Growing peppers indoors: step-by-step instructions and care tips for growing the popular vegetable

Many gardeners love to choose different types of vegetables for their own garden. Read this article in which we show you how to prefer peppers and how to sow and care for the seeds correctly. We answer all questions about sowing and caring for the seedlings so that we can make it easier for you to grow this popular vegetable.

Photo: Jozef_Culak / shutterstock

Grow your own peppers

Growing peppers is quite simple, but you still need to know some of the subtleties of sowing. If you follow all the requirements, the seeds will sprout quickly.

There are many ways,Paprikato sow on seedlings. Today we will tell you about the simplest one.

When to prefer peppers in the house

When sowing peppers, it is very important to choose the right time. When do you prefer peppers? Experts recommend sowing pepper seeds 2.5 months before planting in open ground.

Of course, you can sow peppers earlier, but then you will have to rely on professional lamps for lighting. If you don't do this, the seedlings will be weak.

What should you pay attention to before sowing peppers?

Photo: Marco de Benedictis / shutterstock

Before sowing, it is advisable to germinate the pepper seeds in a warm, humid place so that they germinate better.

  • You can moisten a cotton disk in warm water, place the seeds on top, and cover them with a second cotton disk.
  • We mark each cotton disc with a number so as not to mix up the varieties.
  • Place them in a plastic container, cover with a lid and place next to the heater. You can prefer peppers on the windowsill where it is warm and bright.

Also interesting:Prefer tomatoes: 7 insider tips for successful sowing and cultivation

Which soil for the seeds?

Which soil is suitable for peppers? Let's prepare a nutrient mixture in advance. It consists of:

  • Garden soil (2 parts)
  • Hummus (1 Teil)
  • Sand (1 part).

The mixture is mixed well and treated with a 1-2% solution of manganese as desired.

How to prepare the seeds

To improve immunity, the seeds are hardened. During the day they are kept in a warm room at +20 to +22º C, and at night we put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is within +2 to +3º C. Curing takes approximately 3-5 days.

Note: Be careful when curing. Only cure dry, non-germinated seeds.

How to prefer peppers: step-by-step

Foto: oleg_picolli / shutterstock

The easiest way to prepare peppers forPlanting seedlings, consists of the following steps.

  • We fill the container with the prepared soil, but not to the very top, a little more than half is enough.
  • Water the soil and compact it slightly.
  • Now we distribute the seeds in the rows.
  • Cover the seeds with soil. The seeds should be at a depth of no more than 1 centimeter.
  • Water the seeds and place the container in a warm place with a temperature of 25-28 degrees Celsius so that they can germinate properly.

Also read:Which plants should you prefer in January? Start the new year with vegetables for the kitchen garden!

When do pepper seeds germinate?

If the seeds are good, they will definitely germinate. Pepper seeds germinate on the 4th to 5th day. If you prefer your own pepper plants, always use fresh seeds, because with each passing year some of the seeds lose their ability to germinate.

How to care for the seedlings (light, water, temperature, fertilizer)

Foto: atsurkan / shutterstock

Licht:After the green “loops” appear, the seedlings need adequate lighting. Place the containers in a bright place. If natural light is not enough, the seedlings need additional lighting.

Temperature:After germination, reduce the temperature to 20-22 degrees Celsius. Due to the high humidity, the room is well ventilated (without drafts).

Irrigation:Keep the soil evenly moist, but do not overwater. The earth should not dry out either. We water every 2-3 days. After 3-4 leaflets are formed, we switch to daily watering. The water for irrigation is necessarily heated to +20 degrees Celsius.

Fertilizer:In the initial phase of plant development, the seedlings do not need anyadditional nutrients– these are already contained in the seeds. After germination, we feed the seedlings twice.

The first feedingis carried out in the phase of 2 to 3 true leaves with mineral fertilizer. After fertilizing, watering must be carried out to wash off the fertilizer residues, as they can cause burns to the young leaves.

The second fertilizationis carried out 7-10 days before planting outdoors with the same composition. However, if the seedlings grow strongly, nitrogen fertilizers are not used during the second fertilization.

Hardening off pepper seedlings

We harden the seedlings 2 weeks before planting. Gradually reduce the amount and frequency of watering. Allow the top crust of the soil mixture to dry out. Reduce the temperature in the room to the level of the outside air. This is how you will successfully prefer peppers.

Also read:Pepper plants don't grow: What are the most common causes and what you can do about it!