The olive tree (Olea europaea) is a typical shrub of the Mediterranean region. The ideal climate for him should provide heat in summer and a cold winter. With its evergreen leaves and slow growth, the olive tree tolerates pruning well and can even be kept quite small. Why, how and when should you prune an olive tree? We answer these questions in the article!
Yes, olive trees need pruning in some cases in order to grow well and bear fruit. Pruning the olive tree is necessary for:
- fruiting
- Good plant health
- Better development
- A nice look
- Prevention of pest infestation
- Better luminous flux in the heart of the tree
If fruit production is not that important to you, you can also prune the tree for aesthetic reasons. To get a beautiful, well-pruned tree, you should prune after winter and before the first flowers appear.
Important NOTE:You should support the olive tree well when planting it. If you are aiming for a larger tree, we recommend that you let it grow and not prune in the first few years so that it forms a trunk of 1 to 1.2 meters. If the frost has caused some damage to the olive tree, you should cut the affected branches back to living wood.
Cutting olive trees – in autumn or spring?
From the third year onwards, you can prune the olive tree to promote better development of the plant. But when exactly should you prune an established olive tree? The months of March and April are the best for this. In this way you avoid the frost period and the flowering period, which tend to stress the tree. If you want good fruit production, you should only prune the olive tree moderately in early spring, as the tree has already formed its buds the previous year.
For ornamental olive trees, small pruning is possible all year round as long as there is no risk of frost. Warm, sunny days are best for pruning.
Topiary pruning, fruit pruning, care pruning – this is how to do it correctly
The first cut of a young olive tree serves to select the leading branches, but also has the advantage of giving the tree a good shape. This is called topiary. Then we speak of fruit cutting. It gives the tree strength and productivity and thins out the plant mass, which is intended to bring light to the olives.
We recommend that you prune the tree selectively, as exposing the trunk and leading branches too much would weaken the olive tree. Contrary to popular belief, you should remember that olive trees and their branches do not particularly like the sun. If your goal is still productivity, the implementation is completely different. Then it is important to remove the branches that have already borne a lot of fruit. In this way you favor the future mothers who benefit from an excellent juice rise.
How do you shape an olive tree?
Now let’s move on to the “how”. First of all, you should equip yourself with the necessary materials to be able to work in good conditions. To enjoy the joys and benefits of gardening, yourSecateurs always clean and well sharpenedbe.
Important tip:Make sure you always use them in the right direction! The cutting part, the blade, must always remain on the side of the bud or knot, while the hook-shaped counter-blade must remain in contact with the removed part.
First, you should remove any shoots that have grown at the base of the olive tree with secateurs. Cut them close to the ground. Then clean the frame, i.e. use hand scissors to remove all branches that cover the inside and outside of the tree frame. Cut them flush with the trunk. Now it's time to start shaping. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Cut back branches that slope toward the ground.
- Light out the heart of the tree.
- Prune inward-growing branches, retaining leader branches; this promotes air circulation and thus pollination and fruit formation.
- Shorten additional branches to give your olive tree the desired shape.
A notice:The pruning technique is the same for olive trees grown in pots and those grown outdoors.
Can the olive tree tolerate radical pruning?
The olive tree is tough and can withstand severe pruning. In this context, in the Mediterranean it is not uncommon for an olive tree that has never been pruned and is therefore misshapen to be cut back to the ground. So only one strong shoot should be selected to be supported vertically while the others are removed. What is the end result? The crown can grow to the desired height by removing the shoots and side shoots to the entire desired height of the trunk. This will also allow you to grow your tree as a shrub.
Please note: In our climate, a radically pruned olive tree would take a long time to fill in the gaps. If you are growing the tree in a German garden, radical pruning is not recommended unless the tree is affected by a disease. Plan this pruning for spring, after winter dormancy, when the plant can put its full energy into regrowth.
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