them to trace the shapes onto the paper and then cut them out. The gray colored areas are those that will be glued together.

For the pinwheel, take a corner and glue it to the center point. Then leave out one corner and glue the next one back in the middle. Finally, glue all the elements together and secure them together with the pattern clip. You also attach the loop of the flower stem to the back. Crumple the brown paper into a ball and use it to fill the flower pot. Put the flower in it and you're done!

Crafts with children in spring and designing flowers with paper and acrylic

How about passing the time and making these pretty flowers with kids in spring? You need:

  • Craft cardboard or scrapbook paper (or old greeting cards for a recycling project)
  • Acrylic or finger paint
  • Buttons
  • Pipe cleaners
  • optional flower pot

Draw flowers on the cardboard and cut them out. The children then help design each petalcolored fingerprintsand the middle with a button. The finished flowers can then be glued to a picture, tied into a garland or used for other things. A nice idea is also this one from the example, in which the flowers are provided with stems and placed in half a pot.
Tipp:The project is also possible the other way around: you design the petals with buttons and the middle with a fingerprint each.

Felt flowers

Would you like to join us?Felt crafts with childrenin spring and to create flowers for a beautiful decoration? Felt flowers can be purchased ready-made, but of course you can also make them yourself. Since this material is quite easy to cut, it is also suitable for children. Glue the different flowers together and create as many layers as you like. Finally, decorate the middle with a button.

You can then glue the finished flowers to straws or wooden sticks and decorate them with ribbons. Place several of them in a vase and you'll have a spring bouquet that will last a long time. You can also make curtains, garlands and even table runners out of them.

Crafts with children in spring and making flowers for Mother's Day

Bisfor Mother's DayIt's still a while away, but you can also make the following spring flowers for another occasion or simply to decorate the house. In the video below you will find the instructions for tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. Don't you think the results are beautiful?

For the tulips you need:

  • red, yellow and green colored paper
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Gift ribbon
  • bracket monkey

Cut out several equal-sized rectangles from the green paper and place them on top of each other. Then use the spider monkey to punch a slit in the paper on the right and left along the center line. Then start rolling the paper. This is how you get the stems of the tulips, which all together form a bouquet (see video). Then cut out some green leaves and stick them between the rolls. Then cut out the flowers, cut them slightly at the bottom and put them on the rolls, where you also fix them with glue. Tie the ribbon around the bouquet.

For the hyacinth you need:

  • green and colored paper (any color for the flower)
  • Scissors
  • toothpick
  • Pencil
  • sharp knife (cutter or carpet knife – for adults only!)
  • Glue
  • optional: yarn, brown paper and small mason jar

Make a roll out of a green sheet of paper by starting at one corner and rolling the paper to the opposite corner. For the flower, cut strips of paper on one side to create fringes, which you then roll with a pencil. Cut out leaves, glue them to the stem and gently bend them outwards. Then glue three rows of fringe paper to the stem and you're done.

How you do thatMake Easter bellscan also be seen in the video instructions. You need:

  • yellow paper
  • white paper muffin cups
  • green straws
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • optional: acrylic paints, toilet roll, brushes, white paper and lace doilies to make a vase

Chrysanthemum templatehere.
Wind turbine templatehere.