Cutting pampas grass: When and how should the ornamental grass be prepared in spring so that it becomes a garden gem?

The pampas grass (cortaderia selloana), the friendly, evergreen representative of the sweet grass family, needs to be looked after and cared for again this year. With its height ranging from 45 cm to a whopping 3 meters and its striking, bushy, white fronds, this type of grass from America is hard to miss and has great ornamental value for everyoneGarden or front yard. But how and when should you cut pampas grass? What should you keep in mind in order to continue to enjoy the sight of this beautiful grass in the coming gardening season?

When to cut pampas grass? The optimal time

When to cut pampas grass fronds?

In the spring between March and April, as soon as the new shoots have grown about 10 to 15 cm from the mother clump, it is the right time to give the plant a heavy cut. This is necessary because thisGrass speciesgrows quite luxuriantly, ensuring the new shoots have enough space and light for the coming season.

It is important to take the weather conditions into account during this period, as the open stalks should not freeze due to moisture and low temperatures. This is also the reason why pampas grass should not be cut in autumn. The moisture and frost that penetrate the open stalks would create a target for rot and damage or even destroy the plant.

The ornamental grass also offers a beautiful sight in winter. You can lightly tie the stalks together before winter to protect them during the cold months. So before you cut, the worst of the frost should be over. However, don't wait too long because you could risk damaging the new shoots with the cut.

Cutting or cleaning pampas grass?

If the grass is not still green, you should cut it about 20-30 cm above the ground, in any case above the new shoots, with sharp garden shears or hedge shears. However, if the grass is still green, cutting should be avoided and the grass should be cleaned in this case.

You do this as follows: Run your hands through the leaves and remove dead foliage and coarse residue from the winter. So to speak, you should carefully comb out the leaves with your hands. But be careful – the leaves are sharp and even have barbs. Therefore, you should definitely make sure to wear good gardening gloves and long sleeves for this step.

Cutting pampas grass: instructions

HowI prune in the springPampasgras?

You should also make sure you have the right protective clothing when cutting. Protective clothing should consist of sturdy gardening gloves, long trousers and a long-sleeved top. You should also have safety glasses ready. The old stems must be cut close to the ground, about 20 cm from the ground, in any case above the fresh shoots.

Cut pampas grass correctly

Grab a bundle of the grass and boldly cut it off above the shoots, about 20 cm above the ground, with sharp secateurs or hedge trimmers. In this way, you work your way through the entire plant horst piece by piece in individual sections. Do the same with the grasses that are not green from last summer.

How deep do you cut pampas grass?

Cutting pampas grass: the right height

It is not enough to just cut the top fronds from the pampas grass. Since the plant grows very quickly and lushly, radical pruning is necessary. As already described, the cutting height should be around 20 cm above the ground. It is important to ensure that the young plant shoots are not damaged. Even if this might seem a bit daring to you, give the young shoots a trydes Ziergrasesthe light and growing space they need.