The olive tree was the first to be cultivated by humans and is still one of the most widely cultivated trees in the world. Certain care measures are required, especially in winter, so that your tree can develop properly and stay alive longer. In this article we will look at how to overwinter olive trees, outdoors and indoors.
This tree is demanding on growing conditions and is not the easiest tree to grow, but it is so beautiful and exotic and definitely worth the effort. These trees require special attention, especially when they are young. Learn what olive tree care is needed in winter.
Which growing conditions are favorable for olive trees
If you overwinter your olive tree outside, you need to pay attention to the temperature. Some species are able to survive temperatures as low as -18°C, but this is more true for large, mature trees. If you want to grow olive trees in pots, you should ensure that the temperature does not drop below 5°C in winter. Prolonged temperatures of -15 °C are dangerous for olive trees. So if you experience such temperatures, you need to take precautions.
Provide access to direct sunlight. Water the tree evenly before your tree goes dormant. Make sure there is good drainage. It is important to divert water away from the trunk of the tree as much as possible during winter. In spring, when the frost has passed, start watering again.
Some protection measures are necessary during the cold months to help your tree survive the winter. Here are the most important tips to follow if you want to overwinter an olive tree in the garden.
Ensure wind protection for olive trees outdoors
It is of great importance to protect the potted olive tree from the cold wind in winter, because cold winds can damage the bark of the trees. Place the pot in the sun, next to a wall or hedge, or you can put up a windbreak. This also appliesif you have olive treesoverwinter on the balcony.
Overwintering olive trees in the garden: ensure good insulation
It is very important to keep the warmth around the roots of the tree in the cold season. A good way to achieve this is to insulate the pot with a suitable material. Use bubble wrap, winter fleece or reed mat. You can also use old sacks to wrap the pot. For even better insulation, add a layer of dry leaves wrapped in a double layer of old sacks. Straw bales are also perfect for insulating pots. Wrap the pot so that no rain can get in.
You can also wrap the tree itself in insulation material to protect it from the cold. Garden fleece from December to February (or longer if the cold continues) protects the tree from frost and wind. Leave a buffer all around so that the leaves do not touch the insulation. The goal is to prevent condensation from touching the plant.
Mulch around the roots protects the tree from freezing
Mulch the soil around the trees to protect the roots from freezing. If you overwinter your olive trees in a pot, the best option is to use organic plant mulch: it is only broken down towards the end of winter and fertilizes the soil. Note that you need to keep the mulch 10-15 cm from the base of the trunk to allow the tree to breathe.
How to overwinter olive trees indoors
It is easier to overwinter an olive tree indoors. The main thing is to protect him from the cold. Here you will find out which conditions you should observe in order to properly overwinter the tree in the pot.Note: Check your tree for pests even in winter.
Place the tree in a cool and bright place
Place your olive tree in a cool and bright place where it will not freeze. Garage, unheated greenhouse, garden shed are perfect for overwintering olive trees. Do not bring the tree into warm rooms in the house, because the heat stimulates growth, and in winter the plant must remain dormant. In winter a small portion of the leaves will fall off. This is completely normal. The tree does not need fertilizer in winter; you can only apply organic fertilizer in spring.
Mulch potted olive trees indoors
To maintain consistent temperature and soil moisture over the winter, apply a layer of mulch around the roots. Only water when the soil is completely dry and then only in small amounts. If you overwinter the tree on the balcony, in addition to the mulch layer, ensure that the pot and the tree itself are well insulated, especially if you live in a cold winter climate.