Your pampas grass isn't sprouting and you're wondering why? We have summarized the possible reasons for the late sprouting of the ornamental grass.
Pampas grass does not sprout: When does the ornamental grass start to grow?
If the pampas grass doesn't grow after you cut it back, you wonder what could be the problem. Slow growth after rest is not always a problem. The late budding is often due to unfavorable weather conditions and sometimes to the variety.
Pampas grass does not sprout particularly quickly. The first stalks appear in mid-May to the end of June. We can still wait for the fronds - only female specimenscarry the flower frondsand only from the beginning of July. The flowering period does not begin until late summer, but depending on the variety it can extend into early autumn. In many cases, the late sprouting of ornamental grass is completely normal and you just have to be patient. Sometimes slow growth can also indicate care errors or incorrect location.
Pampas grass not growing? These are the possible causes
If the pampas grass does not grow by mid-May and the first stalks have not appeared by this time, then it could be due to incorrect care or the wrong location. We have summarized the most common causes of slow growth:
Pampas grass not sprouting? Wrong location
The wrong location can have a negative impact on the ornamental grass. Last year the grass was the tallest plant in the bed in the sun. This year, however, it will be shaded by other, fast-growing trees and shrubs. If pampas grass doesn't get enough sunlight, it can slow its growth.
Pampas grass not growing after pruning? Nitrogen deficiency
If the blades of grass grow very slowly, turn yellow and no flowers form at all, then it could be due to nutrient-poor soil. Regular fertilization with nitrogen fertilizer can remedy the deficiency. Our tip: Have the soil tested in the laboratory at the beginning of the gardening season. This way you know exactly what problems you might encounter and also receive tips and possible solutions.
Slow growth and yellow stalks: Poor drainage
Poor drainage in the container or clayey, impermeable soil can slow the plant's growth. Especially with clay soil, the consequences of waterlogging only become apparent in the following year. So it may be that the grass was developing splendidly last yearand lush flowersformed. However, the waterlogging means that the roots become muddy next year and can no longer absorb water properly. This affects growth and flower formation.
Why isn't my pampas grass coming? Too much pruning
If the pampas grass has been cut back too much or incorrectly, it can only recover slowly. A large number of the stalks will never grow again, no matter what you do. Flower production also decreases.
Sometimes the ornamental grass has simply suffered too much frost damage and cannot be saved. But most of the time it takes a lot of patience and a bit of luck - and the stalks will show up again in the next few years. If you have a problem like this, you shouldn't give it up too quickly and should rather wait and leave the grass alone until it sprouts again.
To transplant pampas grass or not to transplant it: Which is better for the grass?
Depending on what is causing the slow growth in spring, the pampas grass can be relocated or allowed to grow in the same location.
In case of nitrogen deficiencyIt is best to leave the plant in its old location and give it regular fertilizer over the next 3 to 4 weeks.
With poor drainageOn the other hand, it is better to transplant the pampas grass. The quicker you solve the problem, the higher the chance that the ornamental grass will recover. You can also possibly leave the grass in the old location and incorporate sand or clay into the soil. In this way you will increase the soil permeability and avoid waterlogging.
Does that grow?Ornamental grass in the shadeother plants only one thing helps: moving them. The exotic needs a lot of direct sunlight to thrive and will feel uncomfortable in the partial shade or shade of a tall tree.
With one toostrong pruningIt is better to leave the plant in its old location. Transplanting will put additional stress on it and it may die.
If pampas grass does not sprout, then it is a question of incorrect care or the wrong location. You can fix the problem if you quickly improve growing conditions.