Olive tree care in autumn: preparation for proper wintering in the garden or in pots

Olive trees add a touch of exoticism to every home. They need special care in the fall so that they can survive the winter and develop healthily. You will learn from this article which olive tree care is needed in autumn.

Olive trees thrive throughout the summer, but with the onset of the cold season, you may be worried about how your tree will survive the colder season. A few simple care measures can ensure proper wintering.

Olive tree care in autumn: fertilize

Feed your olive trees with potassium after the summer period. If you fertilize young olive trees with potassium fertilizer in autumn, you can increase their resistance. The potassium helps harden the branches and makes them less sensitive to frost.

Coffee grounds are good for potted olive trees. If you have coffee grounds, mulch or pine needlesplace in the pot of your olive tree, this contributes to the soil becoming acidic and having a low pH. Be careful not to add too much acid. Olives thrive in mineral-rich, well-drained soils. These do not contain a high proportion of organic matter. Therefore, avoid compost and well-rotted manure.

Note: Please note that you should no longer fertilize your olive tree after the harvest because it goes into the dormant phase.

Watering olive trees after the summer period

How much water does an olive tree need? Olive trees are surprisingly resilient. However, underwatering a tree can cause problems. The potted trees require frequent watering during the summer, usually every 3 to 5 days. Water your tree as soon as the soil dries out. In the fall and winter, you don't need to water the potted tree as often, but be careful not to let it dry out.

What damages olive trees the most in winter isn't the cold - it's the humidity. The best way to protect and winterize your olive tree is to drain excess water and provide protection and insulation. Provide good drainage to protect the roots from root rot.

How to overwinter your olive tree

There are some rules you should follow to keep your tree safe and healthy during the winter.

  • For potted plants, take the tree indoors if it is too cold outside.
  • Wind protection is of great importance.
  • Ensure good drainage.
  • Create insulation against the cold with fleece or bubble wrap.

Olive tree overwintering in the garden 

If you live in a region where it rains a lot in winter, here's what you need to do to protect your olive trees.

Provide drainage:
To create good drainage, place a mound of soil around the tree to keep water from flowing toward the trunk. No more irrigation after harvest. Likewise, do not fertilize after harvest. Do not apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer, especially in the fall.

Protecting olive trees from cold:
How can you insulate trees in the ground? First, place a layer of mulch around the base of the olive trees to protect the roots from freezing. Second, wrap the tree with insulation material. For smaller trees, a wide layer of bubble wrap or winter fleece helps to survive the first few years.

Create wind protection:
A windbreak is essential for olive trees in the ground.If you have your olive treesPlanting in front of a wall or hedge will block the coldest winds. If the tree will be exposed to cold winds, consider putting up a windbreak.

Overwinter potted trees

What winter care forpotted olive treesis necessary? To protect your potted tree from the cold, place it in the sun, near a wall. Mulch the base of your olive trees to protect them from the cold. Only water when the soil is completely dry and only in small amounts. Protect your olive trees from excessive soil moisture by not watering much. It is normal for the tree to lose some leaves during the dormant period, about 1/3 of the leaves fall off in winter.

If it gets too cold outside, move your olive tree to a cool and bright place where it won't freeze, such as a balcony. B. in a garage or a greenhouse where it is not too warm. Do not place your olive trees in warm locations in the house in winter, because the heat stimulates growth and the plant needs a rest period in winter.

Wrap the olive tree's pot to insulate it. Use a thick blanket or a layer of straw and prevent rain from entering. Cover all branches with garden fleece, but make sure the leaves do not touch it to prevent condensation from forming. This is how you can overwinter your olive tree in a pot.

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